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COVID-19 in the News June 18th- 29th
Published on Jun 30, 2020

MMP remains committed to continuing to monitor for COVID-19 updates specific to our reader base. This week we highlight key updates spanning from June 18th – 29th.  

Resource Spotlight This Week: CDC Social Media Toolkit

The CDC Social Media Toolkit was created to help localize efforts in responding to the virus that causes COVID-19. The following messages and graphics are available to help in this effort:

  • Ensure current, correct messaging from a trusted source,
  • Create collateral materials, and
  • Share resources.

“All graphics and suggested messages are available for use on social media profiles and web pages.

Within this guide you will find information and suggested messages from our COVID-19 response. For more images and CDC content you can visit our Communication Resources page. All social media content is public domain and free to use by anyone for any purpose without restriction under copyright law. Please remember to use the #COVID19 hashtag when tweeting out any COVID-19 related content.”

June 18, 2020: JAMA Network Article: Disparities in Coronavirus 2019 Reported Incidence, Knowledge, and Behavior Among US Adults

The authors of this JAMA Network article undertook this endeavor “to determine the association of sociodemographic characteristics with reported incidence, knowledge, and behavior regarding COVID-19 among US adults.”

US National Survey Parameters:

  • Survey was conducted electronically from March 29 to April 13, 2020,
  • Survey “oversampled COVID-19 hotspot areas,” and
  • Participant criterion included age ≥ 18 years old and residence in the US.

Researchers found that African American participants, men, and people younger than 55 years showed less COVID-19-related knowledge than other groups. Survey results detailed in this article also provides insight into the probability of having COVID-19 or knowing someone who does, knowledge about the spread of and symptoms of COVID-19, and factors associated with hand washing and leaving the house.


June 19, 2020: MLN MM11742 Long Term Hospital (LTCH) Prospective Payment System (PPS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Pricer Revised

MLN article MM11742 was revised to reflect a revised Change Request (CR) 11742 also issued on June 19th. CMS made the following revisions to CR 11742:

  • Revise the COVID-19 blanket waiver for the LTCH ALOS policy,
  • To include revising the effective date and policy section, and
  • Revise the CR release date, transmittal number, and web address of the CR.

June 19, 2020: American Hospital Association (AHA) urges HHS to extend Public Health Emergency (PHE)

In a letter to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), AHA President and Chief Executive Officer, Richard J. Pollack urged “to extend the public health emergency beyond its current July 25, 2020 expiration date so health care providers can continue to offer the most efficient and effective care possible during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.” Mr. Pollack urged for the continuance of the PHE until four criteria outlined in the letter are met.

June 22, 2020: CMS Press Release: Call to Action Based on New Data Detailing COVID-19 Impacts on Medicare Beneficiaries

In a June 22nd Press Release, CMS is calling for a renewed commitment to value-based care based on Medicare claims data providing an early look at the impact of COVID-19 on the Medicare population. The initial data reflects claims with a COVID-19 diagnosis (B97.29 from 1/1/2020 – 3/31/2020) and U07.1 (starting 4/1/2020) billed in any of the 25 diagnosis code fields on the claim or encounter record with a date of service from January 1st through May 16, 2020. Data is broken down by Medicare beneficiaries’ state, race/ethnicity, age, gender, dual eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid, and urban/rural locations. Moving forward, CMS indicates that this data will be updated monthly.

“The data shows that older Americans and those with chronic health conditions are at the highest risk for COVID-19 and confirms long-understood disparities in health outcomes for racial and ethnic minority groups and among low-income populations.” This Press Release includes a link to more information on the Medicare COVID-19 data, an FAQ document related to the data release, and a blog by CMS Administrator Seema Verma.

June 25, 2020: Changes to Staffing Information and Quality Measures Posted on the Nursing Home Compare Website and Five Star Quality Rating System Due to the COVID-19 PHE

CMS announced the following changes in a Memorandum Summary:

  • “Staffing Measures and Ratings Domain: On July 29, 2020, Staffing measures and star ratings will be held constant, and based on data submitted for Calendar Quarter 4 2019.
  • Also, CMS is ending the waiver of the requirement for nursing homes to submit staffing data through the Payroll-Based Journal System. Nursing homes must submit data for Calendar Quarter 2 by August 14, 2020.
  • Quality Measures: On July 29, 2020, quality measures based on a data collection period ending December 31, 2019 will be held constant.”


June 25, 2020: CDC Revises Who is at Risk for Severe Illness from COVID-19

On June 25th, the CDC made revisions to the list of people at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19. They noted that revisions were made to reflect data available as of May 29, 2020, and as new information becomes available, they will again update the information.

With this update comes several changes to the list of conditions. Prior to this update the CDC had indicated that “older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19:

  • People aged 65 years and older,
  • People living in a nursing home or long-term care facility,
  • Other high-risk conditions include:
  • People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma,
  • People who have serious heart conditions,
  • People who are immunocompromised including cancer treatment,
  • People of any age with severe obesity (Body Mass Index [BMI] >40) or certain underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well controlled, such as those with diabetes, renal failure, or liver disease might also be at risk,
  • People who are pregnant should be monitored since they are known to be at risk with severe viral illness, however, to date data on COVID-19 has not shown increased risk,
  • Many conditions can cause a person to be immunocompromised, including cancer treatment, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDs, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications.

The June 25th revisions indicate that people of any age with the following conditions are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19:

  • Chronic Kidney Disease,
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,
  • Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant,
  • Obesity (body mass index {BMI} of 30 or higher),
  • Serious heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies,
  • Sickle cell disease,
  • Type 2 Diabetes, and
  • Children who are medically complex, who have neurologic, genetic, metabolic conditions, or who have congenital heart disease are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 than other children.

June 26, 2020: Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) Response to the Public Health Emergency on COVID-19 MLN Article Revised Again

MLN Article SE20011 initially released on March 16, 2020 has been updated twice in the past week and is now in its eight iteration. First, on June 19th, a revision added the section, “Medicare Coverage of COVID-19 Testing for Nursing Home Residents and Patients.” Following is an excerpt from the information added to this MLN article:

“Starting on July 6, 2020, and for the duration of the public health emergency, consistent with sections listed below of CDC guidelines titled, “Interim SARS-CoV-2 Testing Guidelines for Nursing Home Residents and Healthcare Personnel,” Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans will cover diagnostic COVID-19 lab tests and non-cover tests not considered diagnostic.

  • Viral Testing of Residents for SARS-CoV-2
  • Initial Viral Testing in Response to an Outbreak
  • Recommended testing to determine resolution of infection with SARS-CoV-2
  • Public health surveillance for SARS-CoV-2

Tests that are considered non-diagnostic are not covered.”

This article was again updated on June 26th to add a section titled Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Benefit Period Waiver – Provider Information and Billing Instruction. In this update CMS provides examples of when to document on the claims that a patient meets the requirement SNF requirement waiver.

June 28, 2020: CDC Updates Considerations for Wearing Cloth Face Coverings

On June 28th the CDC updated this webpage and is recommending people wear cloth face coverings in public settings and when around people outside of their household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. You will find information about the following on this webpage:

  • Evidence for effectiveness of cloth face coverings,
  • Who should wear a cloth face covering,
  • Who should not wear a cloth face covering,
  • Feasibility and Adaptations,
  • Face shields,
  • Surgical Masks, and
  • Links to recent studies.

June 29, 2020: New Supplies of Remdesivir for the United States

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced an agreement to secure more than 500, 000 treatment courses of Remdesivir for the US from Gilead Sciences through September. Per the announcement “hospitals will receive the product shipped by AmerisourceBergen and will pay no more than Gilead’s Wholesale Acquisition Price (WAC), which amounts to approximately $3,200 per treatment course.”

Daniel O’Day, Chairman and CEO of Gilead Sciences indicated in a related Open Letter that normal pricing of a medicine is according to the value provided and cites an approximately $12,000 hospital savings per patient. He went on to indicate that “We have decided to price remdesivir well below this value. To ensure broad and equitable access at a time of urgent global need, we have set a price for governments of developed countries of $390 per vial. Based on current treatment patterns, the vast majority of patients are expected to receive a 5-day treatment course using 6 vials of remdesivir, which equates to $2,340 per patient.”

Beth Cobb

COVID-19 in the News June 15th - 22nd
Published on Jun 23, 2020
 | Coding 

MMP remains committed to continuing to monitor for COVID-19 updates specific to our reader base. This week we highlight key updates spanning from June 15th – 22nd.

Resource Spotlight This Week:

This week’s COVID-19 resource spotlight is on the HHS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Home webpage. The HHS indicates that they and their federal partners “are working together with state, local, tribal and territorial governments, public health officials, health care providers, researchers, private sector organizations and the public to execute a whole-of-America response to the COVID-19 pandemic to protect the health and safety of the American people.” Following is a list of a few of the topics related to COVID-19 available on this webpage:

  • CARES Act Provider Relief Fund,
  • Testing,
  • Telehealth, and
  • Mental Health and Coping.

June 15, 2020: FDA Revokes Emergency Use Authorization for Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine

The FDA has revoked the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the use of these two drugs in treating COVID-19. They indicated in a News Release that “Based on its ongoing analysis of the EUA and emerging scientific data, the FDA determined that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are unlikely to be effective in treating COVID-19 for the authorized uses in the EUA. Additionally, in light of ongoing serious cardiac adverse events and other potential serious side effects, the known and potential benefits of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine no longer outweigh the known and potential risks for the authorized use.” At the same time of the News Release, the FDA posted a related FAQ Document.

June 15, 2020: FDA Warns of Newly Discovered Potential Drug Interaction Related to Remdesiver

On June 15th, in addition to revoking the EUA for Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine, the FDA posted another News Release warning health care providers that “Based on a recently completed non-clinical laboratory study, the FDA is revising the fact sheet for health care providers that accompanies the drug to state that co-administration of remdesivir and chloroquine phosphate or hydroxychloroquine sulfate is not recommended as it may result in reduced antiviral activity of remdesivir. The agency is not aware of instances of this reduced activity occurring in the clinical setting but is continuing to evaluate all data related to remdesivir.”

June 16, 2020: Applying COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Strategies in Nursing Homes

On Tuesday June 16th, the CDC hosted a webinar where presenters used case-based scenarios to discuss how to apply infection prevention and control guidance for nursing home and other long-term care facilities. A recording of the call and slide deck are available on the CDC Clinical Outreach and Communications (COCA) Calls/Webinars webpage.

June 17, 2020: Senate Health Committee Chair: Make the Two Most Important COVID-19 Telehealth Policy Changes Permanent

A June 17, 2020 Press Release provides remarks made by Senate health committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) during the “Telehealth: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic” committee hearing.

Senator Alexander noted that “As dark as this pandemic event has been, it creates an opportunity to learn from and act upon these three months of intensive telehealth experiences, specifically what permanent changes need to be made in federal and state policies.” Specifically, Alexander said the following two changes should be permanent:

  • Permanently extend policy changes allowing physicians to be reimbursed for telehealth appointment wherever the patient is located, including the patient’s home, and
  • Permanently extent the policy change that nearly doubled the number of telehealth services that could be reimbursed by Medicare.

He also indicated that there are 29 other temporary federal policy changes that could also be considered for being made permanent. You can view the entire Press Release at

Link to White Paper: Preparing for the Next Pandemic by Senator Lamar Alexander:

June 18, 2020: COVID-19 Diagnostic Laboratory Tests: Billing for Clinician Services

CMS provided the following reminders in the June 18, 2020 edition of their weekly MLNConnects eNewsletter:

“Physicians and Non-Physician Practitioners (NPPs): Here are several reminders related to billing for COVID-19 symptom and exposure assessment and specimen collection performed on and after March 1, 2020:

  • Use CPT Code 99211 to bill for assessment and collection provided by clinical staff (such as pharmacists) incident to your services, unless you are reporting another Evaluation and Management (E/M) code for concurrent services. This applies to all patients, not just established patients.
  • Submit the CS modifier with 99211 (or other E/M code for assessment and collection) to waive cost sharing.
  • Contact your Medicare Administrative Contractor if you did not include the CS modifier when you submitted 99211 so they can reopen and reprocess the claim.
  • We will automatically reprocess claims billed for 99211 that we denied due to place of service editing.”

June 19, 2020: Weekly Update of Nursing Home COVID-19 Data as of June 7, 2020

CMS has posted the second set of COVID-19 Nursing Home Data as of June 7th and is available at

Residents Cases and Deaths as of June 7, 2020:

  • 107,389 total confirmed cases of COVID-19,
  • 71,278 total suspected cases of COVID-19, and
  • 29,497 total deaths attributed to COVID-19.

Moving forward this data will be updated weekly. In addition to the data release, CMS has released additional FAQs on Nursing Home COVID-19 data at

June 19, 2020: Medicare Coverage of COVID-19 Testing for Nursing Home Residents and Patients

CMS announced in a June 19th, 2020 Special Edition MLNConnects that they have instructed Medicare Administrative Contractors and notified Medicare Advantage plans that they “must continue not to charge cost sharing (including deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance) or apply prior authorization or other utilization management requirements for COVID-19 tests and testing-related services.”

June 19, 2020: FDA Letter: Stop Using COVID-19 Antibody Tests on the FDA’s “Removed” Test List

On June 19th, the FDA issued a Letter to Clinical Laboratory Staff and Health Care Providers with the recommendation to stop using COVID-19 antibody tests listed on their “removed” test list.” “The “removed” test list includes tests in which significant clinical performance problems were identified that cannot be or have not been addressed by the commercial manufacturer in a timely manner, tests for which an Emergency Use Authorization request has not been submitted by a commercial manufacturer of a serology test within a reasonable period of time as outlined in the FDA’s guidance, and tests voluntarily withdrawn by the respective commercial manufacturers.”

Beth Cobb

June Medicare Transmittals and Other Updates
Published on Jun 23, 2020



Quarterly Influenza Virus Vaccine Code Update – July 2020

  • Article Release Date: January 31, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: The influenza virus vaccine code set is updated on a quarterly basis. Reminder, effective for claims processed with dated of service on or after July 1, 2020, influenza virus vaccine code 90694 (influenza virus vaccine, quadrivalent (allV4), inactivated, adjuvanted, preservative free, 0.5 ml dosage, for intramuscular use) is payable by Medicare.
  • MLN MM11603:

July 2020 Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) Specification Version 21.2

  • Article Release Date: June 5, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article provides the I/OCE instructions and specifications for the I/OCE employed under the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and non-OPPS. The specifications are for:
  • Hospital outpatient departments
  • Community mental health centers
  • All non-OPPS hospital providers
  • For limited services when provided in a Home Health Agency (HHA) not under the HH Prospective Payment System (PPS) or to a hospice patient for the treatment of a non-terminal illness. The I/OCE specifications will be posted at
  • MLN Matters MM11792:

July 2020 Update of the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS)

  • Article Release Date: June 5, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: The following list highlights the main topics included in this document:
  • COVID-19 Laboratory Tests and Services and Other Laboratory Tests Coding Update,
  • Status Indicator Changes for Certain Virtual Services,
  • New Telehealth Code for a Telehealth Distant Site Service Furnished by a Rural Health Clinical (RHC) or Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Only,
  • New CPT Category III Codes Effective July 1, 2020,
  • CPT Proprietary Laboratory Analysis (PLA) Coding Changes Effective July 1, 2020,
  • Hemodialysis Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF) Procedures: Replacement Codes for HCPCS Codes C9754 and C9755,
  • Device Pass-Through Updates,
  • Changes to Certain Device Offsets for 2020,
  • Drugs, Biologicals, and Radiopharmaceuticals,
  • Skin Substitutes – New Products,
  • New Separately Payable Procedure Codes – Surgical Procedures,
  • New HCPCS Codes Describing Strain-Encoded Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI),
  • New HCPCS Codes Describing Peripheral Intravascular Lithotripsy,
  • Supervision of Outpatient Therapeutic Services,
  • MLN MM11814:

July Quarterly Update for the 2020 Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Fee Schedule

  • Article Release Date: June 5, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article informs DME MACs about changes to the DMEPOS fee schedules that are updated quarterly, when necessary, in order to implement fee schedule amounts for new and existing codes, as applicable, and apply changes in payment policies.

Note, this update includes guidance from the interim final rule with comment period (CMS-5531-IFC) entitled “Medicare and Medicaid Programs, Basic Health Program, and Exchanges; Additional Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and Delay of Certain Reporting Requirements for the Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program” published in the Federal Register May 8, 2020. This final rule implements a section of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act regarding fee schedule adjustments.

Quarterly Update for the Temporary Gap Period of the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) – October 2020

  • Article Release Date: June 5, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: Medicare Updates the DMEPOS CBP files on a quarterly basis to implement necessary changes to HCPCS, ZIP code, and supplier files. Related Change Request CR 11819 provides specific instruction for implementing the DMEPOS CBP files.
  • MLN MM11819:

Quarterly Update for Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule and Laboratory Services Subject to Reasonable Charge Payment

  • Article Release Date: June 12, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article informs labs about changes in the quarterly update. Several of the updates are specific to guidance regarding lab testing related to COVID-19.
  • MLN MM11815:




Implement Operating Rules – Phase III Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange (CORE) 360 Uniform Use of Claim Adjustment Reason Codes (CARC), Remittance Advise Remark Codes (RARC) and Claim Adjustment Group Code (CAGC) Rule – Update from Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) CORE

  • Article Release Date: May 22, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: Informs you of updates the MACs and Shared System Maintainers (SSMs) will make to systems based on the CORE 360 Uniform use of CARC, RARC, CAGC rule publications. Updates are based on the CORE Combination Codes List to be published on or about June 1, 2020.
  • MLN Matters MM11709:

New Point of Origin Code for Transfer from a Designated Disaster Alternate Care Site

  • Article Release Date: June 12, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: Code “G” is a new Point of Origin (PoO) code to indicate a “transfer from a Designated Disaster Alternative Care Site (ACS),” due to changes relative to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE).
  • MLN MM11836:




International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) and Other Coding Revisions to National Coverage Determinations (NCDs)—October 2020 Update

  • Article Release Date: May 1, 2020 – Rescinded May 26, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article was rescinded on May 26, 2020, as the related Change Request (CR) 11749, Transmittal 10092, dated May 1, 2020, was rescinded in its entirety. Therefore, any coding changes to NCD 90.2, Next Generation Sequencing are null and void.
  • MLN MM11749:


Supplier Education on Use of Upgrades for Multi-Function Ventilators

  • Article Release Date: May 29, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article was revised to show that the policy on use of multi-function ventilators, as discussed in the “What You Need to Know” section, is a permanent change.
  • MLN SE20012:


Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Model – Implementation of the Hospice Benefit Component

  • Article Release Date: May 29, 2020 – Revised June 9, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article provides information about the hospice benefit component associated with the VBID Model being tested by the CMS Innovation Center and starting in Calendar Year (CY) 2021. CMS highlights that “providers MUST still submit claims for these services to Medicare.” CMS revised this MLN article on June 9th to reflect a revised CR 11754 issued on June 9th.
  • MLN Matters MM11754:

NCD (20.32) Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)

  • Article Release Date: March 24, 2020 – Revised June 10, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article was revised to reflect formatting revisions in Change Request 11660. The substance of the article was not altered.
  • MLN MM11660:




National Coverage Determination (NCD) 160.18 Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

  • Article Release Date: June 1, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: Change Request (CR) 11461 was published on May 22, 2020 highlighting that new to NCD 160.16, for claims with a date of service on or after February 15, 2019, the CMS covers FDA-approved VNS devices for treatment-resistant depression through Coverage with Evidence Development (CED) when all reasonable and necessary criteria are met. The accompanying MLN article was released on June 1, 2020.
  • MLN MM11461:

Other Medicare Updates


Prior Authorization (PA) Program for Certain Hospital Outpatient Department (ODP) Services CMS Operational Guide and FAQs

In last May CMS released an Operational Guide and FAQs related to this Program set to begin July 1, 2020.

2021 ICD-10-PCS Codes for Discharges Occurring from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021

On May 28, 2020, CMS posted the 2021 Official ICD-10-PCS Coding Guidelines, Code Tables, and Addendum on the 2021 ICD-10-PCD CMS webpage.

KEPRO Case Review Connections: Acute Care Edition: Summer 2020

KEPRO published their Summer 2020 Case Review Connections e-newsletter. Topics included in this newsletter includes:

  • Medical Director’s Corner,
  • A Reminder About Appeals Cases,
  • Updates from CMS Related to COVID-19,
  • An Immediate Advocacy Success Story,
  • Frequently Asked Questions, and
  • Staff Education about BFCC-QIO Services.

June 17, 2020 CMS Proposed Rule: Establishing Minimum Standards in Medicaid State Drug Utilization (DUR) and Supporting Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) for Drugs Covered in Medicaid, Revising Medicaid Drug Rebate and Third Party Liability (TPL) Requirements (CMS 2482-P)

CMS Administrator Seema Verma noted in a Press Release that “CMS’s rules for ensuring that Medicaid receives the lowest price available for prescription drugs have not been updated in thirty years and are blocking the opportunity for markets to create innovative payment models…by modernizing our rules, we are creating opportunities for drug manufacturers to have skin in the game through payment arrangement that challenge them to put their money where their mouth is.”

The Press Release includes links to a related Fact Sheet and the Proposed Rule. CMS is accepting comments no later than 5 p.m. on July 20, 2020. 

COVID-19 in the News June 8th - June 15th
Published on Jun 16, 2020

MMP remains committed to continuing to monitor for COVID-19 updates specific to our reader base. This week we highlight key updates spanning from June 8th – June 15th

Weekly COVID-19 Resource Spotlight: CDC Communication Toolkit for Migrants, Refugees, and Other Limited-English-Proficient Populations

According to the CDC, the Toolkit Communication Toolkit was created to help public health professionals, health departments, community organizations, and healthcare systems and providers reach populations who may need COVID-19 prevention messaging in their native languages. Currently there are materials available in 28 languages ranging from Amharic to Vietnamese. The toolkit provides:

  • Current messaging from a trusted source.
  • Information in plain language available for downloading and sharing.
  • Translated materials to help communities disseminate messages to a wider audience.

June 8, 2020: Addressing the Disparate Impact of COVID-19 on African Americans and Other Racial and Ethnic Minorities.

This HHS Office of Civil Rights Fact Sheet details initiatives underway to address the disparate impact of COVID-19 on African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities. A link to this document as well as other COVID-19 Announcements can be found on the HHS Civil Rights and COVID-19 webpage.

June 8, 2020: New FDA Webpages: Innovation to Respond to COVID-19 and Education Resources

In their June 8th COVID-19 Update: Daily Roundup, the FDA announced that they had published two new web pages to help the public access information:

June 9, 2020: CMS Recommendations for Re-Opening Facilities to Provide Non-emergent Non-COVID-19 Healthcare and a Guide for Patients as they consider In-Person Care Options

As the country moves towards “re-opening our towns” CMS has provided two documents for consideration during this transition. First is a guide for patients and beneficiaries as they consider “in-person” care options. Recommendations for the following topics can be found in this guide:

  • Do Not Postpone Necessary Care.
  • Is It Safe to Go to your Doctor or Hospital?
  • Consider Telehealth or Virtual Visits.
  • What to Expect when you Seek Healthcare.
  • Should I get tested for COVID-19 before seeking healthcare?
  • Vulnerable Populations: When Possible, Stay Home.

This new guide is available in English and Spanish.

Second, is CMS’ document providing recommendations for re-opening facilities to provide non-emergent, Non-COVID-19 healthcare. The recommendations are intended for states or regions who have determined with their public health officials that they have passed the Gating Criteria (symptoms, cases, and hospitals) announced on April 16, 2020, proceeded to Phase I, and are now ready for Phase II of re-opening. In this document, CMS recommends:

  • Optimization of telehealth services, when available and appropriate, to minimize the need for in-person services.
  • All individuals at higher risk for severe COVID-19 illness should continue to shelter in place unless an in-person healthcare visit is warranted.
  • The phased recommendations in this document “may guide healthcare systems, providers, and facilities as they consider delivering in-person care to non-COVID-19 patients in regions with lower or declining-without-rebound, levels of COVID-19.”

You can read more in a June 9th Press Release that includes links to both of these documents.

June 10, 2020: COVID-19 FAQs for Non Long-Term Care Facilities and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICFs/IIDs)

CMS released this FAQ Document on June 10th and indicates that “The purpose of this FAQs document is to clarify existing guidance and flexibilities and provide stakeholders with additional information based on questions received regarding the following entities:

  • Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs)
  • Hospitals & Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs)
  • Hospice
  • Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICFs/IID)
  • Rural Health Clinics (RHCs)/Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs).”

June 10, 2020: Using Telehealth to Expand Access to Essential Health Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The CDC has created a webpage dedicated to the use of telehealth. Their purpose in providing this guidance is “to describe the landscape of telehealth services and provide considerations for healthcare systems, practices, and providers using telehealth services to provide virtual care during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. As of June 10th, you will find the following on this webpage:

  • Telehealth background,
  • Telehealth modalities,
  • Benefits and Potential Uses for Telehealth,
  • Strategies to Increase Telehealth Update,
  • Telehealth Reimbursement,
  • Safeguards for Telehealth Services,
  • Potential Limitations of Telehealth, and

June 12, 2020: CMS One-Time Notification: New Point of Origin Code for Transfer from a Designated Disaster Alternate Care Site

This Change Request (CR) 11836 implements a new Point of Origin (PoO) Code “G” to indicate a “Transfer from a Designated Disease Alternative Care Site (ACS),” due to changes relative to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.

“Background: The National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) practice is to align Discharge Status Codes and Point of Origin (PoO) Codes whenever possible. It came to the Committee's attention that there is a Discharge Status Code for Alternate Care Sites (ACS) but no specific matching PoO Code. Relative to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, NUBC created a new Point of Origin (PoO) Code "G" to be effective 07/01/2020, and defined as "Transfer From a Designated Disaster Alternate Care Site."

June 12, 2020: OCR Issues Guidance on HIPAA and Contacting Former COVID-19 Patients about Blood and Plasma Donation

The OCR has released a document answering the question of whether or not covered healthcare providers are permitted to use protected health information (PHI) to identify and contact patients who have recovered from COVID-19 to provide them with information about donating blood and plasma that could help other COVID-19 patients. The short answer is yes. As the late Andy Rooney would say, you can find the entire two page document for “the rest of the story” on the HIPAA and COVID-19 webpage.

June 13, 2020: HHS Awards $15 Million to Support Telehealth Providers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that they have awarded $15 million to 159 organizations across five health workforce programs to increase telehealth capabilities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These awards are funded through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

HHS indicated in the announcement that “these investments will train students, physicians, nurses, physician assistants, allied health and other high-demand professionals in telehealth. This will enable these professionals to maximize telehealth for COVID-19 referrals for screening and testing, case management, outpatient care, and other essential care during the crisis.”

This announcement provides a link to the complete list of award recipients.

Beth Cobb

COVID-19 in the News June 1st - June 8th
Published on Jun 09, 2020

MMP remains committed to continuing to monitor for COVID-19 updates specific to our reader base. This week we highlight key updates spanning from June 1st through June 8th.

Resource Spotlight This Week:

As our nation works to “re-open” and move forward towards a “new normal,” it is important to understand Policy Actions in your state and states you may be traveling to. This week’s spotlight resource can help provide that information. On June 3rd the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) published the State Data and Policy Actions to Address Coronavirus. Following is a list of key information that is available on this webpage:

  • COVID-19: Confirmed cases & Deaths by State,
  • State Social Distancing Actions,
  • State COVID-19 Health Policy Actions,
  • State Actions on Telehealth,
  • State Reports of Long-Term Care Facility Cases and Deaths Related to COVID-19 (as of May 28, 2020),
  • Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities Related to COVID-19 (as of May 7, 2020),
  • Adults at Higher Risk of Serious Illness if Infected with Coronavirus,
  • Medicaid Expansion Status and Health Insurance Coverage,
  • Private Insurance Deductibles and Self-Insured Plans,
  • Health Care Provider Capacity, and
  • Influenza and Pneumonia Deaths and Vaccinations

This publication was authored by Jennifer Tolbert, Cornelia Hall, Kendral Orgera, Natalie Singer, Salem Mengisut, and Marina Tian.

June 1, 2020: Nursing Home COVID-19 Data and Inspection Results leads to Enhanced Enforcement Actions

In a June 1st Press Release, the CMS announced enhanced enforcement directed towards nursing homes with violations of longstanding infection control practices.

A couple of key points in a related State Survey Memo summary are as follows:

  • “Following the March 6, 2020 survey prioritization, CMS has relied on State Survey Agencies to perform Focused Infection Control surveys of nursing homes across the country. We are now initiating a performance-based funding requirement tied to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act supplemental grants for State Survey Agencies. Further, we are providing guidance for the limited resumption of routine survey activities.
  • CMS is also enhancing the penalties for noncompliance with infection control to provide greater accountability and consequence for failures to meet these basic requirements... The enhanced enforcement actions are more significant for nursing homes with a history of past infection control deficiencies, or that cause actual harm to residents or Immediate Jeopardy.”

CMS also provided link to the following information in the Press Release:


June 3, 2020: CMS Innovation Center Models COVID-19 Related Flexibilities

CMS posted an announcement on the CMS Innovation Center COVID-19 Flexibilities webpage regarding flexibilities being made to several CMS Innovation Center Value-Based Payment Models in response to COVID-19. For example, the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model performance year 5 has been extended through March 2021.

In a news blog CMS indicated the Innovation Center will work “directly with model participants on the specific model changes and the processes for implanting them. CMS will also continue to review the data from our models during this COVID-19 pandemic, to identify short-term and long-term lessons learned.”

June 4, 2020: PEPPER Q1 FY 2020 Release Delayed

The PEPPER Team sent out a notice alerting providers that in keeping with the CMS effort to take measures to free up the attention of providers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the release of the Q1FY20 PEPPER for short-term (ST) acute care hospitals has been delayed. When information becomes available, the PEPPER Team will notify providers about the rescheduled release date.

June 4, 2020: FDA Video – Explaining Different Categories of Tests in Fight against COVID-19

The FDA has released a new video to provide information about the diagnostic tests and antibody tests used in the fight against COVID-19.

June 4, 2020: OCR Alert: HHS Awards More than a Half Billion Dollars to Help Vulnerable and Underserved Communities Gain Access to COVID-19 Testing

The OCR indicates in this alert that they are “sharing this update to promote awareness about COVID-19 testing and testing-related availability to people who are geographically isolated, economically disadvantaged, or medically vulnerable, including people with HIV, pregnant women, people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing, older persons and our nation’s veterans.

‎In case you missed it: On ‎May ‎7, ‎2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), awarded nearly $583 million to 1,385 HRSA-funded health centers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and eight U.S. territories to expand COVID-19 testing. Nearly 88 percent of HRSA-funded health centers report testing patients, with more than 65 percent offering walk-up or drive-up testing. Health centers are currently providing more than 100,000 weekly COVID-19 tests in their local communities.

This Alert provided the following links:

June 4, 2020: CMS News Alert – Nursing Home COVID-19 Data and Inspection Results Available on Nursing Home Compare

CMS announced in a June 4, 2020 Press Release that they are posting the first set of underlying COVID-19 nursing home data as well as posting results from targeted inspections announced on March 4, 2020 that allowed inspectors to focus on the most serious health and safety threats like infectious disease and abuse during the pandemic.

COVID-19 Nursing Home Data

As of May 31, 2020

  • About 13,600 (approximately 88%) of Medicare and Medicaid Nursing Homes had reported the required data to the CDC.
  • These facilities reported 95,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and almost 32,000 deaths.

The CMS announced the next set of data will be released in two weeks and then plans to update the data weekly.

June 4, 2020: New Laboratory Data Reporting Guidance for COVID-19 Testing

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced new guidance specifying what additional data must be reported to HHS by laboratories along with COVID-19 test results. “The requirement to include demographic data like race, ethnicity, age, and sex will enable us to ensure that all groups have equitable access to testing, and allow us to accurately determine the burden of infection on vulnerable groups,” said ADM Brett P. Giroir, MD, Assistant Secretary for Health. “With these data we will be able to improve decision-making and better prevent or mitigate further illnesses among Americans.”

Beth Cobb

IPPS FY 2021 Proposed Rule: MS-DRG Proposals
Published on Jun 02, 2020

At least annually, MS-DRG classifications and relative weights are adjusted to reflect changes in treatment patterns, technology, and other factors that may change the relative use of hospital resources. This week is the first article in a series of article about the 2021 IPPS Proposed Rule. This week highlights proposed changes to specific MS-DRG Classifications.

Pre-MDC: Bone Marrow Transplants

Surgical vs. Medical MS-DRGs

Currently, the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) MS-DRGs (MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant), MS-DRG 016 (Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC or T-Cell Immunotherapy), and MS-DRG 017 (Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant without CC/MCC) are designated as surgical MS-DRGs.

A request was made to re-designate these three MS-DRGs as medical MS-DRGs as a Bone Marrow Transplant does not involve a surgical procedure or require the use of an O.R. The requestor noted that this change “would clinically align with the resources utilized in the performance of these procedures.

CMS clinical advisors agreed and the proposal has been made to re-designate MS-DRGs 014, 016, and 017 as medical MS-DRGs effective October 1, 2020.


BMT Procedures Designation O.R. vs. Non-O.R.

The requestor also noted that MS-DRGs 016 and 017 includes ICD-10-PCS procedures codes designated as Non-O.R. while the following eight procedures are designated as O.R. Procedures:

  • 30230AZ: Transfusion of embryonic stem cells into peripheral vein, open approach
  • 30230G0: Transfusion of autologous bone marrow into peripheral vein, open approach
  • 30230X0: Transfusion of autologous cord blood stem cells into peripheral vein, open approach
  • 30230Y0: Transfusion of autologous hematopoietic stem cells into peripheral vein, open approach
  • 30240AZ: Transfusion of embryonic stem cells into central vein, open approach
  • 30240G0: Transfusion of autologous bone marrow into central vein, open approach
  • 30240X0: Transfusion of autologous cord blood stem cells into central vein, open approach
  • 30240Y0: Transfusion of autologous hematopoietic stem cells into central vein, open approach.

CMS is proposing to re-designate these codes from O.R. to Non-O.R. procedures effective October 1, 2020.


Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapies: New MS-DRG

In the FY 2020 IPPS Proposed Rule, a request was made to create new MS-DRGs for CAR T-cell therapy. The requestor noted this would improve payment in the inpatient setting. CMS did not believe enough data was available to make a change at that time. However, CMS did seek comments on payment alternatives for CAR-T cell therapies.

In the FY 2020 Final Rule CMS finalized the continuation of the new technology status and add-on payments for FY 2020 for this therapy.

There were several requests made, in the FY 2021 proposed rule, to create a new MS-DRG as this therapy will no longer be eligible for the new technology add-on payment (NTAP) for FY 2021. CMS has responded by noting they now have enough data to consider the development of a new MS-DRG. Further, CMS clinical advisors found a vast discrepancy in resource consumption and clinical differences warranting the creation of new MS-DRG.

CMS is proposing to do the following:

  • Create new MS-DRG 018 (Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell immunotherapy, and
  • Revise the MS-DRG 016 title to “Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC.”

The following table highlights the proposed MS-DRG relative weight (RW) and geometric mean length of stay (GMLOS) for the BMT MS-DRGs and the proposed new CAR T-Cell MS-DRG:

MS-DRGMS-DRG DescriptionProposed R.W.Proposed GMLOS
014Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant12.746924.1
016Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC6.724117.2
017Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant without CC/MCC4.83088.8
018Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Immunotherapy37.141215.5
Table 5. – List of Medicare Severity Diagnosis-Related Groups (MS-DRGs), Relative Weighting Factors, and Geometric and Arithmetic Mean Length of Stay – FY 2021 Proposed Rule

MDC 1: Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System

Carotid Artery Stent Procedures: Background

In FY 2020 CMS finalized their proposal to reassign 96 ICD-10-PCS procedures describing dilation of carotid artery with an intraluminal device(s):

  • From MS-DRGs 037, 038, and 039 (Extracranial Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC respectively)
  • To MS-DRGs 034, 035, and 036 (Carotid Artery Stent Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC respectively)


Carotid Artery Stent Procedures: FY 2021 Proposals

In response to a request, CMS is proposing to reassign the following six ICD-10-PCS codes describing dilation of carotid artery with drug eluting intraluminal device(s) using an open approach from MS-DRGs 037, 038, and 039 to MS-DRGs 034, 035, and 036:

  • 037H04Z: Dilation of right common carotid artery with drug-eluting intraluminal device, open approach
  • 037J04Z: Dilation of left common carotid artery with drug-eluting intraluminal device, open approach
  • 037K04Z: Dilation of right internal carotid artery with drug-eluting intraluminal device, open approach
  • 037L04Z: Dilation of left internal carotid artery with drug-eluting intraluminal device, open approach
  • 037M04Z: Dilation of right external carotid artery with drug-eluting intraluminal device, open approach
  • 037N04Z: Dilation of left external carotid artery with drug-eluting intraluminal device, open approach

CMS further reviewed to see if any of the six codes were included in MS-DRGs outside of MDC 1. They found a total of 36 ICD-10 PCS codes for procedures describing dilation of the carotid artery with an intraluminal device with an open approach that are currently assigned to MS-DRG 252 (Other Vascular Procedures with MCC) in MDC 5 (Diseases and Disorders of the Circulatory System). Interestingly, they found 8 claims with one of these 36 ICD-10-PCS codes and a Principal Diagnosis in MDC 1 causing the claims to group to the Extensive O.R. Procedure Unrelated to Principal Diagnosis MS-DRG Group (981, 982, and 983).

CMS is proposing to add the 36 ICD-10-PCS codes currently in MDC 5 to the GROUPER logic for MS-DRGs 034, 035, 036 in MDC 1. As my instructor told me when first learning about the MS-DRG system, this change will permit cases with a Principal Diagnosis in MDC 1 to “remain in the family.”


MDC 3: Diseases and Disorders of Ear, Nose, and Throat

Temporomandibular Joint Replacements

A request was made to reassign ICD-10-PCS procedures 0RRC0JZ (Replacement of right temporomandibular joint with synthetic substitute, open approach), and 0RRD0JZ (Replacement of left temporomandibular joint with synthetic substitute, open approach):

  • From MS-DRGs 133 and 134 (Other Ear, Nose, Mouth and Throat O.R. Procedures with and without CC/MCC, respectively)
  • To MS-DRGs 131 and 132 (Cranial and Facial Procedures with and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 03.

The requestor stated that it is inaccurate for these two codes that involve the excision of the TMJ and replacement with a prosthesis to Group to MS-DRGs 133 and 134 when the codes for the TMJ excision alone (0RBC0ZZ (Excision of right temporomandibular joint, open approach) and 0RBD0ZZ (Excision of left temporomandibular joint, open approach) group to the higher weighted MS-DRGs 131 and 132.

The requestor also recommended analysis of all procedures involving the mandible and maxilla and consider reassignment of these procedures codes describing procedure performed on facial and cranial structure:

  • From MS-DRGs 129 (Major Head and Neck Procedures with CC/MCC or Major Device) and 130 (Major Head and Neck Procedures without CC/MCC)
  • To MS-DRGs 131 and 132.


CMS undertook a comprehensive review of all procedures currently assigned to MS-DRGs 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, and 134. Based on data analysis and this comprehensive review, the Clinical Advisors support restructuring of these MS-DRGs by assigning procedures currently assigned to these MS-DRGs based on clinical intensity, complexity of service and resource utilization.


Additional Findings as a result of this comprehensive review included:

  • CMS noting the current special logic defined as “Major Device Implant” for MS-DRG 129 that identified procedures describing the insertion of a cochlear implant or other hearing device. “Clinical advisors supported the removal of this special logic from the definition for assignment to any proposed modifications to the MSDRGs, noting the costs of the device have stabilized over time and the procedures can be appropriately grouped along with other procedures involving devices in any restructured proposed MS-DRGs.”
  • CMS identified 338 procedure codes that were inadvertently assigned to MS-DRGs 133 and 134 as a result of replication during the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 based MS-DRGs. This list of codes is available in Table 6P.2c.

As a result of their review, CMS has proposed the following:

  • Delete the three MS-DRGs groups with a two-way severity level subgroup (129 & 130, 131 & 132, and 133 & 134)
  • Create two new base MS-DRGs with a three-way severity level split:
  • MS-DRGs 140, 141, and 142 (Major head and Neck Procedures with MCC, with CC, without CC/MCC respectively), and
  • MS-DRGs 143, 144, and 145 (Other Ear, Nose, Mouth, and Throat O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC, without CC/MCC respectively).


MDC 5: Diseases and Disorders of the Circulatory System

Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC)

Requests were made to create a new MS-DRG for the LAAC procedure or to map all LAAC procedures to a different MS-DRG with payment rates aligned with procedural costs.  The following table shows the current corresponding MS-DRGs for the 9 ICD-10-PCS codes describing LAAC Procedures

ICD-10-PCS CodeMS-DRGDescription
02L70CK250-251Occlusion of left atrial appendage with extraluminal device, open approach
02L70DK250-251Occlusion of left atrial appendage with intraluminal device, open approach
02L70ZK250-251Occlusion of left atrial appendage, open approach
02L73CK273-274Occlusion of left atrial appendage with extraluminal device, percutaneous approach
02L73DK273-274Occlusion of left atrial Appendage with intraluminal device, percutaneous approach
02L73ZK273-274Occlusion of left atrial appendage, percutaneous approach
02L74CK273-274Occlusion of left atrial appendage with extraluminal device, percutaneous endoscopic approach
02L74DK273-274Occlusion of left atrial appendage with intraluminal device, percutaneous endoscopic approach
02L74ZK273-274Occlusion of left atrial appendage, percutaneous endoscopic approach
Source: IPPS Proposed Rule for FY 2021

As detailed in the table, ICD-10-PCS procedures currently map to an MS-DRG based on the approach. CMS has proposed to reassign the ICD-10-PCS procedure codes for an open approach to MS-DRGs 273 and 274. “Clinical advisors stated this reassignment would allow all LAAC procedures to be grouped to the same MS-DRGs and improve clinical coherence. The following table highlights the difference in R.W., GMLOS and national average payment in FY 2020:

MS-DRGMS-DRG DescriptionR.W.GMLOSNational Payment Rate
250Percutaneous Cardiovascular Procedure without Coronary Artery Stent with MCC2.55013.7$14,577.19
251Percutaneous Cardiovascular Procedure without Coronary Artery Stent without MCC1.68302.2$9,620.57
273Percutaneous Intracardiac Procedures with MCC3.71034.5$21,209.26
274Percutaneous Intracardiac Procedures without MCC3.15981.7$18,062.43
Data Source: OPTUM 360° 2020 DRG Expert

Potential Impact by the Numbers

With the national payment rate for MS-DRGs 273 and 274 being significantly higher than MS-DRG 250 and 251, I wanted to see what the potential volume of claims and payment impact this change might have. To answer these questions I pulled Medicare fee-for-service paid claims data from RealTime Medicare Data (RTMD). Specifically, all claims with one of the 9 ICD-10-PCS procedure codes for LAAC for Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee in Calendar Year (CY) 2019. Following is what I found “by the numbers:”

  • 314: The number of LAAC procedures performed in CY 2019.
  • 1: The volume of claims grouping to MS-DRG 250.
  • 8: The volume of claims grouping to MS-DRG 251.
  • $74,166.95: The increase in payment for this group of 9 MS-DRGs based on FY 2020 national average payment.


Insertion of Cardiac Contractility Modulation Device

A request was made to review the MS-DRG assignment for cases identifying patients receiving a cardiac contractility modulation (CCM) device system for CHF. “CCM is indicated for patients with moderate to severe heart failure resulting from either ischemic or non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. CCM utilizes electrical signals which are intended to enhance the strength of the heart and overall cardiac performance. CCM delivery device systems consist of a programmable implantable pulse generator (IPG) and three leads which are implanted in the heart. One lead is implanted into the right atrium and the other two leads are inserted into the right ventricle.”

Reasons for this request:

  • MS-DRGs 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, and 227 (Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with and without Cardiac Catheterization with and without AMI/HF/Shock with and without MCC, respectively include “code pairs” describing the insertion of contractility modulation devices.
  • Currently, GROUPER logic requires the combination of the CCM device codes and a left ventricular lead to map to this group of MS-DRGs.
  • Per the requestor, a CCM device is contraindicated in patients with a left ventricular lead. Consequently, no case involving insertion of the CCM system can be appropriately mapped to this group of MS-DRGs.
  • Currently, CCM system insertion maps to MS-DRG 245 (AICD Generator Procedures).
  • Requester noted to date this procedure has been performed on an outpatient bases but expects that some Medicare patients will receive CCM devices as an inpatient.

CMS analysis found that the ICD-10-PCS procedure code combinations for right ventricular and/or right atrial lead insertion with insertion of CCM devices were inadvertently excludes from this group of MS-DRGs as a result of replicating the ICD-9 based MS-DRGs. Based on their analysis, CMS is making the following two proposals:

  • Add 24 ICD-10-PCS code combinations for CCM devices to this group of MS-DRGs, and
  • Delete the 12 clinically invalid code combinations from the GROUPER logic of this MS-DRG group describing the insertion of CCM device and the insertion of a cardiac lead into the left ventricle.


MDC 6: Diseases and Disorders of the Digestive System

Acute Appendicitis

A request was made to add K35.20 (Acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis, without abscess) to the list of complicated Principal Diagnoses grouping to MS-DRGs 338, 339, and 340 (Appendectomy with Complicated Principal Diagnosis with MCC, with CC, without CC/MCC, respectively) so that all ruptured/perforated appendicitis codes in MDC 6 would groups to these MS-DRGs.

Clinical Advisors agreed that the “presence of an abscess would clinically determine whether a diagnosis of acute appendicitis would be considered a complicated principal diagnosis.” However, since K35.20 is “without an abscess,” CMS did not make a proposal to add K35.20 to this MS-DRG group.

The requestor had also noted that K35.32 (Acute appendicitis with perforation and localized peritonitis, without abscess) currently groups to MS-DRGs 338, 339, and 340. Subsequently, CMS identified all diagnosis codes describing acute appendicitis under subcategory K35.2 and K35.3 to review MS-DRG assignments for clinical coherence. As a result of this review, CMS is making the following proposals specific to diagnosis code K35.32:

  • Reassign diagnosis code from MS-DRGs 338, 339 and 340 to MS-DRGs 341, 342, and 343; and
  • Remove diagnosis code from the complicated principal diagnosis list in MS-DRGs 338, 339, and 340.


MDC 8: Diseases and Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue

Hip and Knee Joint Replacements

A requestor recommended restructuring MS-DRGs for total joint arthroplasty that utilize oxidized zirconium bearing surface implants in total hip and total knee replacements. They went on to offer three options for restructuring the MS-DRGs. Based this request and lengthy data analysis by CMS, CMS is proposing to create two new MS-DRGs for FY 2021:

  • MS-DRG 521: Hip Replacement with Principal Diagnosis of Hip Fracture with MCC, and
  • MS-DRG 522: Hip Replacement with Principal Diagnosis of Hip Fracture without MCC.


Request for Comment

CMS noted that the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) model includes episodes triggered by MS-DRG 469 with hip fracture and MS-DRG 470 with hip fracture. Given the proposal for new MS-DRGs for hip fracture, CMS is seeking comments on the effect this proposal would have on the CJR model and whether to incorporate the new MS-DRGs into the model if finalized.


MDC 11: Diseases and Disorders of the Kidney and Urinary Tract

Kidney Transplants

Currently, Kidney Transplants group to MS-DRG 652 (Kidney Transplant) in MDC 11. There was a request to designate kidney transplants as Pre-MDC MS-DRGs similar to other organ transplants. CMS analysis found that all kidney transplants in MS-DRGs 981 and 982 reported a principal diagnosis in MDC 5 (Diseases and Disorders of the Circulatory System). CMS is proposing an alternate option “to modify the GROUPER logic for MS-DRG 652 by allowing the presence of a procedure code describing transplantation of the kidney to determine the MS-DRG assignment independent of the MDC of the principal diagnosis in most instances.”

CMS goes on to discuss how the Pre-MDCs came into existence and that the proposal for kidney transplant represent a “first step in investigating” how they may consider shifting transplants out of Pre-MDCs as their clinical advisors have noted that while once considered as being very resource intensive, “treatment practices have shifted since the inception of Pre-MDCs.”

Kidney Transplants and Dialysis during an Inpatient Stay

An additional request was made to create a new MS-DRG for kidney transplant cases where a patient receives dialysis during the inpatient stay and after the date of the transplant. The following three ICD-10-PCS procedure codes identify the performance of hemodialysis:

  • 5A1D70Z: Performance of urinary filtration, intermittent, less than 6 hours per day
  • 5A1D80Z: Performance of urinary filtration, prolonged intermittent, 6-18 hours per day
  • 5A1D90Z: Performance of urinary filtration, continuous, greater than 18 hours per day

CMS believes that creating separate MS-DRGs when hemodialysis is performed either before or after a kidney transplant or simultaneous pancreas/kidney transplant “would appropriately address the differential in resource consumption consistent with the President’s Executive Order on Advancing American Kidney Health (see CMS is proposing the following three new MS-DRGs:

  • Proposed new Pre-MDC MS-DRG 019 (Simultaneous Pancreas/Kidney Transplant with Hemodialysis),
  • CMS is proposing to add the procedure codes from current Pre-MDC MS-DRG 008 to the proposed new Pre-MDC MS-DRG 019 with the procedure codes describing a hemodialysis procedure.
  • Proposed new MS-DRG 650 (Kidney Transplant with Hemodialysis with MCC) and
  • Proposed new MS-DRG 651 (Kidney Transplant with Hemodialysis without MCC).
  • Similarly, CMS is also proposing to add the procedure codes from current MS-DRG 652 to the proposed new MS-DRGs 650 and 651 with the procedure codes describing a hemodialysis procedure.

Hemodialysis procedure codes are currently “designated as Non-O.R. procedure, therefore, as part of the logic for these proposed new MS-DRGs, we are also proposing to designate these codes as non-O.R. procedures affecting the MS-DRG.”

Proposed Addition of Diagnoses to MS-DRGs 673, 674, and 675 (Other Kidney and Urinary Tract Procedure Logic

In response to a request, CMS reviewed the GROUPER logic for this MS-DRG group including the special logic for certain MDC 11 diagnoses reported with procedures codes for the insertion of tunneled or totally implantable vascular access devices. Based on their review, CMS is making several proposals for code reassignment to this MS-DRG group.


MDC 17: Myeloproliferative Diseases and Disorders, Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms

Inferior Vena Cava Filters

A requestor noted that currently when the procedure code describing the placement of an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter (06H03DZ – Insertion of intraluminal device into inferior vena cava, percutaneous approach) is also reported with the codes describing the introduction of a high dose chemotherapy agent or report a chemotherapy principal diagnosis with a secondary diagnosis describing acute leukemia, the cases are assigned to a lower weighted MS-DRG group than when the IVC filter code is not on the claim.

CMS notes in the proposed rule that “our clinical advisors believe that, given the similarity in factors such as complexity, resource utilization, and lack of a requirement for anesthesia administration between all procedures describing insertion of a device into the inferior vena cava, it would be more appropriate to designate these three ICD-10-PCS codes describing the insertion of an intraluminal device into the inferior vena cava as Non-O.R. procedures. Therefore, we are proposing to remove ICD-10-PCS procedure codes 06H00DZ, 06H03DZ, and 06H04DZ from the FY 2021 ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 38 Definitions Manual in Appendix E--Operating Room Procedures and Procedure Code/MS-DRG Index as O.R. procedures. Under this proposal, these procedures would no longer impact MS-DRG assignment.”

Review of Procedure Codes in MS-DRGS 981 through 983 and 987 through 989


Adding Procedures Codes Currently Grouping to MS-DRGS 981 – 983 and 987 – 989 into MDCs

Annually, CMS conducts a review of procedures resulting in assignment to the O.R. and non-extensive O.R. Procedures Unrelated to Principal Diagnosis MS-DRG Groups (981-983 and 987-989). This review is done on the basis of volume, by procedure, to see if it is more appropriate to move a procedure to a surgical MS-DRG for the MDC where the Principal Diagnosis falls.

There are several proposals being made to move diagnosis and procedures codes back into a specific MDC for FY 2021. For those interested, you can find these proposals on pages 32526 – 32542 of the Proposed Rule.

MMP strongly encourages key stakeholders at your facility take the time to review this proposed rule and submit comments. CMS is accepting comments through 5 p.m. EDT on July 10, 2020.

Beth Cobb

COVID-19 in the News May 26th - June 1st
Published on Jun 02, 2020

MMP remains committed to continuing to monitor for COVID-19 updates specific to our reader base. This week we highlight key updates spanning from May 26th – June 1st 2020.   

Resource Spotlight This Week:

This week’s spotlight is the CDC’s CDC COVID Data Tracker. The Data Tracker includes maps, charts, and data on the following:

  • S. Cases of COVID-19,
  • S. COVID Testing,
  • S. Forecasting,
  • S. Trends,
  • S. Cases and Deaths by County,
  • Social Impact,
  • School Closures, Mobility, and
  • A “Learn More” tab covering topics ranging from COVID-19 FAQs and hospitalization rates to information on the use of cloth face coverings to daily life and coping.

May 26, 2020: Fact Sheet for State and Local Governments – CMS Programs & Payment for Care in Hospital Alternate Care Sites (ACS)

In order to expand capacity to care for patients during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) alternate care sites are being developed. CMS indicates that the purpose of this Fact Sheet is to provide “state and local governments developing alternate care sites with information on how to seek payments through CMS programs – Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) – for acute inpatient and outpatient care furnished at the site.”

May 27, 2020: The Joint Commission to Resume some Survey and Review Activities in June

The Joint Commission announced in their Wednesday May 27 Edition of Joint Commission Online that they are “committed to working closely with organizations, with safety being the first and foremost priority. As we start to resume some of these survey and review activities, account executives will begin to contact organizations due for a survey to assess the impact that the coronavirus pandemic had on their operations and their current state.”

They go on to note “our survey will focus on a thorough assessment but will not retroactively review compliance…rather, we will work to understand how you have adapted to the pandemic and review your current practices to assure you are providing safe care and working in a safe environment.”

May 27, 2020: COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) Billing

CMS has once again updated this now seventy-one page FAQ document. In addition to now containing a table of contents, new FAQS have been posted for the following topics:

  • Hospital IPPS Payments under the CARES Act,
  • Expansion of Virtual Communication Services for FQHCs/RHCs,
  • Medicare telehealth,
  • General Billing Requirements, specifically related to COVID-19 testing administered prior to and in association with a procedure.

Also, the following three new sections have been added to this document:

  • Diagnosis Coding under ICD-10-CM,
  • Chronic Care Management Services, and
  • Outpatient Therapy Services

May 29, 2020: Alabama Medicaid Alert: Additional Laboratory Testing for COVID-19

Alabama Medicaid announced in a May 29th Alert that Providers may begin submitting claims on June 1, 2020, for dates of service on or after April 1, 2020 for the following testing procedure codes:

  • 86328 Immunoassay for infectious agent antibody (ies), qualitative or semi quantitative, single step method (e.g., reagent strip); severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]).
  • 86769 Antibody; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]).

June 1, 2020: CDC Updates COVID-19 Transmission Webpage to Clarify Information about Types of Spread

The CDC announced in an email update that “after media reports appeared that suggested a change in CDC’s view on transmissibility, it became clear that these edits were confusion. Therefore, CDC has once again edited the page to provide clarity. 

The primary and most important mode of transmission for COVID-19 is through close contact from person-to-person. Based on data from lab studies on COVID-19 and what we know about similar respiratory diseases, it may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this isn’t thought to be the main way the virus spreads.” This page also includes a link to a video titled “How does COVID-19 Spread?”

June 1, 2020: Medicare Fee-for-Service Response to the Public Emergency on COVID-19 MLN Article Revised

CMS revised MLN SE20011 on June 1st to add a section on Clarifications for using the “CR” Modifier and “DR” Condition Code. All other information remained the same.

Beth Cobb

May Medicare Transmittals and Other Updates
Published on May 27, 2020


International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) and Other Coding Revisions to National Coverage Determinations (NCDs)—October 2020 Update

  • Article Release Date: May 1, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: Change Request (CR) 11749 provides information about updated ICD-10 conversions as well as coding updates specific to NCDs. In this update new ICD-10-CM codes have been added to NCD 90.2 Next Generation Sequencing.
  • MLN MM11749:

Quarterly Update to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database (MPFSDB) – July 2020 Update

Remittance Advice Remark Code (RARC), Claims Adjustment Reason Code (CARC), Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP) and PC Print Update

  • Article Release Date: May 22, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: CR 11708 is a code update notification indicating when updates to the CARC and RARC lists are made available at the official Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 website.
  • MLN MM11708:

October 2020 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Quarterly Update Reminder

  • Transmittal Release Date: May 22, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: The complete HCPCS file is updated and released quarterly to the Medicare contractors. The file contains existing, new, revised and discontinued HCPCS codes for the October 2020 quarter. Contractors must download the file via the CMS mainframe in September 2020. The recurring update notification applies to chapter 23, section 20 of the Medicare Claims Processing Manual.
  • Transmittal 10153:



 Modify Edits in the Fee for Service (FFS) System when a Beneficiary has a Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan

  • Article Release Date: May 1, 2020
  • What You Need to Know:
  • Change Request (CR) 11580 modifies Medicare system edits on inpatient claims when a beneficiary’s MA plan becomes effective during the inpatient admission.
  • The CMS is streamlining the editing for MA plans’ claims when it is determined that certain services are being disallowed on MA plans that are considered significant cost. FFS Medicare will pay for services obtained by beneficiaries enrolled in MA plans in this circumstance.
  • MACs will allow Condition Code (CC) 78 on inpatient and outpatient claims for MA beneficiaries when it is determined that certain services are being disallowed on MA plans that are considered a significant cost. An update will occur to any current editing that does not allow this scenario.
  • Condition Code 78 = newly covered Medicare service for which a HMO does not pay.
  • MLN MM11580:

New Codes for Therapist Assistants Providing Maintenance Programs in the Home Health Setting

  • Article Release Date: May 1, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: CR 11721 details changes to Home Health (HH) billing and processing instructions, including new G-codes describing therapy assistant services. Also included is a correction to the processing of HH claims that receive episode sequence edits.
  • MLN MM11721:

Medicare Clarifies Recognition of Interstate License Compacts

  • Special Edition Article Release Date: May 5, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article clarifies the CMS recognition of interstate license compacts. CMS acknowledges that more compacts may be underway as new legislation is passed but at this time they have determined that interstate license compact for the following provider types will be treated as valid and full licenses for purposes of meeting federal license requirements:
  • Physicians,
  • Physical and Occupational Therapists,
  • Speech Language Therapists,
  • Nurse Practitioners, and
  • MLN Article SE20008:

Updates to Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) to Correct the Adjustment Process

  • Article Release Date: May 8, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: Change Request 11727 contains updates to Medicare’s claims processing systems to make corrections to processing of adjustments and other billing issues for SNF Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) claims. CMS advises you to make sure your billing staffs are aware of these updates.
  • MLN Article MM11727:

New Physician Specialty Code for Micrographic Dermatologic Surgery (MDS) and Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) and a New Supplier Specialty Code for Home Infusion Therapy Services

  • Article Release Date: May 11, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article highlights new physician specialty codes for MDS (D7) and ACHD (D8), and a new supplier specialty code for Home Infusion Therapy Services (D6).
  • MLN MM11750:

Therapy Codes Update

  • Article Release Date: May 15, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article includes updates to the list of codes that sometimes or always describe therapy services. Additions to the list reflect changes made in Calendar Year (CY) 2020 for the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE).
  • MLN MM11791:

Manual Update Pub. 100.-04, Chapter 38, to Remove Identification of Items or Services Related to the 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Section

  • Article Release Date: May 15, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: Medicare is removing section 20 (and all of its subsections) of chapter 38 of the Medicare Claims Processing Manual (Identification of Items or Services Related to the 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico). The key impact of this notification is that modifier CS will no longer be used to denote services related to the 2010 oil spill. The effective and implementation date for this change is June 16, 2020.
  • MLN Matters MM11778:



Updates to Ensure the Original 1-Day and 3-Day Payment Window Edits are Consistent with Current Policy

  • Date Article Revised: April 30, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article was revised to reflect revised Change Request 11559. The CR informs MACs about changes to Medicare Common Working File (CWF) edits to ensure the original 1-Day and 3-Day Payment Window edits’ set and bypass conditions are consistent with current policy. There are no policy changes. Current policy is in the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 4, Section 10.12 and Section 40.3.
  • MLN Article MM1159:

Quarterly Update to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database (MPFSDB) – April 2020 Update

  • Date Article Revised: May 4, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This article was revised to reflect revisions in CR 11661 issued on May 1, 2020. The following changes were made:
  • The relative value units for codes 99441-99442, and 99443 were revised,
  • Information for codes G2025 and G0071 was added, and
  • The statement at the end of page was updated.
  • MLN MM11661:

Medicare Continues to Modernize Payment Software

  • Article Release Date: May 19, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: This articles provides information about the CMS efforts to modernize payment grouping and code edit software. Specifically, this article is meant to inform providers that in October 2020, CMS will expand this effort to include the following additional software products:
  • The IRF Case-Mix Group (CMG) Grouper, and
  • The IRF Pricer and PC Pricer.
  • MLN SE20019:

Claim Status Category Codes and Claim Status Codes Updates

  • Article Release Date: May 22, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: CR 11699 updates the Claim Status and Claim Status Category Codes used for the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 276/277 Health Care Claim Status Request and Response and ASC X12 277 Health Care Claim Acknowledgment transactions.
  • MLN MM11699:




National Coverage Determination (NCD 30.3.3): Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain (cLBP)

  • Article Release Date: May 13, 2020
  • What Your Need to Know: This article informs you that CMS will cover acupuncture for cLBP effective for claims with dates of service on or after January 21, 2020. The article reminds you that acupuncture for fibromyalgia or osteoarthritis is still non-covered by Medicare.
  • MLN MM11755:

National Coverage Determinations (NCD) 20.19 Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)

  • Date Article Released: May 12, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: For dates of service on and after July 2, 2019, the CMS will cover ABPM for the diagnosis of hypertension in Medicare under updated criteria detailed in this article. The Effective Date was July 2, 2019. The Implementation Date for Local MAC edits is June 16, 2020.
  • MLN MM11650:

National Coverage Determination (NCD) 160.18 Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

  • Date Transmittal Released: May 22, 2020
  • What You Need to Know: NCD 160.18, Vagus Nerve Stimulation was initially issued in 1999 to provide coverage for VNS for patients with medically refractory partial onset seizures, for whom surgery is not recommended or for whom surgery had failed. New to this NCD, for claims with a date of service on or after February 15, 2019, the CMS covers FDA-approved VNS devices for treatment-resistant depression through Coverage with Evidence Development (CED) when all reasonable and necessary criteria are met.
  • Transmittal 10145:



MLN Booklet (ICN MLN901623) April 2020: Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, Anesthesiologist Assistants, and Physician Assistants

This MLN Booklet outlines the required healthcare practitioner qualifications and coverage, billing, and payment criteria for Medicare services furnished by:

  • Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), including:
  • Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs)
  • Nurse Practitioners (NPs)
  • Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs)
  • Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs)
  • Anesthesiology Assistants (AAs), and
  • Physician Assistants (PAs)

Fiscal Year 2021 IPPS and LTCH PPS Proposed Rule

CMS released the FY 2021 IPPS and LTCH PPR Proposed Rule. In a related Fact Sheet CMS indicates the agency’s singular objective is “transforming the healthcare delivery system through competition and innovation to provide patients with better value and results.” CMS is accepting comments on the Proposed Rule through 5 pm EDT on July 10, 2020.

May 7, 2020: Original Medicare (Fee-for-Service) Appeals: Enhanced Opportunity for Submission of 2nd Level of Appeals, Reconsiderations

CMS posted the following announcement on their Original Medicare (Fee-for-Service) Appeals webpage on May 7th: Qualified Independent Contractors (QICs) that process 2nd level Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) claim appeals, reconsiderations, on behalf of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have established alternative communication mediums for CMS stakeholders to submit reconsideration requests and related documentation to the QIC. The websites for the respective QIC jurisdictions contain instructions to stakeholders for electronic (e.g., fax or portal) submission of reconsideration requests or documentation.” A table on this page provides guidance regarding the options for submitting reconsiderations and related documentation by QIC jurisdiction.

May 8, 2020: Hospital Outpatient Therapeutic Services That Have Been Evaluated for a Change in Supervision Level

On May 8th, CMS added this document to the available downloads on the CMS Hospital Outpatient PPS 

Webpage. Included in the download is a table providing the level of supervision required for hospital outpatient therapeutic services. Information prior to the table highlights changes made in an interim final rule addressing supervision requirements for non-surgical extended duration services (NSEDTS) and pulmonary rehabilitation services, cardiac rehabilitation services, and intensive cardiac rehabilitation services during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE).

May 2020 MAC Talk
Published on May 19, 2020

Welcome to the fifth edition of our monthly MAC Talk article. This month before diving into updates from the MACs there are a couple of updates that have come about due to the current COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) that I wanted to share. Specifically, an NGS update about telehealth and an MLN Connects announcement regarding who can certify a home health plan of care.


Medicare Telehealth versus Telemedicine

On April 22, 2020 NGS included the following post in their Latest COVID-19 News:

“We have received many questions that have indicated confusion between telehealth and telemedicine, and which rules apply to which services within these two benefit categories. While there is a perceived relation between these types of services they are distinctly different.

Telemedicine refers to a group of services that may be provided to a patient without any physical patient contact. Services may be provided via a telephone (audio) connection, or via some type of online communication such as a patient/provider portal or via email interactions between the patient and practitioner. Typically, most telemedicine services are non-covered by Medicare. However, CMS has opened some of the codes for coverage during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE).

Telehealth refers to a distinct level of established services that have traditionally been performed via a face-to-face interaction between the patient and practitioner. This group of services has been grouped together in a distinct policy that allows this limited amount of traditional face-to-face services to be performed via an audio and video connection as a replacement to the in person, face-to-face interaction. Telehealth allows the interaction to still occur face-to-face; however, it can be achieved via the audio and video connection.

This benefit was set apart as a specific addition to Medicare policy in SSA 1834(m). The criteria requires real time communication between the patient and practitioner (audio and video), the patient geographic location is in a rural or non-metropolitan statistical area (based on ZIP Code eligibility), and patient consent is required. 

The site where the patient is located is considered the originating site and may bill Q3014 to cover the cost of a professional to set up the audio and video communication system and assist with the service provided, if required. The site where the practitioner is rendering the telehealth service is known as the distant site. The practitioner will bill for the service s/he provides based on the list of approved telehealth services. All telehealth services in the benefit are professional services.

CMS issued the MLN Telehealth Booklet which explains the coverage criteria, provides a listing of eligible originating sites, and eligible distant site practitioners that may perform services via telehealth. The booklet also contains a listing of applicable procedure codes that are allowed to be performed via telehealth and information on the appropriate geographic location of the patient that is allowed for telehealth services. During the PHE, the list of services allowed to be performed via telehealth have been temporarily expanded. The MLN Telehealth Booklet includes the complete list of codes, with those that are temporarily identified as such.”


May 7, 2020: MLNConnects Home Health Plans of Care: NPs, CNSs and PAs Allowed to Certify

Section 3708 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (Pub. L. No. 116-136) amended sections 1814(a) and 1835(a) of the Social Security Act to allow Nurse Practitioners (NPs), certified Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs), and Physician Assistants (PAs) to certify beneficiaries for eligibility under the Medicare home health benefit and oversee their plan of care. This is a permanent change that will continue after the Public Health Emergency.

Effective for claims with dates of service on or after March 1, 2020, these non-physician practitioners may bill the following codes:

  • G0179: Physician re-certification for Medicare-covered home health services under a home health plan of care (patient not present), including contacts with home health agency and review of reports of patient status required by physicians to affirm the initial implementation of the plan of care
  • G0180: Physician certification for Medicare-covered home health services under a home health plan of care (patient not present), including contacts with home health agency and review of reports of patient status required by physicians to affirm the initial implementation of the plan of care
  • G0181: Physician supervision of a patient receiving Medicare-covered services provided by a participating home health agency (patient not present) requiring complex and multidisciplinary care modalities involving regular physician development and/or revision of care plans

The descriptors of the three codes will be revised at a later date to include the non-physician practitioner specialties.


May MAC Talk: The Local Scene


April 22, 2020: Palmetto GBA JJ Posts TPE Progress Updates

In last month’s MAC Talk article, we included TPE Progress Updates that had been posted by Palmetto GBA for Jurisdiction M and J. Since then Palmetto GBA has posted additional articles. Following is a list of specific TPE articles released to date by Palmetto GBA JJ:

  • March 25, 2020: HBO Therapy G0277,
  • March 25, 2020: JJ Part A Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF),
  • March 25, 2020: Therapeutic Exercise 97110,
  • April 3, 2020: DRG 885 Psychoses; and
  • April 3, 2020: DRG 470 Major Joint Replacement,
  • April 10, 2020: Manual Therapy 97140,
  • April 10, 2020: Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Ao604-D0604
  • April 10, 2020: Pegfilgrastim J205,
  • April 10, 2020: DRGs 291 and 292: Heart Failure and Shock with MCC and with CC,
  • April 11, 202: Rituximab J9310,
  • April 11, 2020: Infliximab J1745,
  • April 11, 2020: Denosumab J0897,
  • April 11, 2020: Bevacizumab J9035, and
  • April 20, 2020: DRGs 682/683 – Renal Failure.

Links to all of the articles can be found on Palmetto GBA’s JJ Target Probe and Educate webpage.


April 24, 2020: Palmetto GBA Daily Newsletter: Provider Contact Center FAQs and Reminder of Suspended Sequestration


April 23, 2020: Palmetto GBA Daily Newsletter: Clarification of Negative Reimbursement

Palmetto GBA’s April 23rd Daily Newsletter included an article about negative reimbursement. The article opens with the following: “Negative reimbursement happens when the beneficiary cost sharing, such as coinsurance and/or deductible, exceeds the reimbursement due to the provider. Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) are instructed to withhold payments if the Medicare deductible/coinsurance is more than the reimbursement rate. For example, if the set deductible for an inpatient stay is $100 and the reimbursement for the stay is $95, Medicare will show a negative $5 for the reimbursement amount. Further examples are provided in this article.”


April 28, 2020: Noridian Announcement: Outpatient Therapy A/B Physical, Occupational, and Speech Language Pathology Webinar – May 28, 2020

The Noridian Provider Outreach and Education (POE) staff announced they are hosting this webinar on May 28, 2020. This webinar includes:

  • Certification and Re-certification,
  • Coding and Billing,
  • Maintenance Services,
  • CMS and Noridian Resources.

They advise providers that you can sign up for this webinar and other events of interest by visiting the Noridian Schedule of Events.


April 29, 2020: WPS GHA Medicare eNews: June 9, 2020 Hospital Notices of Non-Coverage Webinar

WPS announced they will be hosting this webinar that will cover the different notices of non-coverage issued by hospitals and clarifies when to issue each. The following notices will be covered during this presentation:

  • Hospital-Issued Notices of Noncoverage (HINNs) 1, 10, 11, and 12
  • Important Message from Medicare (IM) and the Detailed Notice of Discharge (DND) (CMS-R-193 and CMS-10066)
  • Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON) (CMS-10611)
  • Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) (CMS-R-131)

You can sign up for this course through the WPS Learning Center.


May 4, 2020: WPS GHA eNews: Procedure Code 94762 – Are You Billing Correctly?

In their May 4th eNews, WPS noted that procedure code 94762 represents a continuous overnight pulse oximetry service. Further, they have recently evaluated claim data for this service. The analysis compared Jurisdiction 5 (J5) and Jurisdiction 8 (J8) claim submission rates to national data. The data showed J5 providers billing Type of Bill 12X submitted this code twice as often providers in the rest of the country. WPS encourages all providers to review their records to ensure they are billing the procedure correctly. You can find information in our resource Continuous Overnight Pulse Oximetry (CPT 94762) - Evaluate Use.


May 4, 2020: Palmetto GBA Daily eNewsletter: CERT Task Force Education Material

Palmetto GBA reminds provider that the Medicare A/B Contractor CERT Task Force is a joint effort of the Part A/B MACs to communicate national issues of concern regarding improper payments to the Medicare Program. They also encourage providers to review the CERT Task Force Educational Material available on their website and share with your staff.


May 5, 2020: Palmetto GBA Daily eNewsletter: Spring Virtual Tour

Palmetto GBA announced they will be presenting their first ever Medicare Part A Spring Virtual Tour for Jurisdictions J and M. There will be two days of sessions with presenters from the following:

  • The Provider Outreach and Education (POE) Team,
  • The Appeals Department,
  • Medical Review, Audit and Reimbursement,
  • MCG Health, and
  • C2C Solutions.

You can read more about this event and select sessions you would like to register for on the JJ/JM Part A Springing into Summer Virtual Tour 2020: June 8-9, 2020 webpage.


May 8, 2020: Noridian JF: Sleep Lab Credentialing: Polysomnography and Other Sleep Studies Retirement – Effective May 14, 2020

Noridian provided the following Notice in their daily eNewsletter. Even though they are retiring this article (A57698), Noridian cautions against a change in your current practice.

This coverage article has been retired under contractor numbers: 02101 (AK), 02201 (ID), 02301 (OR), 02401 (WA), 03101 (AZ), 03201 (MT), 03301 (ND), 03401 (SD), 03501 (UT), and 03601 (WY).

Effective Date: May 14, 2020
Summary: Coverage articles may be retired due to lack of evidence of current problems or CMS may have issued guidance regarding national coverage. The Noridian guidance in the retired article may still be helpful in assessing medical necessity. Where providers have adjusted their billing and coding practices to correspond to the guidance in a coverage article, they will want to be very careful in departing from these practices just because the article is retired. Provider offices remain responsible for correct performance, coding, billing, and medical necessity under Medicare. This responsibility for correct claims submission is unchanged whether or not there is a coverage article in place.

Note: Noridian JE also announced the retirement of their Polysomnography and Other Sleep Studies Article (A57697) effective May 14, 2020.


May 15, 2020: Palmetto GBA Daily Newsletter: Medical Review (MR) Hot Topic Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) Webcast

Palmetto will be hosting this webcast on June 1, 2020. Their Medical Review subject matter experts will be available to discuss and answer questions about the current TPE model. This announcement includes a link for you to register for this event.


May 15, 2020: Palmetto GBA Daily Newsletter: Appeals and Clerical Error Reopenings Module 

Palmetto notes this “updated module provides education on correcting incomplete and/or invalid submissions, correcting claims with medically denied lines, clerical error reopening, and redetermination requests. There is also a further explanation on the submission of documentation for a clerical error reopening (bilateral procedure) and on adding late charges during the appeal process. A new section, Correcting Inpatient Discharge Status, was added to the module. Please review the updated module and share it with your staff.”

Beth Cobb

Prior Authorization for Certain Hospital Outpatient Department (OPD) Services MAC Provider Education and Coverage
Published on May 19, 2020

Last week’s Wednesday@One included an article providing details about the CMS Prior Authorization Program for certain hospital outpatient department (ODP) services. As a reminder this program will begin for services provided on or after July 1, 2020. We have continued to follow Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) websites for news about the program. This article provides details about which MACs have scheduled provider education. Also included in this article, are tables posted on two different MACs websites that provide links to applicable Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) and Articles.


J15 MAC: CGS Administrators, LLC (CGS)
Jurisdiction Area: Kentucky, Ohio

CGS is providing a webinar to introduce the new prior authorization program for certain hospital outpatient services on Thursday May 21, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. You can go to the CGS Part A Calendar of Events to register for this webinar.

CGS has also created an OPD Prior Authorization webpage in the Medical Review section of their website. Currently you will find a list of applicable HCPCS codes. Also, Process and Results are “coming soon!” to this webpage.


JN MAC: First Coast Service Options, Inc.
Jurisdiction Area: Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands

On May 4th First Coast reminded providers that the CMS is implementing a prior authorization program for the following hospital outpatient department services for dates of service on or after July 1, 2020:

  • Blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery, brow lift, and related services,
  • Botulinum toxin injections,
  • Panniculectomy, excision of excess skin and subcutaneous tissue (including lipectomy), and related services,
  • Rhinoplasty and related services, and
  • Vein ablation and related services.

First Coast will be hosting two webcasts in which they will review the guidelines for submitting a Prior Authorization Request (PAR) and the potential results and options available. Specialists will be present to answer questions relating to the process. The dates for the webcasts are Thursday, May 28th and Thursday, June 11th. To register for a webcast you can go to the First Coast events calendar under their Education Section of their website ( To learn more the Prior Authorization Program you can look under the Medical Review section of the website.


First Coast JN: Documentation Guidance

First Coast has posted the following table on their website to provide more information on coverage and documentation requirements.

Dates of ServiceLCD/LCD Article/NCDType of Service
For services performed on or after January 1, 2019Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Upper Eyelid and Brow Surgical Procedure (L34028)Blepharoplasty
For services performed on or after October 31, 2019Local Coverage Article: Billing and Coding: Surgery: Blepharoplasty (A57618)Blepharoplasty
For services performed on or after January 8, 2019Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Botulinim Toxins (L33274)Botulinum toxins
For services performed on or after January 1, 2020Local Coverage Article: Billing and Coding: Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery (A56587)Panniculectomy and rhinoplasty
For services performed on or after November 27, 2019Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremity (L33762)Vein ablation
For services performed on or after January 1, 2020Local Coverage Article: Billing and Coding: Non-Invasive Peripheral Venous Studies (A52993)Vein ablation

JK and J6 MAC: National Government Services, Inc. (NGS)
JK Jurisdiction Area: Connecticut, New York, Main, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
J6 Jurisdiction Area: Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin

As of Monday May 18th, MMP was unable to find any information about this program or planned provider education on the NGS website.


JE and JF MAC: Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC (Noridian)
JE Jurisdiction Area: California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands
JF Jurisdiction Area: Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Noridian will be hosting webinars on the following dates:

  • May 28, 2020,
  • June 4, 2020,
  • June 10, 2020,
  • June 18, 2020, and
  • June 24, 2020.

This Provider Outreach and Education (POE) webinar will include the following:

  • Overview,
  • Authorization Process,
  • Submitting Prior Authorization Request,
  • Services Requiring Prior Authorization,
  • Advanced Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN)
  • Cosmetics, and
  • Resources

Link to Webinar Announcement on JE website:

Link to Webinar Announcement on JF website:

JH and JL MACs: Novitas Solutions, Inc. (Novitas)
JH Jurisdiction Area: Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi 
JL Jurisdiction Area: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

Novitas will be hosting a webinar on Thursday May 28, 2020. This webinar will review the details and submission guidelines for the Prior Authorization (PA) program for certain hospital outpatient department (OPD) services being implemented by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) effective June 17, 2020, for dates of service on or after July 1, 2020, nationwide. CMS believes prior authorization for certain hospital OPD services will ensure that Medicare beneficiaries continue to receive medically necessary care while protecting the Medicare trust fund from improper payments and keeping the medical necessity documentation requirements unchanged for providers. You can register for this webinar on the Novitas Medicare Part A Educational Event Calendar webpage at:


Novitas JH and JL: Documentation Guidance:

Similar to First Coast, Novitas has posted the following table on their website providing more information on coverage and documentation requirements.

Dates of ServiceLCD/LCD Article/NCDType of Service
For services performed on or after 10/31/2019Local Coverage Determination (LCD):
Surgery: Blepharoplasty (L35004)
For services performed on or after 10/31/2019Local Coverage Article:
Billing and Coding: Surgery: Blepharoplasty (A57618)
For services performed on or after 10/31/2019Local Coverage Determination (LCD):
Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography (L35081)
Botulinum toxin injections
For services performed on or after 11/07/2019Local Coverage Determination (LCD):
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery (L35090)
Panniculectomy and Rhinoplasty
For services performed on or after 1/1/2020Local Coverage Article:
Billing and Coding: Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery (A56587)
Panniculectomy and Rhinoplasty
For services performed on or after 11/14/2019Local Coverage Determination (LCD):
Treatment of Varicose Veins and Venous Stasis Disease of the Lower Extremities (L34924)
Vein ablation
For services performed on or after 10/17/2019Local Coverage Determination (LCD):
Non-Invasive Peripheral Venous Studies (L35451)
Vein ablation
For services performed on or after 1/1/2020Local Coverage Article: Billing and Coding: Non-Invasive Peripheral Venous Studies (A52993)Vein ablation

JJ and JM MAC: Palmetto GBA, LLC (Palmetto)
JJ Jurisdiction Area: Alabama, Georgia, And Tennessee
JM Jurisdiction Area: North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia

On May 13th Palmetto release an article letting providers know they will be providing a two-part webcast on May 26, 2020 regarding the Outpatient Department (OPD) Prior Authorization (PA) program. The first session will be an overview of the program and begins at 10 a.m. ET. The second session will begin at 1 p.m. ET and will discuss “Medical Necessity.” These webcasts are available for Medicare Part A and Part B providers. Links to register for both sessions are included in the Article.  

The next day on May 14th, Palmetto included in their Daily Newsletter the following article specific to the procedures in this program:

All of the articles include details about documentation requirements and a procedure specific Documentation Checklist.

J5 and J8 MAC: Wisconsin Physician Service Government Health Administrators (WPS)
J5 Jurisdiction Area: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
J8 Jurisdiction Area: Indiana, Michigan

WPS has scheduled a teleconference that will cover the new prior authorization process, the services specific to this process, and the responsibilities of both the physician and the facility. This training is intended for J5 and J8 Part A/B providers billing on a UB-04/CMS-1500 or electronic equivalent. There will be two different sessions both held on June 10, 2020. The first teleconference will be from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CT and the second session will be from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM CT. You can sign up for these sessions on the WPS Learning Center at:

Beth Cobb

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