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New ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Codes Effective April 1, 2023
Published on Dec 14, 2022

On November 22nd, CMS published the following announcement regarding new ICD-10 diagnosis and procedure codes that will become effective April 1, 2023:

In an effort to better enable the collection of health-related social needs (HRSNs), defined as individual-level, adverse social conditions that negatively impact a person’s health or healthcare, are significant risk factors associated with worse health outcomes as well as increased healthcare utilization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is implementing 42 new diagnosis codes into the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM), for reporting effective April 1, 2023.

Fourteen of the new diagnosis codes are identified as external cause of injury codes and as such there is no assigned severity level, MDC, or MS-DRG.

In addition, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is implementing 34 new procedure codes into the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS), effective April 1, 2023.

The ICD-10 MS-DRG V40.1 Grouper Software, Definitions Manual Table of Contents, and the Definitions of Medicare Code Edits V40.1 manual to accommodate these new diagnosis and procedure codes, effective for discharges on or after effective April 1, 2023 will be available at:

The Code Tables, Index and related Addenda files for the 34 new procedure codes will be available at:

The Index and Tabular Addenda for the new diagnosis codes will be made available via the CDC website at:

Beth Cobb

National Influenza Vaccination Week
Published on Dec 07, 2022
 | Coding 
 | Billing 
Did You Know?

December 5th – 9th, 2022 is National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW). This annual observance is a time to remind everyone that for individuals 6 months and older there is still time to get vaccinated against the flu. This is especially important for individuals at higher risk (i.e., people 65 years and older, diabetics, people with heart disease, and young children) for developing serious complications from the flu.

Why It Matters?

The CDC estimated, that during the 2021 – 2022 influenza season (link), influenza was associated with:

  • 9 million illnesses,
  • 4 million medical visits,
  • 10,000 hospitalizations, and
  • 5,000 deaths.

The CDC estimates that, from October 1, 2022 through November 26, 2022, there have been:

  • 8.7 – 19 million flu illnesses,
  • 4.2 – 9.5 million flu medical visits,
  • 78,000 – 170,000 flu hospitalizations, and
  • 4,500 – 13,000 flu deaths.

Note, the above 2022 estimates were last reviewed December 2, 2022, are preliminary and change week-by-week as new hospitalizations are reported to the CDC.

What Can I Do?

If you are a healthcare provider, CMS has updated their Flu Shot Toolkit (link) with information about payment for the 2022-2023 flu season, frequency and coverage, billing, coding, and additional resources.

Receiving an annual flu vaccine reduces your risk of flu. Seasonal influenza viruses are detected year-round, however most flu activity peaks between December and February. As a healthcare consumer, if you have not already received your flu shot, it is not too late to get one.

Beth Cobb

CY 2023 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment Systems Final Rule Highlights
Published on Nov 16, 2022
 | Coding 
 | Billing 

The CMS released the Calendar Year (CY) 2023 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment System Final Rule on November 1, 2022. Following are highlights from the final rule:

CY 2023 OPPS and ASC Payment Rates

CMS is updating the CY 2023 OPPS and ASC payment rate by 3.8%.

  • The estimated total payments to OPPS providers in CY 2023 would be approximately $86.5 billion, an increase of approximately $6.5 billion compared to CY 2022 OPPS payments.
  • The estimated total payments to ASCs for CY 2023 will be approximately $5.3 billion, an increase of approximately $230 million compared to CY 2022 ASC payments.
Comprehensive Ambulatory Payment Categories (C-APCs) for CY 2023

C-APCs were first implemented on January 1, 2015. A C-APC is defined as “a classification for the provision of a primary service and all adjunctive services provided to support the delivery of the primary service.”

CMS expanded the C-APC methodology in 2016 to include a “Comprehensive Observation Services” C-APC (C-APC 8011). The payment rate for C-APC 8011 in CY 2023 is $2,439.02.

For CY 2023, CMS finalized one new C-APC, C-APC 5372 (Level 2 Urology and Related Services).

For the duration of the COVID-19 PHE, any new FDA approved drug or biological approved for emergency use authorization (EUA) to treat COVID-19 that is authorized for use in the outpatient setting, or not limited to use in the inpatient setting, will be separately paid and will not package into the C-APC when provided on the same claim as the primary C-APC service.

Rural Emergency Hospital (REH)

REH is a new Medicare Provider type that includes facilities who elect to convert either from a critical access hospital (CAH) or a rural hospital with less than fifty beds to an REH. Policies for this new provider type will take effect January 1, 2023.

By statute REH services include emergency department services and observation care. Specific to observation care, CMS notes “there may be instanced in which REH patients receive observation services at an REH for a period exceeding 24 hours, but REHs are not required to provide required notification under the NOTICE Act, known as the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON), because REHs are excluded from the definition of “hospital.”

An REH can also elect to provide other outpatient medical and health services furnished on an outpatient basis. CMS finalized the proposal that REHs may provide outpatient services not otherwise paid under the OPPS (i.e., services paid under the Clinical Lab Fee Schedule, post-hospital extended care services in a distinct part unit licensed as a skilled nursing facility).

REHs will receive a monthly facility payment of $272,866. This payment will increase in subsequent years by the hospital market basket percentage increase.

340B-Acquired Drugs

“CMS notes in the final rule that “for CY 2023, in light of the Supreme Court decision in American Hospital Association v. Becerra, 142 S. Ct. 1896 (2022), we are applying the default rate, generally average sales price (ASP) plus 6 percent, to 340B acquired drugs and biologicals in this final rule with comment period for CY 2023 and removing the increase to the conversion factor that was made in CY 2018 to implement the 340B policy in a budget neutral manner.

We are still evaluating how to apply the Supreme Court’s decision to prior calendar years. In the CY 2023 OPPS/ASC proposed rule, we solicited public comments on the best way to craft any potential remedies affecting cost years 2018-2022, and we will take these comments into consideration for separate rulemaking that will be published in advance of the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC proposed rule.”

Reminder, for 2022 claims prior to September 28th, providers will need to submit adjustment claims to recalculate their payments (link).

Medicare Inpatient Only (IPO) List

For CY 2023, CMS is removing 11 services and adding 8 newly created CPT codes to the IPO List. Table 65 of the final rule includes all services to be removed or added to the IPO list.

ASC Covered Procedure Lists

Procedures on the ASC Covered Procedure List (CPL) are surgical procedures that are appropriately performed on an inpatient basis in a hospital but that can also be safely performed in an ASC, a CAH, or an HOPD. Four procedures are being added to this list and can be found in table 80 of the final rule.

Hospital Outpatient Department Prior Authorization Process: New Service Category

Effective for dates of service on or after July 1, 2023, Facet joint interventions will be added to the list of service categories that hospital outpatient departments will be required to get prior authorization to receive payment. Specific Facet Joint CPT codes that will require prior authorization are listed in Table 103 of the final rule.

Outpatient Non-PHP Mental Health Services Furnished Remotely by Hospital Staff to Beneficiaries in Their Homes

CMS finalized its proposal to consider mental health services furnished remotely by hospital staff using communication technology to a beneficiary in his or her home a covered outpatient department service.

An in-person service will be required within 6 months prior to the initiation of remote service and then every 12 months thereafter, exceptions may be made to this requirement based on a beneficiary’s clinical needs and the reason being documented in the medical record. The in-person requirement will not apply to beneficiaries who began receiving mental health telehealth services during the PHE or during the 151-day period after the end of the PHE.

Audio-only interactive telecommunications systems may be used when a beneficiary is not capable of, or does not consent to, the use of two-way, audio/video technology.


CY 2023 OPPS Final Rule CMS Press Release:

CY 2023 OPPS Final Rule Fact Sheet:

Beth Cobb

November 2022 PAR PRO Tip: Facet Joint Injections to Require Prior Authorization July 1, 2023
Published on Nov 16, 2022
 | Coding 
 | Billing 

MMP’s Protection Assessment Report (P.A.R.) combines current Medicare Fee-for-Service review targets (i.e., MAC, RAC, OIG) with hospital specific paid claims data made possible through a collaboration with RealTime Medicare Data (RTMD). Monthly, our newsletter spotlights current review activities. This month we focus on the new service to be added to the Prior Authorization for Certain Hospital Outpatient (OPD) Services effective July 1, 2023.

Did You Know?

CMS implemented the Prior Authorization for Certain Hospital Outpatient Department (OPD) Services through the Calendar Year (CY) 2020 Outpatient Prospective Payment System/Ambulatory Surgical Center (OPPS/ASC) Final Rule (CMS-1717-FC).

Initially, effective July 1, 2020 blepharoplasty, botulinum toxin injections, panniculectomy, rhinoplasty and vein ablation required a prior authorization when performed in the hospital OPD. For claims on or after July 1, 2021, implanted spinal neurostimulators and cervical fusion with disc removal were added to the list.

New for 2023, CMS finalized the addition of facet joint interventions requiring prior authorization for claims on or after July 1, 2023. This service category includes facet joint injections, medial branch blocks, and facet joint nerve destruction. A list of the specific CPT codes that will require prior authorization are listed in Table 103 of the CY 2023 OPPS/ASC Final Rule (CMS-1772-FC).

Why it Matters?

Reviewing facet joint records has been a target by several different entities.

Medicare Administrative Contractors

Noridian Jurisdiction E (JE) Part B MAC has conducted a Targeted and Probe and Educate (TPE) review of CPT 64635 (Destruction by Neurolytic Agent, Paravertebral Facet Joint Nerve). Dates of service reviewed were January 2020 through March 2020. The claims error rate was 75% with the top denial reasons being:

  • Failure to return records,
  • Documentation does not support the medical necessity as listed in the Coverage Requirement, and
  • Duplicate billing.

Noridian indicated in their review results that “Local Coverage Determination L34993 provides an overview of the coverage requirements for these services. Documentation must support the history of pain which has not been responsive to conservative measures. Documentation must also support the conservative measures that have been tried and failed. The LCD also further clarifies that documentation must support a clinical assessment which supports that the pain is a result of the facet joint and that there is no other pathology that may be causing the pain.

Documentation must reflect the patient pre and post procedure pain rating, procedure report, and the injectate used is within the LCD requirements.”

Other Part B MACs that have reviewed or are currently reviewing facet joint injections include Novitas JH and JL and WPS J8.

Office of Inspector General (OIG)

CMS notes in the OPPS/ASC final rule that the OIG has published multiple reports indicating questionable billing practices, improper Medicare payments, and questionable utilization of facet joint interventions. Based on their findings, the OIG recommended that CMS and its contractors provide additional oversight on claims for facet joint injections to prevent additional improper payments.

Supplemental Medical Review Contractor

Just last month on October 10th, the Supplemental Medical Review Contractor (SMRC) posted their review findings of Project 01-304: facet joint injections. The October 2020 OIG report was referenced in the review results. Claims reviewed included hospital outpatient and critical access hospitals with dates of service in CY 2019. The claims error rate was 92% and common denial reasons included:

  • Documentation submitted was insufficient or incomplete,
  • Documentation submitted did not support medical necessity as listed in National and Local Coverage Determinations, and
  • No response to the documentation request by the provider.
What Can I Do?

You can begin to prepare for the July 1, 2023 addition of Facet joint procedures to the Prior Authorization for Certain Hospital OPD Services now by:

  • Identifying applicable Medicare Coverage Documents (Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) and Local Billing and Coding Articles (LCAs)), and
  • Ensuring key stakeholders are aware of the need for prior authorization effective July 1, 2023 (i.e., Outpatient Department Nurse Manager, Scheduling, Physicians performing these procedures) and educate them on applicable documentation requirements found in the LCDs and LCAs.

Happy Case Management Week 2022
Published on Oct 12, 2022

This week is National Case Management Week. The American Case Management Association (ACMA) and the Case Management Society of America (CMSA) both recognize this week as an opportunity to spotlight the great things about case managers and the case management industry. For 2022, the ACMA Case Management Week theme is Caring – It’s What We Do.

American Case Management Association

The ACMA’s official definition of Case Management, as approved by their membership in April 2020, as follows:

"Case Management in health care delivery systems is a collaborative practice including patients, caregivers, nurses, social workers, physicians, payers, support staff, other practitioners and the community. The Case Management process facilitates communication and care coordination along a continuum through effective transitional care management. Recognizing the patient’s right to self-determination, the significance of the social determinants of health and the complexities of care, the goals of Case Management include the achievement of optimal health, access to services, and appropriate utilization of resources."

2023 Medicare Parts A & B Premium and Deductible

To assist in the communication and care coordination along the continuum, a case manager needs to be aware of the potential financial impact of the care being coordinated. On September 27th, CMS published a Fact Sheet (link) detailing the 2023 Medicare Parts A & B premiums and deductible and Part D income-related monthly adjustment amounts.

Medicare Part B Premium and Deductible

  • 2023 Standard monthly premium $164.90, a decrease of $5.20 from $170.10 in 2022,
  • 2023 Annual deductible $226, a decrease of $7 from the annual deductible of $233 in 2022.

Medicare Part A Premium and Deductible

  • 2023 Part A inpatient hospital deductible $1,600, an increase of $44 from $1,566 in 2022,
  • 2023 Daily coinsurance for inpatient hospitalization days 61 through 90 will be $400, an increase of $11 from $389 in 2022.
  • 2023 daily coinsurance for lifetime reserve days $800, an increase of $22 from $778 in 2022.
  • 2021 Skilled Nursing Facility coinsurance $200, an increase of $5.50 per day from $194.50 in 2022
  • .

Medicare & You 2023

On Thursday, October 6, 2022, CMS announced the release of the 2023 Medicare & You Handbook in the MLN Connects newsletter (link). There are eight “What’s new & important?” call outs on page two of the handbook, for example:

  • COVID-19 Update: Medicare continues to cover COVID-19 vaccines, tests, and booster shots, if you’re eligible,
  • New start dates for your Medicare coverage: Beginning January 1, 2023, when you sign up for Medicare the month you turn 65 or during the last 3 months of your Initial Enrollment Period, or during the General Enrollment Period, your coverage starts the first day of the month after you sign up, and
  • Get help in a crisis: Your mental health and wellness are a high priority. If you or someone you know is in crisis, call or text 988, or chat

MMP wishes all the hard working and dedicated Case Managers that we have the opportunity to work with a happy case management week.

Beth Cobb

September 2022 PAR Pro Tips
Published on Sep 21, 2022

MMP’s Protection Assessment Report (P.A.R.) combines current Medicare Fee-for-Service review targets (i.e., MAC, RAC, OIG) with hospital specific paid claims data made possible through a collaboration with RealTime Medicare Data (RTMD). Monthly, our newsletter spotlights current review activities. This month we provide medical review updates and educate resources from the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)

CGS Administrators, LLC J15 MAC

Review of Implantable Automatic Defibrillator CERT Errors Education Session

CGS is offering this education session on Monday September 26, 2022, from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CDT (link). During this session they will discuss an increase in CERT errors related to the “formal shared decision-making encounter using an evidence-based decision tool prior to implantation” as outlined in National Coverage Determination (NCD) 20.4.

First Coast Service Options, Inc. JN MAC

TPE Rehabilitation Services (Outpatient) Review Results

First Coast recently published review results for outpatient rehabilitation services (CPT® 97110, 97112 and 97140) (link). In addition to CPT specific review results, First Coast provides a link to a documentation checklist to help providers when responding to medical documentation requests for therapy and rehabilitation services.

National Government Services (NGS), Inc. J6/JK MAC

Prior Authorization Exemption Status Inquiry Tool Alert

This month NGS announced (link) that they have developed this tool as a way to unnecessary prior authorization requests by exempt providers.

Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC JE/JF MAC

Noridian JE Medical Record Review Results

On August 31st, TPE medical record review results were posted on the Noridian JE (link) and Noridian JF (link) websites.

Noridian JE Medical Record Review Results

  • Cataract Removal (CPT® 66984): Error rate 48.78%,
  • Lumbar Epidural Injection (CPT® 64483): Error rate 34.43%, and
  • Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) (CPT®77080): Error rate 26.43%.

Noridian JF Medical Record Review Results

  • Cataract Removal (CPT® 66984): Error rate 55.64%, and
  • Total Knee Arthroplasty (CPT® 27447): Error rate 44.83%.

Review Results for both jurisdictions were for dates of service April 1, 2022, through June 30, 2022. Articles for review topics includes top denial reasons, links to educational resources, and education specific to documentation requirements and medical necessity.

Novitas Solutions, Inc. JH/JL MAC

Forms Catalog for Medicare Part A

Novitas Solutions has recently modified their Forms Catalog for Medicare Part A webpage (link). Examples of forms you will find on this webpage includes:

  • Link to the Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) Form (CMS-R-131),
  • Hospital-Issued Notices of Noncoverage (HINNs), and
  • Prior authorization request for certain hospital outpatient department services.

Palmetto GBA JJ/JM MAC


Annually, Palmetto GBA, the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for Jurisdictions J and M, hosts their provider education event MACtoberfest. This virtual three-day conference includes a Medicare Part A and Part B track. Registration is now open and you can learn more about this event on their website (link).

New Local Coverage Determination (LCD)

Palmetto published LCD L39270 Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Primary Refractory or Relapsed Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma with B-cell or T-cell Origin (link). This policy is effective for services performed on or after September 4, 2022. There is a National Coverage Determination (NCD) 110.23 Stem Cell Transplantation. Palmetto notes in their LCD, “This policy describes additional locally covered indications for allo-HSCT for primary refractory or relapsed Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas with B-cell or T-cell origin that are medically necessary in patients for whom there are no other curative intent options.”


WPS recently published Quarter 2 Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) review results for WPS J5 (link) and WPS J8 (link).

WPS J5 TPE Review Results

  • Infusion Services (CPT® 96413 or 96415): Trending error rate 99%. The top reason for denial cited by WPS was the documentation did not support frequent monitoring.
  • Routine Foot Care: Trending error rate 24%. The top reason for denial being documentation did not support the presence of severe systemic conditions.
  • Outpatient Therapy (CPT® 97110): Trending error rate 52%. The top denial reason was documentation did not support the skills of a licensed professional therapist.
  • Group Psychotherapy (CPT® 90853): Trending error rate 49%. The top denial reason was claim billing did not meet the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) guidelines.

WPS J8 TPE Review Results

  • Wound Care (CPT® 11042): Trending error rate 43%. The top denial reason was that documentation did not contain initial wound measurements.
  • Infusion Services (CPT® 96361): Trending error rate 53%. Denials occurred due to documentation supporting intravenous fluids for the purpose of keeping a vein open. “According to CPT coding guidelines providers should not bill codes 96360 and 96361, when the purpose of the fluids is to keep open a vein.”
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) Ambulance transports (HCPCS A0429): Trending error rate 29%. Denials occurred cue to the Assignment of Benefits (AOB) being incomplete or missing.

Beth Cobb

FY 2023 IPPS Final Rule: Services & Technologies Eligible for Add-On Payment
Published on Aug 31, 2022
“The primary objective of the IPPS and the LTCH PPS is to create incentives for hospitals to operate efficiently and minimize unnecessary costs, while at the same time ensuring that payments are sufficient to adequately compensate hospitals for their legitimate costs in delivering necessary care to Medicare beneficiaries.”
- Source: Appendix A: Economic Analysis of FY 2023 IPPS Final Rule

CMS published the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Final Rule (CMS-1771-F) in the Federal Register on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. Section F. Add-On Payments for New Services and Technologies for FY 2023 begins on page 48903. This article reviews the pathways to receiving new technology status, payment, coding, FY 2023 new technologies by the numbers and what to do moving forward.

New Technology Add-On Payment Pathways

There are several pathways for a new service or technology to be approved for New Technology Add-On Payments (NTAPs) including:

  • Traditional Pathway: To meet this pathway, the medical service or technology must be new, must be costly such that the DRG rate otherwise applicable to discharges involving the NTAP is inadequate, and must demonstrate a substantial clinical improvement over existing services or technologies.
  • Certain Antimicrobial Products Alternative Pathway: In FY 2021 the alternative pathway for Qualified Infectious Disease Products (QIDPs) was expanded to include products approved under the Limited Population for Antibacterial and Antifungal Drugs (LPAD) pathway. In the Final Rule, CMS finalized referring more broadly to “certain antimicrobial products” rather than specifying FDA programs for antimicrobials (i.e., QIDPs and LPADs). Products approved through this pathway will be considered new and not substantially similar to an existing technology and will not need to demonstrate that it meets the substantial clinical improvement criterion. However, the technology will need to meet the cost criterion.
  • Certain Transformative New Devices Alternative Pathway: Beginning in FY 2021, “if a medical device is part of FDA’s Breakthrough Devices Program and received FDA marketing authorization, it will be considered new and not substantially similar to an existing technology for purposes of the new technology add-on payment under the IPPS.” However, the new device must meet the cost criterion and must receive marketing authorization for the indication covered by the Breakthrough Device Program designation.

For the alternative pathways, a technology is not required to have a specified FDA designation at the time the application for NTAP is made. Instead, “CMS reviews the application based on the information provided by the applicant only under the alternative pathway specified by the applicant at the time of new technology add-on payment application submission. However, to receive approval for the new technology add-on payment under that alternative pathway, the technology must have the applicable FDA designation and meet all other requirements in the regulations in § 412.87(c) and (d), as applicable.”

Payment for NTAPs

Payment is based on the cost to hospitals for the new medical service or technology. As set forth in § 412.88(b)(2), unless the discharge qualifies for an outlier payment, the additional Medicare payment will be limited to the following:

  • For “Traditional Pathway” and “Certain Transformative New Devices”, Medicare will make an add-on payment equal to the lesser of: (1) 65 percent of the costs of the new medical service or technology; or (2) 65 percent of the amount by which the costs of the case exceed the standard DRG payment.
  • For Certain Antimicrobial NTAPs (QIDPs and LPADs), Medicare will make an add-on payment equal to the lesser of: (1) 75 percent of the costs of the new medical service or technology; or (2) 75 percent of the amount by which the costs of the case exceed the standard DRG payment.
Coding NTAPs

Section X New Technology was added to ICD-10-PCS effective October 1, 2015. CMS has indicated

  • //">link) that “Section X was created in response to public comments received regarding New Technology proposals presented at ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meetings, and general issues facing classification of new technology procedures.”

    FY 2023 NTAPs by the Numbers

    NTAPs are not budget neutral and are limited to the 2-to-3-year period after the date a technology becomes available. In FY 2022, due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), CMS finalized a one-year extension of NTAPs for technologies that would have otherwise been discontinued beginning October 1, 2021. This was a one-time extension and will not extend the NTAP for technologies no longer considered to be new in FY 2023.

    By the Numbers
    • Twenty-five services or technologies have been approved for NTAPs,
    • The estimated total amount to be paid to hospitals is $783,559,450.89, and
    • The estimated number of cases is 205,148.5.

    Moving Forward

    Identifying and coding new technologies is an opportunity not to be missed for those hospitals providing these services. That said, some questions come to mind for you to think about:

    • Is your hospital providing any of these services or technologies?
    • Who needs to be aware of what the new technologies are? (i.e. Physicians, Pharmacy, Coding Professionals, Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialists, Case Managers)
    • What process do you have in place to alert your Coding Staff of the need to code the new technology ICD-10-PCS codes?

    FY 2023 IPPS CMS webpage:

    CMS Fact Sheet:

  • Beth Cobb

    New COVID-19 Treatments Add-On Payment
    Published on Aug 31, 2022

    Did You Know?

    In response to the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) and as new therapies received approval to treat COVID-19, CMS established the New COVID-19 Treatments Add-on Payment (NCTAP).

    Why is Matters?

    The NCTAP for eligible COVID-19 products will extend through the end of the fiscal year in which the PHE ends.

    On Thursday, August 18, 2022, CMS released a Roadmap for the End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (link).

    Based on this information there are key notes and dates to keep in mind related to the ending of the PHE:

    • HHS will provide a 60-day notice prior to the renewal date of the COVID-19 PHE if they are not going to extend it.
    • The most recent PHE extension was on July 15th and lasts for 90 days (October 13, 2022).
    • The 60-day notice has already passed (August 14th) for CMS to provide notice about the end of the PHE.
    • The COVID-19 PHE will likely be extended in October for at least one more 90-day period.
    • If the PHE is not extended past January 11, 2023, NCTAPs would end September 30, 2023.

    What Can You Do?

    Visit CMS’ COVID-19 NCTAP specific webpage (link) to identify the therapies that are eligible for the NCTAP.

    Beth Cobb

    New Technology Add-on Payments, What’s New for FY 2023
    Published on Aug 25, 2022

    Did You Know?

    New Technology Add-on Payments (NTAPs) are not budget neutral and the “newness” for payment is limited to the 2-to-3-year period after the date a technology becomes available.

    Why it Matters?

    The trigger for the add-on payment is including the applicable ICD-10-PCS code on your claim. Twenty-five services or technology will be eligible for the add-on payment effective October 1, 2022. This article highlights the ten services new for Fiscal Year 2023.

    Cerament® G

    Applicant: BONESUPPORT AB

    CERAMENT® G is an injectable bone-void filler made of calcium sulfate, hydroxyapatite, and gentamicin sulfate indicated for the surgical treatment of osteomyelitis. The new technology indication is for use as a bone void filler in skeletally mature patients as an adjunct to systemic antibiotic therapy and surgical debridement (standard treatment approach to a bone infection) as part of the surgical treatment of osteomyelitis in defects in the extremities.

    • ICD-10-PCS Code: XW0V0P7 (Introduction of antibiotic-eluting bone void filler into bones, open approach, new technology group 7)
    GORE® TAG® Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis

    Applicant: W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc.

    This is a modular device consisting of three components, an Aortic Component, a Side Branch Component, and an optional Aortic Extender Component, each of which is pre-mounted on a catheter delivery system for treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms, traumatic aortic transection, and aortic dissection. The new technology indication is for endovascular repair of lesions of the descending thoracic aorta, while maintaining flow into the left subclavian artery, in patients who are at high risk for debranching subclavian procedures and who have appropriate anatomy.

    ICD-10-PCS Codes:

    • 02VW3DZ (Restriction of thoracic aorta, descending with intraluminal device, percutaneous approach) in combination with,
    • 02VX3EZ (Restriction of thoracic aorta, ascending/arch with branched or fenestrated intraluminal device, one or two arteries, percutaneous approach)
    iFuse Bedrock Granite Implant System

    Applicant: SI-BONE

    The iFuse Bedrock Granite Implant System is a sterile, single-use permanent implant intended to provide sacropelvic fusion of the sacroiliac joint and fixation to the pelvis when used in conjunction with commercially available pedicle screw fixation systems as a foundational element for segmental spinal fusion.

    ICD-10-PCS Codes:

    • XNH6058 (Insertion of internal fixation device with tulip connector into right pelvic bone, open approach, new technology group 8), or
    • XNH6358 (Insertion of internal fixation device with tulip connector into right pelvic bone, percutaneous approach, new technology group 8), or
    • XNH7058 (Insertion of internal fixation device with tulip connector into left pelvic bone, open approach, new technology group 8), or
    • XNH7358 (Insertion of internal fixation device with tulip connector into left pelvic bone, percutaneous approach, new technology group 8), or
    • XRGE058 (Fusion of right sacroiliac joint using internal fixation device with tulip connector, open approach, new technology group 8), or
    • XRGE358 (Fusion of right sacroiliac joint using internal fixation device with tulip connector, percutaneous approach, new technology group 8), or
    • XRGF058 (Fusion of left sacroiliac joint using internal fixation device with tulip connector, open approach, new technology group 8), or
    • XRGF358 (Fusion of left sacroiliac joint using internal fixation device with tulip connector, percutaneous approach, new technology group 8.
    Thoraflex™ Hybrid Device

    Applicant: Terumo Aortic

    This Device is a sterile single-use, gelatin sealed Frozen Elephant Trunk (FET) surgical medical device. It is deployed through an opened aortic arch and then positioned into the descending thoracic aorta. Once it is completely deployed, the collar is sutured to the aorta, and graft anastomoses are then performed in a manner depending upon the chosen product design (which the applicant specified as either the Plexus or the Ante-Flo). The device has a unique gelatin sealant that acts as a seal, preventing blood loss through the polyester fabric product wall. The new technology indication is for the open surgical repair or replacement of damaged or diseased vessels of the aortic arch and descending aorta, with or without involvement of the ascending aortic, in cases of aneurysm and/or dissection.

    ICD-10-PCS Codes:

    • X2RX0N7 (Replacement of thoracic aorta arch with branched synthetic substitute with intraluminal device, new technology group 7), in combination with
    • X2VW0N7 (Restriction of thoracic descending aorta with branched synthetic substitute with intraluminal device, new technology group 7)
    ViviStim® Paired VNS System

    Applicant: MicroTransponder, Inc.

    This system is a paired vagus nerve stimulation therapy intended to stimulate the vagus nerve during rehabilitation therapy to reduce upper extremity motor deficits and improve motor function in chronic ischemic stroke patients with moderate to severe arm impairment. The system is comprised of an Implantable Pulse Generator (IPG), an implantable stimulation Lead, and an external paired stimulation controller which is composed of the external Wireless Transmitter (WT) and the external Stroke Application and Programming Software (SAPS).

    • ICD-10-PCS Code: X0HQ3R8 (Insertion of neurostimulator lead with paired stimulation system into vagus nerve, percutaneous approach, new technology group 8)

    Applicant: CoMedix Inc.

    DefenCath™ is a proprietary formulation of taurolidine, a thiadiazinane antimicrobial, and heparin, an anti-coagulant, that is under development for use as catheter lock solution, with the aim of reducing the risk of catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBI) from in-dwelling catheters in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) through a central venous catheter (CVC).

    ICD-10-PCS Code: XY0YX28 (Extracorporeal introduction of taurolidine anti-infective and heparin anticoagulant, new technology group 8)


    Applicant: Janssen Biotech

    CARVYKTI™ is an autologous chimeric-antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy directed against B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) for the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma.

    ICD-10-PCS Codes

    • XW033A7 (Introduction of ciltacabtagene autoleucel into peripheral vein, percutaneous approach, new technology group 7), or
    • XW043A7 (Introduction of ciltacabtagene autoleucel into central vein, percutaneous approach, new technology group 7)

    Applicant: Janssen Biotech

    DARZALEX FASPRO® is a combination of daratumumab (a monoclonal CD38-directed cytolytic antibody), and hyaluronidase (an endoglycosidase) indicated for the treatment of light chain (AL) amyloidosis in combination with bortezomib, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone (CyBorD) in newly diagnosed patients and is administrered through a subcutaneous injection.

    ICD-10-PCS Codes

    • XW01318 (Introduction of daratumumab and hyaluronidase-fihj into subcutaneous tissue, percutaneous approach, new technology group 8), in combination with
    • ICD-10-CM diagnosis code E85.81 (Light chain (AL) amyloidosis.
    Hemolung Respiratory Assist System (RAS)

    Applicant: Alung Technologies, Inc.

    Hemolung RAS is the first and only FDA authorized technology for the treatment of acute, hypercapnic respiratory failure by providing low-flow, veno-venous extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) using a 15.5 French dual lumen catheter inserted percutaneously in the femoral or jugular vein, providing partial ventilatory lung support independent of the lungs as an alternative or supplement to invasive mechanical ventilation.

    ICD-10-PCS Code: 5A0920Z (Assistance with respiratory filtration, continuous)


    Applicant: Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A.

    LIVTENCITY™ (maribavir) is a cytomegalovirus (CMV) pUL97 kinase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of adults and pediatrics (12 years of age and older and weighing at least 35 kg) with post-transplant CMV infection/disease that is refractory to treatment (with or without genotypic resistance) to ganciclovir, valganciclovir, cidofovir, or foscarnet. Per the applicant, it is the only antiviral therapy indicated to treat post-transplant patients with CMV in solid organ transplant (SOT) and hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HCT).

    What Can I Do?

    Familiarize yourself will all twenty-five services or technologies by reviewing pages 48903 – 48900 of the Final Rule and share this information with key stakeholders in your facility (i.e., Physicians, Pharmacy, Coding Professionals, Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialists, Case Managers).

    Beth Cobb

    FY 2023 IPPS Final Rule: Finding the Codes
    Published on Aug 10, 2022
     | Coding 
     | Billing 

    When first employed at MMP, there were two big challenges for me, identifying what I did not know but needed to know and knowing where to find the information. To that end, following are key resources you will need to prepare for the start of the new CMS Fiscal Year 2023 on October 1, 2022.

    FY 2023 IPPS Final Rule Home Page


    On this webpage you will find a links to:

    • The FY 2023 IPPS Final Rule,
    • FY 2023 Final Rule Tables
      • Table 5: MS-DRGs, Relative Weighting Factors, Geometric and Arithmetic Mean Lengths of Stay, and Post-Acute Transfer designated MS-DRGs
      • Table 6: New Diagnosis Codes,
      • Table 6B: New Procedure Codes
      • Table 6I: Complete MCC List,
      • Table 6I.1: Additions to the MCC List,
      • Table 6I.2: Deletions to the MCC List,
      • Table 6J: Complete CC list,
      • Table 6J.1: Additions to the CC list,
      • Table 6J.2: Deletions to the CC list
    • FY 2023 MAC Implementation Files
      • MAC Implementation File 7: FY 2023 MS-DRGs Subject to the Replaced Devices Policy,
      • MAC Implementation File 8: FY 2023 New Technology Add-on Payment

    2023 ICD-10-CM Files


    Downloads available on this webpage includes:

    • 2023 POA Exempt Codes,
    • 2023 Conversion Table,
    • 2023 Code Description in Tabular Order,
    • 2023 Addendum,
    • 2023 Code Tables, Tabular and Index, and
    • FY 2023 ICD-10-CM Coding Guidelines.

    The ICD-10-Files are also available on the CDC’s Comprehensive Listing ICD-10-CM Files webpage (link).

    2023 ICD-10-PCS Files


    Downloads available on this webpage includes:

    • 2023 ICD-10-PCS Order File,
    • 2023 Official ICD-10-PCS Coding Guidelines,
    • 2023 Version Update Summary,
    • 2023 ICD-10-PCS Codes File,
    • 2023 ICD-10-PCS Conversion table, 2023 ICD-10-PCS Code Tables and Index, and
    • 2023 ICD-10-PCS Addendum.

    MS-DRG Definitions Manual and Software

    The ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 40 (V40) Grouper Software, ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual, and the Definitions of Medicare Code Edits V 40 files are publicly available on the CMS MS-DRG Classifications and Software webpage (link).

    In addition to finding the codes, here are additional resources highlighting key facts from the FY 2023 Final Rule.

    MLN Connects

    CMS Newsroom

    Beth Cobb

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