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CY 2023 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment Systems Final Rule Highlights
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CY 2023 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment Systems Final Rule Highlights
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
The CMS released the Calendar Year (CY) 2023 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment System Final Rule on November 1, 2022. Following are highlights from the final rule:
CY 2023 OPPS and ASC Payment Rates
CMS is updating the CY 2023 OPPS and ASC payment rate by 3.8%.
- The estimated total payments to OPPS providers in CY 2023 would be approximately $86.5 billion, an increase of approximately $6.5 billion compared to CY 2022 OPPS payments.
- The estimated total payments to ASCs for CY 2023 will be approximately $5.3 billion, an increase of approximately $230 million compared to CY 2022 ASC payments.
Comprehensive Ambulatory Payment Categories (C-APCs) for CY 2023
C-APCs were first implemented on January 1, 2015. A C-APC is defined as “a classification for the provision of a primary service and all adjunctive services provided to support the delivery of the primary service.”
CMS expanded the C-APC methodology in 2016 to include a “Comprehensive Observation Services” C-APC (C-APC 8011). The payment rate for C-APC 8011 in CY 2023 is $2,439.02.
For CY 2023, CMS finalized one new C-APC, C-APC 5372 (Level 2 Urology and Related Services).
For the duration of the COVID-19 PHE, any new FDA approved drug or biological approved for emergency use authorization (EUA) to treat COVID-19 that is authorized for use in the outpatient setting, or not limited to use in the inpatient setting, will be separately paid and will not package into the C-APC when provided on the same claim as the primary C-APC service.
Rural Emergency Hospital (REH)
REH is a new Medicare Provider type that includes facilities who elect to convert either from a critical access hospital (CAH) or a rural hospital with less than fifty beds to an REH. Policies for this new provider type will take effect January 1, 2023.
By statute REH services include emergency department services and observation care. Specific to observation care, CMS notes “there may be instanced in which REH patients receive observation services at an REH for a period exceeding 24 hours, but REHs are not required to provide required notification under the NOTICE Act, known as the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON), because REHs are excluded from the definition of “hospital.”
An REH can also elect to provide other outpatient medical and health services furnished on an outpatient basis. CMS finalized the proposal that REHs may provide outpatient services not otherwise paid under the OPPS (i.e., services paid under the Clinical Lab Fee Schedule, post-hospital extended care services in a distinct part unit licensed as a skilled nursing facility).
REHs will receive a monthly facility payment of $272,866. This payment will increase in subsequent years by the hospital market basket percentage increase.
340B-Acquired Drugs
“CMS notes in the final rule that “for CY 2023, in light of the Supreme Court decision in American Hospital Association v. Becerra, 142 S. Ct. 1896 (2022), we are applying the default rate, generally average sales price (ASP) plus 6 percent, to 340B acquired drugs and biologicals in this final rule with comment period for CY 2023 and removing the increase to the conversion factor that was made in CY 2018 to implement the 340B policy in a budget neutral manner.
We are still evaluating how to apply the Supreme Court’s decision to prior calendar years. In the CY 2023 OPPS/ASC proposed rule, we solicited public comments on the best way to craft any potential remedies affecting cost years 2018-2022, and we will take these comments into consideration for separate rulemaking that will be published in advance of the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC proposed rule.”
Reminder, for 2022 claims prior to September 28th, providers will need to submit adjustment claims to recalculate their payments (link).
Medicare Inpatient Only (IPO) List
For CY 2023, CMS is removing 11 services and adding 8 newly created CPT codes to the IPO List. Table 65 of the final rule includes all services to be removed or added to the IPO list.
ASC Covered Procedure Lists
Procedures on the ASC Covered Procedure List (CPL) are surgical procedures that are appropriately performed on an inpatient basis in a hospital but that can also be safely performed in an ASC, a CAH, or an HOPD. Four procedures are being added to this list and can be found in table 80 of the final rule.
Hospital Outpatient Department Prior Authorization Process: New Service Category
Effective for dates of service on or after July 1, 2023, Facet joint interventions will be added to the list of service categories that hospital outpatient departments will be required to get prior authorization to receive payment. Specific Facet Joint CPT codes that will require prior authorization are listed in Table 103 of the final rule.
Outpatient Non-PHP Mental Health Services Furnished Remotely by Hospital Staff to Beneficiaries in Their Homes
CMS finalized its proposal to consider mental health services furnished remotely by hospital staff using communication technology to a beneficiary in his or her home a covered outpatient department service.
An in-person service will be required within 6 months prior to the initiation of remote service and then every 12 months thereafter, exceptions may be made to this requirement based on a beneficiary’s clinical needs and the reason being documented in the medical record. The in-person requirement will not apply to beneficiaries who began receiving mental health telehealth services during the PHE or during the 151-day period after the end of the PHE.
Audio-only interactive telecommunications systems may be used when a beneficiary is not capable of, or does not consent to, the use of two-way, audio/video technology.
ResourcesCY 2023 OPPS Final Rule CMS Press Release:
CY 2023 OPPS Final Rule Fact Sheet:
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