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CMS Announces New ASC Prior Authorization Demonstration
Published on Apr 03, 2024

Did You Know?

In mid-February CMS announced a new Prior Authorization Demonstration for certain Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Services.


Why It Matters?

In their announcement, CMS references the nationwide prior authorization process for certain hospital outpatient department (OPD) services that was finalized in the Calendar Year 2020 OPPS Final Rule and implemented on July 1, 2020. The initial services subject to prior authorization in 2020 were blepharoplasty, botulinum toxin injections, panniculectomy, rhinoplasty, and vein ablation procedures.


This 5-year demonstration project design will include ASC providers that:

  • Submit claims with place of service 24 (Ambulatory Surgical Center) for one of the five previously mentioned services,
  • Are in one of the ten demonstration states (California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Ohio, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Georgia, and New York), and
  • Submit claims to Medicare fee-for-service.


CMS plans to implement this demonstration for all ten states in one phase and they do not anticipate beginning the demonstration earlier than the fall of 2024.


Why now? CMS indicates that data from 2019 to 2021 shows there has been a significant increase in utilization in the ASC for the above five services and they were selected “for inclusion in this demonstration, based upon problematic events, data, trends, and potential billing behavior impacts of the OPD Prior Authorization Program which requires prior authorization as a condition of payment for these services.”


What Can You Do?

Take the time to read CMS Form CMS-10884 to learn about details of the demonstration design and justification for the need for this demonstration.


Since “the documentation requirements that MACs already have for the services in the OPD program, including local coverage determinations (LCDs), are applicable to these ASC services as well” visit your MACs website to find related resources. For example, Palmetto GBA Jurisdiction J (JJ), the MAC for Tennessee and Georgia has several resources available on their Medical Review / Outpatient Prior Department Prior Authorization (PA) webpage (i.e., Blepharoplasty and Medical Necessity Module).


Finally, if you are in one of the demonstration states, share this information with key stakeholders at your facility.

Beth Cobb

March 2024 Medicare Transmittals and MLN Articles
Published on Mar 27, 2024
 | Billing 
 | Coding 

March 4, 2024: MLN MM13449: Stay of Enrollment

Make sure your staff knows about a new provider enrollment status called a stay of enrollment and updates to the Medicare Program Integrity Manual, Chapter 10.


March 7, 2024: MLN MM13546: New Waived Tests

Make sure your billing staff is aware of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) requirements, new CLIA-waived tests approved by the FDA, and use of modifier QW for CLIA-waived tests.


March 14, 2024: MLN MM13548: Medicare Claims Processing Manual Updates – HCPCS Billing Codes & Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage Requirements

Make sure your staff knows the HCPCS codes to bill and what CPT codes to not bill for an initial preventive physical exam (IPPE) and annual wellness visit (AWV) services. CMS also includes information about providing a patient an Advanced Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage (ABN) in this article.


March 18, 2024: MLN MM13554: Changes to the Laboratory National Coverage Determination Edit Software: July 2024 Update

Make sure your billing staff knows about newly available codes, recent coding changes, and how to find NCD coding information. Relevant laboratory NCD coding with changes July 2024 includes NCD 190.18 (Serum Iron Studies), 190.21B (Glycated Hemoglobin/Glycated Protein), and 190.31 (Prostate Specific Antigen).


March 21, 2024: Transmittal R12552CP: April 2024 Update of the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS)

This Recurring Update Notification (RUN) provides instructions on coding changes and policy updates that are effective April 1, 2024, for the Hospital OPPS. Updates include coding and policy changes for new services, pass-through drug, and devices, eleven new Proprietary Lab Analysis (PLA) codes and other items and services, for example payment for intensive cardiac rehabilitation services (ICR) provided by an off-campus, non-excepted provider-based department (PBD) of a hospital.


In the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC final rule, CMS excluded ICR from the 40 percent Physician Fee Schedule Relativity Adjuster policy at the code level by modifying the claims processing of HCPCS codes G0422 (ICR; with or without continuous ECG monitoring with exercise, per session) and G0423 (ICR; with or without continuous ECG monitoring without exercise, per session). “Under this change 100 percent of the OPPS rate for ICR is paid irrespective of the presence of the PN modifier on the claim…please not that claims for HCPCS A0422 and G0433 submitted with the PN modifier from January to April 2024 were paid at the 40 percent rate. However, upon the April IOCE release, an additional amount will be retroactively applied to these past claims so that they are paid at 100 percent of the OPPS rate.”

Beth Cobb

March 2024 National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Published on Mar 06, 2024

Did You Know?

According to the American Cancer Society, there has been a rise in colorectal diagnoses among people 50 and younger. “In the late 1990s, colorectal cancer was the fourth leading cause of cancer death in both men and women in this age group, and now, it is the first cause of cancer death in men younger than 50 and the second cause in women that age.”


In May 2021, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force changed its colorectal cancer screening recommendation. They lowered the age at which adults at average risk of getting colorectal cancer begin screening from 50 to 45.


Why it Matters?

Effective January 1, 2023, CMS lowered the minimum age for colorectal screening (CRC) from age 50 to 45 for certain tests.


MLN Matters article MM13017, Removal of a National Coverage Determination and & Expansion of Coverage of Colorectal (CRC) Screening includes:

  • A list of the specific screening tests where the minimum age has decreased from 50 to 45 years and older, and
  • An expanded definition of CRC screening tests and new billing instructions for colonoscopies under certain scenarios.


Also, National Coverage Determination (NCD 210.3) Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests was revised to reflect the decrease in minimum age for each of the covered indications listed in this policy.


What Can You Do?

As a healthcare provider, be aware of the changes in Medicare’s colorectal screening coverage. Use the Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests information available in MLN Educational Tool Medicare Preventive Services to identify:

  • Applicable HCPCS, CPT and ICD-10 Codes,
  • The specific screening tests that Medicare Covers,
  • The frequency for performing these screening tests for patients not meeting high-risk criteria as well as patients at high-risk,
  • What the patient pays, and
  • Other notes (i.e., CMS pays for anesthesia services provided in conjunction with, and in support of, a screening colonoscopy reported with CPT code 00812.)


As a healthcare consumer, I encourage everyone to talk with your doctor about your risk(s) for colorectal cancer and the need for screening tests.



American Cancer Society article: 2024 – First Year the US Expects More than 2M New Cases of Cancer:


U.S. Preventive Services Task Force May 18, 2021 Final Recommendation Statement for colorectal cancer screening:


MLN MM13017:


MLN Educational tool Medicare Preventive Services:

Beth Cobb

February 2024 Medicare MLN Articles
Published on Feb 28, 2024

February 5, 2024: MLN MM13507: ICD-10 & Other Coding Revisions to National Coverage Determinations: July 2024 Update

Make sure your staff knows about newly available codes, recent code changes, and NCD coding information.


February 5, 2024: MLN SE19007: Activation of Validation Edits for Providers with Multiple Service Locations – Revised

This special edition MLN article was originally released March 26, 2019. With this latest revision, CMS clarified how to hand certain off-campus provider-based departments excepted from Section 603 payment policy.


February 12, 2024: MLN MM13513: Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Cardiac Rehabilitation, & Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Expansion of Supervising Practitioners

Make sure your billing staff knows about updates to the above-mentioned rehabilitation services effective January 1, 2024, including expanding the types of practitioners who may supervise these services.


February 15, 2024: Limitation on Recoupment of Medicare Overpayments

Limitation on recoupment of Medicare overpayments is during the first and second level of appeal only. Make sure your staff knows about this limit, when to request an extended repayment plan (ERS) or choose immediate recoupment, and how CMS pays interest on overpayments.


February 21, 2024: MLN MM13485: Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) for Advanced Diagnostic Imaging: CY 2024 Update

Make sure your billing staff knows about CMS rescinding the AUC program regulations, the program has been paused for reevaluation, and elimination of AUC consultation information on Medicare Fee-for-Service claims.


February 22, 2024: MLN MM13451: Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule & Laboratory Services Reasonable Charge Payment: Quarterly Update

Make sure your billing staff knows when the next private payor data reporting period is and new and deleted HCPCS codes.


Beth Cobb

Medicare Preventive Services Education Tool Revised
Published on Feb 21, 2024

Did You Know?

Through the Medicare Learning Network (MLN), CMS has developed an interactive education tool titled Medicare Preventive Services (MLN006559 January 2024). This tool is meant to help providers properly provide and bill Medicare prevention services (i.e., bone mass measurement, colorectal screening, lung cancer screening).


For each Preventive Service listed in the tool, you will find the following information as applicable to the service:

  • National Coverage Determination (NCD),
  • HCPCS and CPT codes specific to the service provided,
  • ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes,
  • Telehealth eligibility,
  • Coverage requirements,
  • Frequency requirements, and
  • Medicare Beneficiary (patient) cost sharing.


    You will also find answers to the following questions:

  • How do I determine the last date a patient got a preventive service, so I know if they’re eligible to get the next service and it won’t deny due to frequency edits?
  • When can CMS add new Medicare preventive services?
  • My patients don’t follow up on routine preventive care. How can I help them remember when they’re due for their next preventive service?
    • CMS provides a link to a Preventive Services Checklist that you can give your patients.
    • Note, CMS also highlights preventive services with an apple in the official U.S. government Medicare Handbook, Medicare and You. You will find information about preventive services in the 2024 Edition of this handbook on pages 30-55.
  • What’s a primary care setting?


    Why It Matters?

    This tool was revised in January 2024. Following are two examples of what has been revised:  


    Annual Wellness Visit

    New HCPCS code G0136 (Administration of a standardized, evidence-based social determinants of health risk assessment tool, 5-15 minutes) has been added as well as the following “Other Notes:”

  • The implementation date for SDOH Risk Assessment claims is July 1, 2024,
  • The billing HCPCS code is G0136,
  • Add modifier 33 to an SDOH, G0136, performed on the same day as the Annual Wellness Visit to waive copayment and deductible,
  • G0136 is covered once a year with copayment and deductible waived, and
  • The AWV can be an optional community health integration (CHI) initiating visit when the provider identifies any unmet SDOH needs that prevent the patient from doing the recommended personalized prevention plan.


Flu Shot

Starting January 1, 2024, Medicare pays an additional payment for in-home flu shot administration under certain circumstances.


What Can You Do?

  • Read all the revisions made to this tool in January in the February 15, 2024 edition of MLN Connects,
  • Use this tool to identify service specific applicable coverage requirements (NCD), HCPCS/CPT codes, and ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes, and
  • Share this tool with key stakeholders at your facility.

Beth Cobb

January 2024 Monthly Medicare Updates: MLN Articles
Published on Jan 31, 2024

Medicare Transmittals & MLN Articles


December 21, 2023: MLN MM13496: Billing Requirements for Intensive Outpatient Program Services under New Condition Code 92

Starting January 1, 2024, CMS requires the use of new condition code 92 on all Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) claims from hospitals and Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs). Make sure your billing staff knows about billing this new condition code and Medicare manual changes related to providing IOP services.


December 26, 2023: MLN MM13222: New Condition Code 92: Billing Requirements for Intensive Outpatient Program Services

CMS advises that you make sure your billing staff knows about this new code, that an OPPS provider will get paid per diem payments for this service, the intensity of services required for Medicare to cover and pay for this service, and the outpatient settings this billing requirement is applicable to.


January 3, 2024: MLN MM13481: Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System: January 2024 Update - Revised

This MLN article was revised to change the number of HCPCS codes in Tables 8 and 10 and update the web address of the Change Request (CR) transmittal.


January 9, 2024: MLN MM13503: Specimen Collection Fees and Travel Allowance: 2024 Update

This MLN article provides updated information about the specimen collection fees and travel allowances for 2024 and other policy updates and reminders.


January 10, 2024: MLN MM13488: Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System: January 2024 Update

Make sure your billing staff is aware of the system updates effective January 1, 2024, for example:  

  • COVID-19 vaccine and administration codes,
  • Covered devices for pass-through payments,
  • Inpatient-only list (IPO) updates, and
  • Services: Covered dental rehabilitation procedures, Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), and Mental health counselor (MHC),


January 16, 2024: MLN MM13264: Billing Requirements for Intensive Outpatient Program Services for Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics

Make sure your billing staff knows about the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) scope of benefits, certification and plan of care requirements, payment policies, and coding and billing requirements.


January 18, 2024: MLN MM13473: How to Use the Office and Outpatient Evaluation and Management Visit Complexity Add-on Code G2211

CMS advises that you make sure your billing staff knows about the correct use of HCPCS code G2211 and modifier 25, documentation requirements for G2211, and patient coinsurance and deductible.


Related MLN Matters article MM13272 was revised on December 21, 2023. CMS advises in this article that you make sure your billing staff knows about complexity add-on code G2211.


January 18, 2024: MLN MM13480: Refillable DMEPOS Documentation Requirements

Make sure your staff knows about the updated documentation requirements for refillable DMEPOS and the requirement to contact the patient before refilling DMEPOS.

Beth Cobb

January 2024 Medicare Compliance Education and Other Updates
Published on Jan 31, 2024

Compliance Education Updates


December 2023: MLN Booklet: Global Surgery

CMS has updated this MLN booklet to include the instructions for critical care visits that are unrelated to the surgical procedure and performed post-operatively, report modifier -FY.

Other Updates

January 18, 2024: CMS Adds Utilization Data on for the First Time

CMS noted in the Friday January 26 edition of CMS Roundup that they have “added utilization data, specifically procedure volume, for the first time on the compare tool’s profile pages for doctors and clinicians…this is the latest example of CMS’ transparency efforts to ensure the compare tool on provides patients and caregivers with information about services they may value as they search for clinicians.”


The dataset is currently published in the Provider Data Catalog. The initial list of procedures includes hip and knee replacement, spinal fusion, cataract surgery, colonoscopy, open hernia repair of the groin, minimally invasive hernia repair, mastectomy, CABG, pacemaker insertion or repair, coronary angioplasty and stenting, and prostate resection.


You can read more about this data release in a CMS Fact Sheet at


January 22, 2024: New EMTALA Resources

CMS announced in a Press Release that they are launching “a series of actions to educate the public about their rights to emergency medical care and to help support the efforts of hospitals to meet their obligations under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA).” One action CMS has taken is to publish new informational resources on their website at You can read the entire press release at


New Kepro Email Addresses

In the January 2024 edition of Case Review Connections, Kepro lets providers know that Kepro recently became a part of the Acentra health family, and you may notice some changes in email addresses, moving to They do not anticipate any other changes at this time and will provide guidance in the future of any potential required changes. You can sign up for this newsletter on the Kepro website at


January 24, 2024: HHS Releases Voluntary Cybersecurity Goals for the Health Sector & New Gateway Website

HHS announced the release of “voluntary health care specific cybersecurity performance goals (CPGs) and a new gateway website to help Health Care and Public Health (HPH) sector organizations implement these high-impact cybersecurity practices and ease access to the plethora of cybersecurity resources HHS and other federal partners offer.”

Beth Cobb

When to Expect Your 340B Drug Remedy Payment
Published on Jan 10, 2024

During the first week of 2024, the following information was posted on several of the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) websites.

“On June 15, 2022, the Supreme Court held in American Hospital Association v. Becerra that because CMS had not conducted a survey of hospitals’ acquisition costs, it could not vary the payment rates for outpatient prescription drugs by hospital group. On remand, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia prospectively vacated-beginning September 28, 2022- adjustments CMS had made to payments under the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System for drugs acquired through the 340B program.

On January 10, 2023, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued a remand without vacatur to give the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) the opportunity to determine the proper remedy for the reduced payment amounts to 340B hospitals under the payment rates in the final OPPS rules beginning in CY 2018 and continuing through September 27, 2022.

Accordingly, on November 8, 2023, CMS published the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System: Remedy for the 340B-Acquired Drug Payment Policy for Calendar Years 2018-2022.

Under this final rule, affected hospitals will be paid a one-time lump-sum amount based on the difference between what they were paid for 340B-acquired rugs from CY 2018 through September 27, 2022, and what they would have been paid during this time-period had the 340B Drug Payment Policy never existed. These payment amounts are listed in Addendum AAA to the final rule. This final rule ensures affected hospitals will receive the approximate payment they would have received if the original CY 2018-2022 340B payment policy had never existed.

Beginning January 8, 2024, Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) will begin making these one-time lump-sum remedy payments to affected providers via HIGLAS. There payments are scheduled to be completed by February 7, 2024.

The MACs will not included these lump sum payments on any cost report.

All remedy payments are subject to the MAC’s normal accounting procedures and may in effect be combined with other payment released on the same date and/or include any applicable outstanding Medicare offsets that are the result of provider-specific overpayment obligations, adjustments resulting from errors identified through the lump-sum technical correction process, any of which may impact the provider’s net payment amount.”

MAC Specific Announcements

Palmetto GBA Jurisdiction J

Palmetto GBA Jurisdiction M

NGS Jurisdiction 6

NGS Jurisdiction K

CGS Jurisdiction 15

WPS Jurisdictions 5 & 8

Beth Cobb

Outpatient FAQ: Therapy Threshold Amounts for 2024
Published on Jan 10, 2024


Are there any updates for rehabilitative therapy services’ threshold amounts for the coming year?



Yes. Change Request (CR) 13371 issued September 14, 2023 and re-communicated November 6, 2023 updates the annual per-beneficiary incurred expenses amounts now called the KX modifier thresholds and related policy for CY 2024. These thresholds were previously known as “therapy caps.”


CY 2024 KX Modifier Threshold Amounts

  1. $2,330 for Physical Therapy (PT) and Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) services combined, and
  2. $2,330 for Occupational Therapy (OT) services.


Providers can track a patient’s year-to-date therapy amounts on Medicare eligibility screens. The KX modifier must be appended to therapy services’ line-items on the claim for medically necessary therapy services above the threshold amounts. The medical necessity of services beyond the threshold amount must be justified by appropriate documentation in the medical record. Services provided beyond the threshold that are not billed with the KX modifier will be denied with Claim Adjustment Reason Code 119 - Benefit maximum for this time period or occurrence has been reached.


There is also a therapy threshold related to the targeted medical review process, now known as the Medical Record (MR) threshold amount. This threshold remains at $3,000 for PT and SLP combined and a separate $3,000 for OT until CY 2028.



CR 13371:

Beth Cobb

December 2023 Monthly Medicare Updates
Published on Jan 03, 2024

Medicare Transmittals & MLN Articles


November 22, 2023: MLN MM13452: Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Summary: CY 2024

This article highlights changes in the CY 2024 Physician Fee Schedule final rule. For example, starting in CY 2024, telehealth services provided to people in their homes will be paid at the non-facility PFS rate.


November 30, 2023: Change Request (CR) 13312: Indian Health Services (IHS) Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) Provider Enrollment

Beginning January 1, 2024, a tribal or IHS operated hospital that converts to an REH (IHS-REH) that provides hospital outpatient services to a Medicare beneficiary may be paid under the outpatient hospital All-Inclusive rate that is established and published annually by the IHS, rather than the rate for REH services. This CR updates Chapter 10 of the CMS Publication 100-08 (Medicare Program Integrity Manual) to include provider enrollment guidance regarding IHS-REHs.


December 7, 2023: MLN MM13333: Medicare Program Integrity Manual: CY 2024 Home Health Prospective Payment System Updates

This article includes information about expanding the HHS 36-month rule, moving hospices into the high level of categorical risk-screening, and other updates to Chapter 10 of the Medicare Program Integrity Manual.


December 7, 2023: MLN SE19007: Activation of Validation Edits for Providers with Multiple Service Locations – Revised

The December 7th revision of this special edition MLN article adds information on how to verify and update service locations for Medicare enrollment and what claim modifier to use.


December 12, 2023: MLN MM13463: DMEPOS Fee Schedule: CY 2024 Update

Make sure your billing staff knows about CY 2024 fee schedule amounts for new and existing codes and payment policy changes. For example, the CY 2024 HH PPS final rule established a new benefit category for standard and custom fitted compression garments and additional lymphedema compression treatment items under Medicare Part B.


December 20, 2023: Change Request (CR) 13222: Enforcing Billing Requirements for Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Services with New Condition Code 92

Effective January 1, 2024, Section 4124 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 establishes Medicare coverage and payment for IOP services for individuals with mental health needs when furnished by hospital outpatient departments, Critical Access Hospital outpatient departments, and Community Mental Health Centers. The original Transmittal 12125 has been rescinded and replaced by Transmittal 12423 (CR 13222) dated December 20, 2023. The purpose of this CR is to implement the new condition code 92 for IOP services and enforce billing requirements ( Additional information about condition code 92 is available in a related MLN article 13496.


December 21, 2023: MLN MM13481: Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System: January 2024 Update

Make sure your billing staff knows about system updates for January, including new codes for covered devices for pass-through payments, biology-guided radiation therapy, dental services, surgical procedures, drugs and biologicals, and skin substitutes.


December 26, 2023: MLN SE19007: Activation of Validation Edits for Providers with Multiple Service Locations – REVISED

This article was originally published March 26, 2019. In this most recent revision CMS clarified that these instructions do not apply to separately enrolled provider-based rural health clinics and add information on the 09/23 version of the paper-based enrollment form.

Beth Cobb

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