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April 2019 OPPS Update
Published on Mar 26, 2019

A healthcare claim form is a form which providers of services (hospitals, physicians, etc.) use to tell payors of services (Medicare, Medicaid, commercial payors, etc.) what items, tests, and services were provided to the patient and to request payment for those services. In other words, it is a communication tool between the provider of services and the payor of services that says, “this is what we did; please pay us.” In addition to this basis request for payment, it is sometimes used to communicate other information about the services that may affect payment immediately, or may allow the payors to gather data they could use to affect payment down the road. Medicare, as the largest healthcare payor, provides lots of claim-processing instructions, such as the quarterly updates to the Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS).

Two of the bigger news items from the April 2019 OPPS Update are instructions on billing for (CAR) T-cell Therapy and reporting of the ER modifier for services performed in an off-campus provider-based emergency department. Along with these items are the other code updates and changes of the types that usually appear in the quarterly updates.

Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T- Cell Therapy

Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T- Cell Therapy is a new cancer treatment. To understand billing, you have to have an idea of how the therapy works. The CMS transmittal describes it as:

(CAR) T-cell therapy is a cell-based gene therapy in which T-cells are collected and genetically engineered to express a chimeric antigen receptor that will bind to a certain protein on a patient’s cancerous cells. The CAR T-cells are then administered to the patient to attack certain cancerous cells and the individual is observed for potential serious side effects that would require medical intervention.

In February, CMS released a proposed decision memo that would allow coverage of (CAR) T-Cell therapy under Coverage with Evidence Development (CED) (see a prior Wednesday@One article for more information on the proposed coverage). Until that decision memo is made final, there is no national Medicare policy for covering CAR T-cell therapy, so local Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) have discretion over whether to pay for it. The drugs associated with this treatment are currently payable as pass-through drugs and there is also a payable code for the administration of CAR T-cells in the hospital outpatient setting.

Although there are CPT codes for the collection and preparation of the CAR T-cells, Medicare does not generally pay separately for each step used to manufacture a drug or biological. The drug codes above also clearly specify that leukapheresis and dose preparation are included. Because of this, the collection and preparation codes were assigned a status indicator of “B” (Codes that are not recognized by OPPS) and were not to be reported on an outpatient hospital Part B bill type (12x and 13x). Medicare has now decided that in order to track utilization and cost data, they will allow the reporting of these non-payable codes on the claim as non-covered services.  Effective for claims received on or after April 1, 2019, providers should report the following CPT codes, associated revenue codes, and value code when these services are provided.

These services may be reported as non-covered charges on the outpatient claim. Also, hospitals may report the CAR T-cell related revenue codes 087X (Cell/Gene Therapy) and 089X (Pharmacy) as well as new value code 86 (Invoice Cost) established by the NUBC on hospital outpatient department claims.

The transmittal even gives examples of what should be reported in different scenarios:

  • CAR T-cells collected, prepared and given in hospital outpatient department
  • Report the appropriate drug code (Q2041 or Q2042) and the administration code (0540T) as covered services
  • Report 0537T, 0538T, and 0539T codes and charges as non-covered
  • CAR T-cells collected and prepared in hospital outpatient department, but not given
  • Report 0537T, 0538T, and 0539T codes and charges as non-covered
  • CAR T-cells collected and prepared in hospital outpatient department, given in subsequent inpatient admission
  • Report charges associated with services described by CPT codes 0537T, 0538T, and 0539T under revenue code 0891 (Special Processed Drugs – FDA Approved Cell Therapy - Charges for Modified cell therapy) on inpatient claim (11x type of bill)
  • Do NOT report drug codes (Q20140 or Q2042) when CAR T-cells are given to inpatients

Modifier “ER”

Another new reporting requirement solely for the benefit of allowing Medicare to collect utilization data is the new modifier “ER.” Hospitals are required to report this modifier on all services provided in an off-campus provider-based emergency department. Additional information about the “ER” modifier:

  • Effective January 1, 2019;
  • Report on every claim line that contains a CPT/HCPCS code for an outpatient hospital service furnished in an off -campus provider-based emergency department;
  • Report on UB-04 (Form 1450) for hospital outpatient services;
  • Not required to be reported by critical access hospitals (CAHs);
  • For off-campus provider-based emergency departments that meet the definition of “a dedicated emergency department”, that is they are:
  • Licensed by the State as an emergency department; OR
  • Held out to the public (by name, posted signs, advertising, or other means) as a place that provides care for emergency medical conditions on an urgent basis without requiring a previously scheduled appointment; OR
  • They provide at least one-third of all of their outpatient visits for the treatment of emergency medical conditions on an urgent basis without requiring a previously scheduled appointment.

As if it is not hard enough to report all the codes for which you do get paid, Medicare sometimes requires that we report codes for which there is no payment. Bummer! 

Debbie Rubio

March Medicare Transmittals and Other Updates
Published on Mar 26, 2019



Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Codes Subject to and Excluded from Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Edits

The new HCPCS codes for 2019 that are subject to and excluded from Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) edits.

April 2019 Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) Specifications Version 20.1

Remittance Advice Remark Code (RARC), Claims Adjustment Reason Code (CARC), Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP) and PC Print Update

April 2019 Update of the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS)

Describes changes to, and billing instructions for, various payment policies implemented in the April 2019 OPPS update.




Evaluation and Management (E/M) When Performed with Superficial Radiation Treatment

Allows providers to bill E/M codes 99211, 99212, and 99213 for Levels I through III, when performed with superficial radiation treatment delivery.




Medicare Part B Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule: Revised Information for Laboratories on Collecting and Reporting Data for the Private Payor Rate-Based Payment System

Assist the laboratory community in meeting the requirements under Section 1834A of the Social Security Act (the Act) for the Medicare Part B Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS). Includes clarifications for determining

  • whether a hospital outreach laboratory meets the requirements to be an “applicable laboratory,”
  • the applicable information (that is, private payor rate data) that must be collected and reported to CMS,
  • the entity responsible for reporting applicable information to CMS,
  • the data collection and reporting periods, and
  • the schedule for implementing the next private payor-rate based CLFS update.

New Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) Get It, Use It




National Coverage Determination (NCD90.2): Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

CMS covers diagnostic laboratory tests using next generation sequencing when performed in a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments- certified laboratory when ordered by a treating physician and when specific requirements are met.




CMS Updates Consumer Resources for Comparing Hospital Quality

CMS updated hospital performance data on the Hospital Compare website and on This data includes specific measures of hospitals’ quality of care, many of which are updated quarterly, and the Overall Hospital Star Ratings, which were last updated in December 2017. The data are collected through CMS’s Hospital Quality Initiative programs.

CMS Updates Drug Dashboards with Prescription Drug Pricing and Spending Data

Updated with 2017 data.




Medicare Fast Facts

Medicare Fast Facts resources this month include:

  • Bill Correctly for Device Replacement Procedures




KEPRO Winter 2019 Care Review Connections Newsletter

A quarterly e-newsletter from your Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO).

Guidelines for Achieving a Compliant Query Practice—2019 update

“Guidelines for Achieving a Compliant Query Practice” was produced through the joint effort of the Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists (ACDIS) and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Both associations collaborated on the creation of this practice brief and approved its contents, and as such it represents the recommended industry standard for provider queries.

This practice brief supercedes one published in 2016 and all previous versions. 

CMS Provides Information on Lab Reporting of Private Payor Rates
Published on Mar 12, 2019

If your hospital has a hospital outreach laboratory that furnishes laboratory testing to non-patients, you may be required to collect and report private payor lab rates and volumes to Medicare. A non-patient is a patient that is neither an inpatient nor an outpatient of a hospital.

Non-patients are those patients that:

  • Have a specimen submitted for analysis to a hospital and the patient is not physically present at the hospital;
  • The patient did not receive other outpatient services at the hospital on the same day the specimen was collected; or
  • The specimen was not collected by an employee of the hospital or of a facility provider-based to the hospital.

Hospital laboratories may bill Medicare under their own NPI separate from the hospital NPI. Hospital laboratories that bill under the hospital NPI, bill for non-patient specimens on Form CMS-1450 (UB-04) 14x Type of Bill (TOB).

The Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PAMA) made significant changes to the way in which Medicare payments for laboratory tests paid under the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) are determined. Under the CLFS final rule “Medicare Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Payment System Final Rule” (CMS-1621-F), which was published in June 2016 and implemented the PAMA requirements, private payor rates became the basis for the revised CLFS rates beginning January 1, 2018. Medicare obtains the data for the private payor rates from applicable laboratories that are required to report their private payor payments and volumes to CMS. When this rule first came out the definition of applicable reporting labs had to do with the percentage of Medicare services for a particular NPI that were paid under the CLFS or the physician fee schedule. Since hospital Medicare revenues are mainly from inpatient and outpatient prospective payment systems (IPPS and OPPS), most hospital labs did not qualify as an applicable reporting laboratory with the exception of hospital laboratories that had their own NPI number. In the 2019 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Final Rule, CMS changed the definition of an applicable reporting laboratory to use the Medicare revenue from a hospital 14x type of bill for the data collection period beginning January 1, 2019.

On February 27, 2019, Medicare published MLN Matters Article SE19006 that includes a lengthy discussion of the reporting requirements including “clarifications for determining whether a hospital outreach laboratory meets the requirements to be an “applicable laboratory,” the applicable information (that is, private payor rate data) that must be collected and reported to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the entity responsible for reporting applicable information to CMS, the data collection and reporting periods, the schedule for implementing the next private payor-rate based CLFS update” and information about a condensed data reporting option for reporting entities.

For many hospitals that perform outreach testing, this will be a big deal. The reporting entity is based on the Tax Identification Number (TIN) but data is reported for each individual NPI that meets the definition of an applicable laboratory.  This means the first step is determining if your laboratory meets the definition of an applicable reporting laboratory. If your hospital lab bills under its own NPI, you likely dealt with determining if you were a reporting laboratory for the first reporting period.

Labs are required to report data if they:

  • Have more than $12,500 in Medicare revenues from laboratory services on the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) during a 6-month data collection period, and
  • Receive more than 50 percent of their Medicare revenues from CLFS and physician fee schedule services during a data collection period”

Hospital labs billing under the hospital’s NPI now use the 14x TOB for these calculations. Since 14x revenues are “non-patient” services, they consist exclusively (or mostly) of lab services, meaning the percentage will likely always exceed 50%. The means if your hospital outreach lab’s 14x revenues equal or exceed $12,500 in the 6-month reporting period, then you are required to report the lab private payor data to Medicare.


If you are an applicable laboratory, you must report each private payor rate and volume for each lab test subject to the data collection and reporting requirements. You can find a list of the lab tests subject to reporting in the Downloads section of the Medicare CLFS PAMA webpage – the document is titled CLFS Applicable Information HCPCS Codes. Private payors are defined as a health insurer issuer, a group health plan, a Medicare Advantage plan or a Medicaid Managed Care Organization.  

Labs report the final amount paid by a private payor including patient cost sharing amounts and secondary insurer payments. If an applicable laboratory has more than one payment rate for the same private payor for the same test, or more than one payment rate for different payors for the same test, the reporting lab will report each such payment rate and the volume for the test at each such rate.  There may be some insurances that do not pay individual amounts per HCPCS code, such as an insurance that pays under capitation or under a claim-level payment (such as, EAPGs for example). In this case, if the final private payor rate amount paid by HCPCS code and the associated volume paid at that final rate cannot be determined, the payment amount is not a private payor rate for purposes of applicable information and therefore is not reported to CMS.

Hospital laboratories that meet the applicable reporting status based on billing on the 14X TOB report only applicable information attributed to the lab’s non-hospital patients. This means the hospital must distinguish private payor payments made for lab tests furnished to non-patients from private payor payments made for lab tests furnished to hospital inpatients and outpatients. Only the private payor rates and volumes of laboratory tests furnished to non-patients are to be reported to CMS.

The next data collection period for this reporting began January 1, 2019 and goes through June 30, 2019. Then there is a six-month review and validation period from July 1, 2019-December 31, 2019. Applicable laboratories will report their data between January 1, 2020 and March 31, 2020. This data will be used to set the Clinical Lab Fee Schedule (CLFS) rates beginning in year 2021. The data collection, reporting and setting of new rates occurs every 3 years.

There is a new option available for condensed reporting at the TIN level. The TIN level reporting entity may combine the volume paid at the same private payor rate for the same HCPCS code for its component applicable laboratories. The condensed data reporting is only permitted when a specific lab test HCPCS code is paid at the same private payor rate to more than one applicable lab under the same TIN. The reporting entity must select one NPI as the reporting NPI when using this condensed data reporting. The MLN Matters article gives examples of how the condensed reporting would work. This is only an option if a reporting entity has multiple applicable laboratories for which it is reporting.

This reporting is not voluntary, optional, or discretionary. If your laboratory qualifies as an applicable reporting laboratory, you must ensure accurate collection and reporting of applicable information. There is a lot to consider and a lot of preparation prior to reporting. This article is only a cursory explanation of the process. I encourage hospitals to first determine if the reporting requirements apply to you and if they do, begin by reading all the Medicare information on the data collection and reporting process. I am sure after further study, you will agree, this is a big deal.


MLN Matters Article SE19006

Medicare Laboratory PAMA Webpage

FAQs CY 2019 CLFS  

Debbie Rubio

February Medicare Transmittals and Other Updates
Published on Feb 26, 2019



April 2019 Quarterly ASP Medicare Part B Drug Pricing Files and Revisions to Prior Quarterly Pricing Files

International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) and Other Coding Revisions to National Coverage Determination (NCDs)

NCD coding changes as the result of newly available codes, coding revisions to NCDs released separately, or coding feedback received.

Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Codes (HPTCs) April 2019 Code Set Update




Processing Veterans Administration (VA) Inpatient Claims Exempt from Present on Admission (POA) Reporting

The HAC-POA payment provision required by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) applies only to Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) hospitals. Therefore, VA hospitals are exempt from reporting POA and End of POA Indicators.

Updates to Reflect Removal of Functional Reporting Requirements and Therapy Provisions of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018

Updates both the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual and Medicare Claims Processing Manual to reflect recent policy revisions including: (a) the repeal of the application of the outpatient therapy caps and the retention of the therapy cap amounts as thresholds of incurred expenses above which claims must include a modifier to confirm services are medically necessary as shown by medical record documentation; and, (b) the discontinuation of the functional reporting requirements.

Ensuring Organ Acquisition Charges Are Not Included in the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Payment Calculation

To prevent potential overpayments, Medicare’s Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (FISS) will deduct organ acquisition charges billed with revenue codes 081X from the total covered charges prior to sending an inpatient Type of Bill (TOB) 11X claim to the IPPS pricer for any date of service processed on or after July 1, 2019.

Revising the Remittance Advice Messaging for the 20-Hour Weekly Minimum for Partial Hospitalization Program Services

Common Working File (CWF) Provider Queries National Provider Identifier (NPI) Verification

The Common Working File (CWF) will require verification of the NPI similar to the HETS when Medicare Part A providers request Medicare beneficiary eligibility and entitlement data via the CWF provider inquiry screens.

Processing Instructions to Update the Standard Paper Remit (SPR)

Instructs MACs to update their systems to ensure that SPRs mailed after July 1, 2019, mask the Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN), so the Social Security Number (SSN) does not show.

Implementation to Exchange the List of Electronic Medical Documentation Requests (eMDR) for Registered Providers via the Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation (esMD) System

Makes the changes required to send Additional Documentation Request (ADR) letters to participating providers via the (esMD) system. A CR to effectuate the exchange of ADR letters to registered providers via the esMD system will be released at a later date.

Update to Mammography Editing

Modifies existing editing to ensure only revenue codes 0401, 0403, 0520, 0521, 096, 097, or 098 are billed on claims containing mammography codes 77065, 77066, or 77067.

Implementation of the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM)

Effectuates changes to the SNF Prospective Payment System (PPS) that were finalized in the FY 2019 SNF PPS Final Rule (83 FR 39162).

Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) – REVISED

Multiple revisions of this transmittal that changes the LCD process.

Modification of the MCS Claims Processing System Logic for Modifier 59, XE, XS, XP, and XU Involving the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Procedure to Procedure (PTP) Column One and Column Two Codes

Medicare will allow modifiers 59, XE, XS, XP, or XU on column one and column two codes to bypass the edit.

Update to the Internet-Only-Manual (IOM) Publication (Pub.) 100-04, Chapter 32, Section 12.1

Removes diagnosis codes from and adds diagnosis codes to the list of valid diagnosis codes for Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use.




Update to Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation (ICR) Programs

Effective February 9, 2018, coverage in an ICR is expanded to include stable, chronic heart failure defined as patients with left ventricular ejection fraction of 35 percent or less and New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class II to IV symptoms despite being on optimal heart failure therapy for at least 6 weeks.

Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) for Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)—Clarification of Payment Rules and Expansion of International Classification of Diseases Tenth Edition (ICD-10) Diagnosis Codes

CMS proposes Coverage with Evidence Development for Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell Therapy

Decision Memo for Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) for Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) (CAG-00313R2)

CMS will cover FDA approved vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) devices for treatment resistant depression (TRD) through Coverage with Evidence Development (CED) when offered in a CMS approved, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial with a follow-up duration of at least one year with the possibility of extending the study to a prospective longitudinal study when the CMS approved, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial has completed enrollment, and there are positive interim findings.

National Coverage Determination (NCD) 20.4 Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (ICDs) – REVISED

Implementation date changed from February 26, 2019 to March 26, 2019.




Medicare Fast Facts

Medicare Fast Facts resources this month include:

  • Medicare Hospital Claims: Avoid Coding Errors
  • DME Proof of Delivery Documentation Requirements




New App Displays What Original Medicare Covers

Allows people with Original Medicare, caregivers and others to quickly see whether Medicare covers a specific medical item or service.

Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (ET3) Model

A voluntary, five-year payment model that will pay participating ambulance suppliers and providers to 1) transport an individual to a hospital emergency department (ED) or other destination covered under the regulations, 2) transport to an alternative destination (such as a primary care doctor’s office or an urgent care clinic), or 3) provide treatment in place with a qualified health care practitioner, either on the scene or connected using telehealth.

Coding from Therapy Notes
Published on Feb 18, 2019

On January 31, 2019, Palmetto GBA, the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for Jurisdictions J and M, published the following instruction regarding coding for therapy records.

Can we use the therapy progress notes and/or the plan of care documentation without the Physician or Nurse Practitioner signature to code from for Medicare claims? 

Yes, you may use the therapist intervention notes to help support your codes. You are allowed to do that for Medicare purposes. Make sure that the physician is informed on the therapist activities and you will still need to forward those notes to the physician at some point.

This is not the gift it may originally seem and I want to offer some cautions associated with this instruction. First, what would be the benefit of doing this? The MACs may have edits in place for therapy claims that require specific diagnoses in order to be paid. When physicians/practitioners order therapy services, they may list the medical diagnosis on the order, for example, “status post meniscectomy for left lateral meniscus tear.” But the therapist is not technically treating the meniscus tear or the meniscectomy, but the associated functional deficits caused by the repair. (I had one of these, so I know!) They are treating the joint pain, swelling, limited range of motion, gait issues, etc. associated with the surgery. The therapist describes these functional diagnoses in the evaluation and plan of care, with objective measures and subjective observations supporting these limitations. This makes it easy to see why coding from the therapist’s documentation makes sense to more accurately describe the “diagnosis” for the therapy services. And if edits are indeed in place for the payor, these diagnoses are more likely to “pass” the edits for a functional diagnosis and allow your claim to be paid.

But most state laws do not allow therapists to diagnose patients, so your coders will have some heartburn with this instruction. And do NOT let this instruction make your therapists think this makes it acceptable to delay obtaining the physician/practitioner’s signature on the plan of care. Medicare requires the patient to be under the care of a physician/practitioner and their certification of the plan of care. This certification shows the physician/NPP approves of the therapist’s plan and gives permission for the therapist to move forward with the approved plan. Therapists do not have to wait on the signature to begin treatment, but a signature certifying the plan is required for Medicare payment and Medicare expects this to be done in a timely manner, i.e. as soon as possible after the plan is established. This means that if the record is audited by a Medicare reviewer, there must be a plan of care certification signed by the patient’s physician/practitioner in the medical record. If this documentation is missing, Medicare will deny the claim.

How likely is it your therapy claim will be reviewed by Medicare? That is hard to know, but currently 7 of the 12 MAC Jurisdictions have therapy services as a topic of their Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) reviews, and 8 of the 12 MACs have a Local Coverage Determination and/or Coverage Article addressing therapy services. I would say the odds are not looking good for escaping scrutiny.

Debbie Rubio

More Hospitals to Report Private Payor Lab Rates
Published on Feb 05, 2019

While a majority of the country is in the grips of below freezing weather, here in the South our promised snow did not happen and temperatures by the first of next week are forecast to be in the 70’s. Some flowers, such as jonquils, are beginning to bloom and whether from the changing weather patterns or from early bloomers, I have a sinus headache. This time next year, many hospital laboratories will be in the middle of another large headache – that of reporting private payor data for clinical diagnostic laboratory tests (CDLTs) to Medicare.

The Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PAMA) made significant changes to the way in which Medicare payments for laboratory tests paid under the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) are determined. Under the CLFS final rule “Medicare Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Payment System Final Rule” (CMS-1621-F), which was published in June 2016 and implemented the PAMA requirements, private payor rates became the basis for the revised CLFS rates beginning January 1, 2018. Medicare obtains the data for the private payor rates from applicable laboratories that are required to report their private payor payments and volumes to CMS. When this rule first came out the definition of applicable reporting labs had to do with the percentage of Medicare services for a particular NPI that were paid under the CLFS or the physician fee schedule. Since hospital Medicare revenues are mainly from inpatient and outpatient prospective payment systems (IPPS and OPPS), most hospital labs did not qualify as an applicable reporting laboratory with the exception of hospital laboratories that had their own NPI number.

In the 2019 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Final Rule, CMS changed the definition of an applicable reporting laboratory to use the Medicare revenue from a hospital 14x type of bill for the data collection period beginning January 1, 2019. The official definition for applicable reporting laboratories is:

“Laboratories, including physician offices laboratories and hospital outreach laboratories that bill using a 14X TOB are required to report laboratory test HCPCS codes, associated private payor rates, and volume data if they:

  • Have more than $12,500 in Medicare revenues from laboratory services on the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS), and
  • Receive more than 50 percent of their Medicare revenues from CLFS and physician fee schedule services during a data collection period”

As explained in the January 22, 2019 ‘Clinical Diagnostic Laboratories to Collect and Report Private Payor Rates Call’, hospitals will divide the CLFS and PFS revenues attributed to 14x Type of Bill by their total 14x

revenues. Since 14x revenues are “non-patient” services, they consist exclusively (or mostly) of lab services, meaning the percentage will likely always exceed 50%. This means if your hospital outreach lab’s 14x revenues equal or exceed $12,500 in the 6-month reporting period, then you are required to report the lab private payor data to Medicare.


Using Medicare claims data from our sister company, RealTime Medicare Data (RTMD), I looked at the 14x revenue for a number of hospitals and I was surprised that most hospitals easily surpassed the $12,500 per 6-months threshold for reporting. The current data collection period began January 1, 2019 and goes through June 30, 2019. The reporting period for this collection period is January 1, 2020 through March 31, 2020. This gives hospitals time to evaluate their status and prepare for reporting.

I recommend hospitals first verify they are using the 14x type of bill correctly. The 14x type of bill is used to bill non-patient lab services, such as when a specimen is sent to the hospital lab for testing from a physician’s office. Patients that are referred to your laboratory for testing and actually physically come to the hospital lab for specimen collection are outpatients. Outpatient testing is billed to Medicare on a 13x type of bill. Although the data collection period has already begun, if you are not using the 14x bill type correctly, now is the time to correct it.

Hospitals then need to determine the amount of their 14x revenues for a six-month period. The current collection period of January-June 2019 will be the official period for determining 14x lab revenues for reporting purposes, but hospitals can estimate if they will meet the criteria based on prior data. If it appears your hospital laboratory will meet the definition of an applicable reporting lab, someone at your facility needs to learn the requirements for reporting so you are ready next year. Here are some resources to get you started with the process.

  • Medicare's Laboratory PAMA webpage – a wealth of information and links to other resources on this page. If you are an applicable reporting lab, you will want to check out the CLFS Data Collection System User Guide.
  • Medicare FAQs on the Final Rule (at the time this article was written, these FAQs were not yet updated with the new 2019 applicable lab definition)
  • National Provider Call January 22 2019 – this website includes the presentation, audio recording, and transcript of this call. CMS will be having additional calls on this topic so be on the lookout for these.

The January 22, 2019 National Provider Call explained how to determine if you are a reporting laboratory under the new 14x definition. The CMS presenters were unsure exactly what data would be required to be reported to Medicare – was it only 14x data, or was the 14x data only for determining reporting status and all lab non-patient and outpatient data would have to be reported. They promised to clarify this in upcoming sub-regulatory guidance.

In general, reporting labs have to report the private payor rate for each test for which final payment has been made during the data collection period, the associated volume for each test, and the specific HCPCS code associated with the test. If an applicable laboratory has more than one payment rate for the same private payor for the same test, or more than one payment rate for different payors for the same test, the reporting entity will report each such payment rate and the volume for the test at each such rate.

There may be some insurances that pay a lump sum amount per claim, instead of individual line item payments, such as an insurance that pays under EAPGs for example. In this case, if the final private payor rate amount paid by HCPCS code and the associated volume paid at that final rate cannot be determined, the payment amount is not a private payor rate for purposes of applicable information and therefore is not reported to CMS.

Even from this cursory discussion of the required reporting for private payor lab rates, you can tell it will certainly be a huge headache. You cannot change that, but you can start now to know where you stand and what to expect as the reporting period approaches. 

Debbie Rubio

January Medicare Transmittals and Other Updates
Published on Jan 28, 2019



January 2019 Update of the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS)

Describes changes to and billing instructions for various payment policies implemented in the January 2019 OPPS update.


Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule – Medicare Travel Allowance Fees for Collection of Specimens

Revises travel allowances payment amounts when billed on a per mileage basis using HCPCS code P9603 and when billed on a flat rate basis using HCPCS code P9604 for Calendar Year (CY) 2019.


Quarterly Update to the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Procedure-to-Procedure (PTP) Edits, Version 25.1 Effective April 1, 2019


Calendar Year (CY) 2019 Annual Update for Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule and Laboratory Services Subject to Reasonable Charge Payment

Provides instructions for the Calendar Year (CY) 2019 Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS), mapping for new codes for clinical laboratory tests, and updates for laboratory costs subject to the reasonable charge payment.




Medicare Claims Processing Manual Chapter 23 - Fee Schedule Administration and

Coding Requirements

Updates manual concerning National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) procedure-to-procedure (PTP) edits, medically unlikely edits (MUEs), and modifiers -59 and -91 usage.


Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) – REVISED

Added language to show that MACs have the discretion to host multi-jurisdictional CACs.


New Waived Tests

New Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) waived tests approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 30 Revisions

Chapter revised to provide improved formatting and readability – current policy is not changing.


New Electronic System for Provider Reimbursement Review Board Appeals




Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) Removal from the Medicare Inpatient-Only (IPO) List and Application of the 2-Midnight Rule - Reissued

Addresses TKA procedures and application of the 2-Midnight Rule now that this procedure has been removed from Medicare’s inpatient-only (IPO) list.




Appropriate Use Criteria for Advanced Diagnostic Imaging MLN Fact Sheet

ICD-10-CM, ICD10-PCS, CPT, and HCPCS Code Sets MLN Fact Sheet

Medicare Fast Facts

Medicare Fast Facts resources this month include:

  • Proper Coding for Specimen Validity Testing Billed in Combination with Urine Drug Testing
  • Proper Use of the KX Modifier for Part B Immunosuppressive Drug Claims




Medicare Fee-for-Service Recovery Audit Program: Additional Documentation Limits for Medicare Institutional Providers (i.e. Facilities)

RAC ADR limits for facilities updated December 21, 2018

OIG Finds Overpayments for HBO Services
Published on Jan 23, 2019

In all the years I have been writing articles for this newsletter, I am sure that I have at least once referenced the saying, “the devil is in the details” because this saying so perfectly fits in the Medicare world. It is often all about the details. A perfect example of this is from the recent OIG report on payments for hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy that did not comply with Medicare requirements. Specifically, the OIG looked at HBO therapy services paid by the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), First Coast, during calendar years 2012 through 2015. The OIG selected First Coast, the MAC for Jurisdiction N, because it paid the second largest amount for HBO therapy in 2013 and 2014; the highest MAC payor, WPS, had already been audited by the OIG (OIG Review of WPS HBO Payments). The OIG found that First Coast made payments for HBO that did not comply with Medicare requirements for 110 of 115 claims – a denial rate of 92%. Based on these findings, the OIG estimates First Coast has “overpaid providers in Jurisdiction N $39.7 million during the audit period for HBO therapy that did not comply with Medicare requirements.”

The OIG Report of First Coast HBO Overpayments gives three examples of ways providers did not comply with Medicare requirements. These examples mirror issues I often see when reviewing HBO records. Also interesting is the fact that the errors are associated with the most common Medicare coverage conditions for HBO therapy. Medicare’s requirements for HBO therapy can be found in the National Coverage Determination (NCD) 20.29 for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Below is a summary of what the OIG found, along with additional information from other Medicare resources.

HBO Covered Condition – Chronic Refractory Osteomyelitis, unresponsive to conventional medical and surgical management:

The OIG example about osteomyelitis was for ‘Medicare Payment for HBO Therapy Without Failing Conventional Treatment,’ and it specifically noted “HBO therapy treatment began before the conventional

treatment had been completed.”

The First Coast HBO LCD (Local Coverage Determination) states concerning osteomyelitis, “(it) must be chronic and refractory to usual standard of care management (i.e., prolonged antibiotics therapy preferably directed by appropriate culture and sensitivity information, drainage of the abscesses, immobilization of the affected extremity, and surgical debridement with removal of infected bone). HBO for osteomyelitis that is not documented to be chronic and refractory to conventional treatment, and HBO not provided in an adjunctive fashion, is not covered.”

The medical record must also contain documentation that supports the diagnosis of chronic refractory osteomyelitis. For example, Palmetto GBA in findings and education from their reviews of HBO, requires the diagnosis be supported by imaging studies or bone description and positive cultures. When reviewing such records, I notice it is often difficult to determine how long the patient has had osteomyelitis, how the diagnosis of OM was confirmed, and exactly what treatments have been tried.

HBO Covered Condition – Preparation and preservation of compromised skin grafts (not for primary management of wounds):

In the OIG report, “there was no evidence that the beneficiary ever received a flap procedure. She had surgery that resulted in a wound that became infected and did not heal, but there was no evidence that she ever received a flap.” The OIG listed this as ‘HBO therapy That Was Not Medically Necessary.’

Additional guidance concerning HBO for skin grafts/flaps can again be found in the First Coast LCD and from Palmetto GBA education. From the FC LCD, “Preparation and preservation of compromised skin grafts utilizes HBO therapy for graft salvage in cases where hypoxia or decreased perfusion has compromised viability.” The LCD reiterates that per the NCD, coverage under this indication is “not for primary management of wounds.” The LCD also points out HBO for this indication requires the presence of a compromised skin graft, and does not include HBO treatment that is empiric treatment or prophylactic maintenance of grafts or solely for preparation of a wound bed for receiving a graft.

In a Palmetto Ask the Contractor teleconference from May 2018, Dr. Leland Garrett, Medical Director, responded to questions concerning HBO coverage and documentation requirements. Per Dr. Garrett, for Medicare coverage, skin grafts and flaps treated with HBO should not be a chronic wound that had a flap performed several months ago and has reopened as a new (non) healing wound. It is for more acute situations where the flap or graft area has dehisced or is lost partially or fully. Preservation would be to use HBO to prevent (or repair) the dehisced side, and preparation would be the use of HBO to a site where the previous graft or flap was completely lost and is being oxygenated with HBO as an attempt to promote granulation tissue for the site for a new graft or flap …”.  The physician’s documentation should include information about the original graft or flap procedure including the date of the procedure, or preferably, a copy of the operative note. The documentation should also describe what has happened to the graft/flap site since the procedure that would cause the patient to need HBO.

HBO Covered Condition – Diabetic Wounds of the Lower Extremities in patients who meet the following three criteria:

  1. “Patient has type I or type II diabetes and has a lower extremity wound that is due to diabetes;
  2. Patient has a wound classified as Wagner grade III or higher; and
  3. Patient has failed an adequate course of standard wound therapy.

The use of HBO therapy is covered as adjunctive therapy only after there are no measurable signs of healing for at least 30 –days of treatment with standard wound therapy and must be used in addition to standard wound care. Standard wound care in patients with diabetic wounds includes: assessment of a patient’s vascular status and correction of any vascular problems in the affected limb if possible, optimization of nutritional status, optimization of glucose control, debridement by any means to remove devitalized tissue, maintenance of a clean, moist bed of granulation tissue with appropriate moist dressings, appropriate off-loading, and necessary treatment to resolve any infection that might be present. Failure to respond to standard wound care occurs when there are no measurable signs of healing for at least 30 consecutive days. Wounds must be evaluated at least every 30 days during administration of HBO therapy. Continued treatment with HBO therapy is not covered if measurable signs of healing have not been demonstrated within any 30-day period of treatment.” (NCD 20.29)

These plentiful NCD requirements seem to be a challenge to providers. The OIG’s 3rd and final example is ‘HBO Therapy With Insufficient Documentation.’ In this case, the medical records did not contain sufficient documentation to support that there were at least 30 days of standard wound care therapy provided prior to HBO therapy. Since the NCD provides so many details for diabetic wounds, there is not a lot to add from the First Coast LCD or Palmetto findings. I recommend making a check list for diabetic wounds from the NCD requirements looking at each requirement from two perspectives – 1) does the patient meet the criterium and 2) is there documentation to support it. For example, your checklist would be:

  • Is the patient diabetic? Is there documentation of such in the medical record?
  • Does the patient have a lower extremity wound due to diabetes? Is the record clear that the wound is a diabetic wound?
  • Is the wound a Wagner Grade III or higher and is that clearly documented in the record? Check for consistency in the documentation of the Wagner grade in physician’s progress notes and nursing assessments.
  • Has the patient been receiving conservative wound care for treatment of the wound for at least 30 days? Does the medical record describe the different types of assessments and interventions that have been done to promote wound healing?
  • Has there been no measurable signs of healing for at least 30 consecutive days? For example, the wound may fail to decrease in size as one indication of lack of healing, or there may be other wound characteristics signifying lack of healing. The First Coast LCD contains this statement – “Documentation of all aspects of optimization defined by the NCD (clarified by this LCD) and the absence of improvement in the wound characteristics constitutes stalled wound healing and suggests that it may benefit from adjunctive HBOT.”

The conditions addressed above are frequent reasons for a need for HBO therapy and providers need to ensure the coverage criteria and documentation requirements are met to receive appropriate reimbursement. Also remember to include other required elements in your HBO therapy – make sure you have:

  • A physician’s (or practitioner’s) order for the HBO therapy,
  • The physician/NPP’s explanation of the reason for HBO therapy (diagnosis or condition warranting the HBO treatment),
  • The expected benefits of HBO treatment – these are the HBO treatment goals, and
  • An evaluation of the patient’s progress from HBO therapy at least every 30 days.

This sounds like a lot of documentation but it is really just the basics of what is wrong with the patient, what is being done to help the patient, what is the expected outcome, and what is the actual outcome. The difficulty is, the devil is in the details.

Debbie Rubio

January 2019 OPPS Update
Published on Jan 23, 2019

Medicare publishes updates to most of their payment systems on a quarterly basis. In this newsletter, we review the updates related to hospitals, such as the quarterly updates to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS). The January OPPS Update always has a long and wordy transmittal since it is the update that incorporates the changes from the annual OPPS Final Rule and CPT/HCPCS coding changes for the calendar year. Many of the issues from the final rule have already been written about and discussed again, again, and again – the January update is just one more repetition of the changes. The good part of all these repeats is that it gives numerous opportunities for providers to see the news, and less chance that they would miss an important update.

So, here again is a summary of the high points of the January 2019 OPPS Update. Since there are so many code updates, please refer to this link to the January 2019 OPPS Update MLN Matters article to see the new and revised codes.

  • CMS is establishing one new device pass-through category for January 2019 for Generator, neurostimulator (implantable), non-rechargeable, with transvenous sensing and stimulation leads (HCPCS code C1823). This device will be paid a pass-through payment based on cost-to-charge ratio. The applicable APC 5464 billed with CPT 0424T (Insertion or replacement of neurostimulator system for treatment of central sleep apnea; complete system (transvenous placement of right or left stimulation lead, sensing lead, implantable pulse generator) will have a device off-set amount applied to the payment rate.
  • CMS changed the definition of device-intensive procedures this year, lowering the device offset percentage threshold from greater than 40 percent to greater than 30 percent and allowing procedures that involve single-use devices, regardless of whether or not they remain in the body after the conclusion of the procedure, to qualify as device-intensive procedures. See the prior Wednesday@One article for more information on this change.
  • CMS created new HCPCS code C1890 for ASC use only, to report with device-intensive procedures when an implantable or inserted medical device is not used.
  • There are three new comprehensive APCs (C-APCs) for 2019 - C-APC 5163 (Level 3 Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Procedures), C-APC 5183 (Level 3 Vascular Procedures), and C-APC 5184 (Level 4 Vascular Procedures). C-APC claims are paid one comprehensive payment for the primary procedure with packaging of payment for adjunctive services into the primary procedure payment.
  • CMS removed four procedures from the inpatient-only list for 2019 and added one procedure to it. Wednesday@One Article for 2019 IPO List discusses the changes in greater detail.
  • New modifier “ER” is to be reported by hospitals (except CAHs) on all line items for services provided in a provider-based off-campus emergency department beginning January 1, 2018. See the MLN Matters article for the criteria for “dedicated emergency department.”
  • CMS is reducing the payment rate for clinic visits (G0463) provided in excepted off-campus provider-based departments. Excepted off-campus PBDs are those PBDs that were furnishing and billing for services as of November 2, 2015, report services with a PO modifier, and are still paid OPPS payment rates. Under the new reduction, clinic visits in excepted off-campus PBDs will be paid 70% of the OPPS rate for 2019 and 40% for 2020 and beyond.
  • There is a new Revenue-Code-to-Cost‑Center crosswalk for Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs) and several deleted and new PHP CPT codes.
  • There are a lot of new and changed HCPCS codes for drugs, biologicals, and radiopharmaceuticals. See the MLN Matters article for tables of these codes. Notice particularly new codes that have a different dose description than the old code, such as Rituximab (old code J9310, 100 mg and new code J9312, 10 mg).
  • Separately payable drugs will be paid at ASP+6%, except for drugs purchased through the 340B program, which are paid at ASP-22.5%. The reduced payment rate for drugs purchased through the 340B program now applies to such drugs billed by nonexcepted off-campus PBDs of a hospital paid under the PFS. This means nonexcepted off-campus PBDs must report the JG modifier on line items for separately payable (Status Indicator = K) drugs purchased through the 340B program.
  • The payment for skin substitute products that do not qualify for pass-through status will continue to be packaged into the payment for the associated skin substitute application procedure. The procedure code is selected based on the designation of the skin substitute as high or low cost. The MLN Matters article includes a table with the 2018 and 2019 high/low skin substitute designations.

These are some of the highlights from the January 2019 OPPS updates. Please refer to MLN Matters Article MM11099 for all the updates and additional details.

Debbie Rubio

December Medicare Transmittals and Other Updates
Published on Jan 08, 2019



Remittance Advice Remark Code (RARC), Claims Adjustment Reason Code (CARC), Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP) and PC Print Update


Quarterly Update of HCPCS Codes Used for Home Health Consolidated Billing Enforcement

The Social Security Act requires that payment for home health services provided under a home health plan of care is made to the home health agency (HHA). CMS periodically updates the lists of HCPCS codes that are subject to the consolidated billing provision of the Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS).


International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) and Other Coding Revisions to National Coverage Determinations (NCDs)

NCD coding changes as a result of newly available codes, coding revisions to NCDs released separately, or coding feedback received.


Quarterly Update to the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Procedure-to-Procedure (PTP) Edits, Version 25.0, Effective January 1, 2019


Annual Update to the Per-Beneficiary Therapy Amounts

Describes the annual per-beneficiary incurred expense amounts now known as the KX modifier thresholds, and related policy updates for CY 2019. These amounts were previously associated with the financial limitation amounts that were more commonly referred to as “therapy caps” before the application of the therapy limits/caps was repealed by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (BBA of 2018). Another provision of the BBA of 2018 lowers the threshold of the targeted medical review process as explained in the Background section below.

For CY 2019, the KX modifier threshold amount for physical therapy (PT) and speech-language pathology (SLP) services combined is $2,040. For occupational therapy (OT) services, the CY 2019 threshold amount is $2,040.


Calendar Year (CY) 2019 Annual Update for Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule and Laboratory Services Subject to Reasonable Charge Payment


Claim Status Category and Claim Status Codes Update


January 2019 Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) Specifications Version 20.0





New Modifier for Expanding the Use of Telehealth for Individuals with Stroke

Establishes use of a new HCPCS modifier, G0 (G Zero), to be appended on claims for telehealth services that are furnished on or after January 1, 2019, for purposes of diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of symptoms of an acute stroke.


Summary of Policies in the Calendar Year (CY) 2019 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Final Rule, Telehealth Originating Site Facility Fee Payment Amount and Telehealth Services List, CT Modifier Reduction List, and Preventive Services List

Provides a summary of policies in the Calendar Year (CY) 2019 MPFS Final Rule and announces the Telehealth Originating Site Facility Fee payment amount and makes other policy changes related to Medicare Part B payment.


Revision of Definition of the Physician Supervision of Diagnostic Procedures, Clarification of DSMT Telehealth Services, and Establishing a Modifier for Expanding the Use of Telehealth for Individuals with Stroke


Updates to the Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Benefit Policy Manual 


Medical Review of Diagnostic Laboratory Tests

Add instructions to chapter 6 of the Program Integrity Manual regarding medical review of diagnostic laboratory tests.


Guidance for Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) Processing Beneficiary and Family Centered Care (BFCC) Quality Improvement Organizations (QIO) Two-Midnight (2MN) Short Stay Review (SSR) Determinations

Clarifies MAC follow up actions when they receive the BFCC-QIO Short Stay Review Denial Determinations.


Revisions to Medicare Claims Processing Manual Reference to Burn Medicare Severity-Diagnostic Related Groups (MS-DRGs) for Transfer Policy

Clarifies that burn MS-DRGs 927-935 (burns -transferred to another acute care facility) are subject to the transfer payment policy.


Targeted Probe and Educate – REVISED

Clarifies language to more accurately reflect that the new review probe must be for services/items furnished 45 days after the 1:1 education, and not just the submission date of the claim.




New Medicare Webpage on Patient Driven Payment Model (for Skilled Nursing Facilities)

This newsletter generally focuses on Medicare information for acute care hospitals, but since some hospitals own or are affiliated with SNFs, we are including this item. The PDPM represents a major change in the case-mix classification model for determining SNF Part A payment.


New Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) Get It, Use It – REVISED

Revised on December 10, 2018, to update the language regarding when MACs can return an MBI through the MBI look up tool.

New Search Features Added to Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (FISS)/Direct Data Entry (DDE)

A translator tool and a search option are being added to the FISS/DDE inquiries menu options in January 2019. The translator tool is designed to display either a FISS DCN or an invoice number from an overpayment demand letter. The DDE system now has a search feature that allows the provider to search for a specific claim using the FISS DCN.




NCD 20.4 Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (ICDs)

CMS’s final decision dated February 15, 2018, regarding the reconsideration of NCD 20.4, Implantable Defibrillators (ICDs). Effective February 15, 2018, coverage policy is no longer contingent on participation in a trial/study/registry. Therefore, claims with a Date of Service (DOS) on an after February 15, 2018, no longer require any trial-related coding.


National Coverage Determination (NCD90.2): Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Effective March 16, 2018, CMS covers diagnostic laboratory tests using next generation sequencing when specific requirements are met.




New Online Tool Displays Cost Differences for Certain Surgical Procedures

A new online tool that allows consumers to compare Medicare payments and copayments for certain procedures that are performed in both hospital outpatient departments and ambulatory surgical centers. The Procedure Price Lookup tool displays national averages for the amount Medicare pays the hospital or ambulatory surgical center and the national average copayment amount a beneficiary with no Medicare supplemental insurance would pay the provider.




Additional Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Requirements for Hospitals To Make Public a List of Their Standard Charges via the Internet


Assessing Inpatient Hospital Billing for Medicare Beneficiaries

New OIG Work Plan issue: OIG will conduct a two-part study to assess inpatient hospital billing. The first part will analyze Medicare claims data to provide landscape information about hospital billing. OIG will determine how inpatient hospital billing has changed over time and describe how inpatient billing varied among hospitals. We will then use the results of this analysis to target certain hospitals or codes for a medical review to determine the extent to which the hospitals billed incorrect codes.

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