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2025 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes and Official Guidelines
Published on Jul 10, 2024
 | Coding 

CMS has released the 2025 ICD-10-CM diagnosis code tables, the ICD-10-CM Coding Guidelines, and updated ICD-10-PCS procedure code tables and index and Addendum.


It is important to annually review the ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting as “these guidelines have been developed to assist both the healthcare provider and the coder in identifying those diagnoses that are to be reported. The importance of consistent, complete documentation in the medical record cannot be overemphasized. Without such documentation accurate coding cannot be achieved. The entire record should be reviewed to determine the specific reason for the encounter and the conditions treated.”


When reading the guidelines, look for what is new and for when the guidelines indicate that you should query the provider if documentation is unclear. Finally, be sure to share this information with your Coding and Clinical Documentation Integrity staff as part of their preparedness plan for the October 1st start of the 2025 CMS Fiscal Year.





Beth Cobb

June 2024 MLN Articles, Coverage and Compliance Education Updates
Published on Jun 26, 2024

Medicare MLN Articles

May 23, 2024: MLN MM13620: HCPCS Codes & Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments Edits: October 2024

This article reviews discontinued HCPCS codes, new HCPCS codes, and HCPCS codes subject to and excluded from CLIA edits as of October 1, 2024.


June 3, 2024: MLN MM13632: Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System: July 2024 Update

Make sure your billing staff knows about payment system updates for July including new CPT and HCPCS codes, covered devices for OPPS pass-through payments, drugs, biologicals and radiopharmaceutical, and skin substitutes.


June 13, 2024: MLN MM13658: DMEPOS Fee Schedule: July 2024 Quarterly Update

In this article you will find updates to CY 2024 fee schedule amounts for certain DMEPOS codes and information in changes in payment policy and new fee schedule information for HCPCS codes K1007 and E2298.


June 13, 2024: MLN MM13656: Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment Update – July 2024

This article includes July updates for new CPT and HCPCS codes, coverage of Elios System for patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, and information about skin substitutes.


June 13, 2024: MLN MM13651: Medicare Benefit Policy Manual Update: DMEPOS Benefit Category Determinations

This article highlights updates to Section 110.8, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 15, and information about added DMEPOS items and their national benefit category determination (BCDs).


Coverage Updates

May 24, 2024: MLN MM13598: National Coverage Determination 200.3: Monoclonal Antibodies for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

Make sure your billing staff knows about FDA-approved monoclonal antibodies, criteria for coverage, coding information, and claims processing instructions.


June 20, 2024: National Coverage Analysis (NCA): Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement (TTVR)

CMS notes that TTVR is a new technology for use in treating tricuspid regurgitation (TR) and they have received a formal request to provide coverage for the EVOQUE tricuspid valve replacement system (EVOQUE system). This NCA will focus on clinical indications for use of TTVR among Medicare beneficiaries. The public comment period for this NCA is from June 20, 2024, to July 20, 2024.


June 25, 2024: NCA: Preexposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Using Antiretroviral Therapy to Prevent Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection

CMS updated this NCA noting that they released a Technical Frequently Asked Questions for Pharmacies. In response feedback, this document provides technical detail following the previous posting of the fact sheet on April 15, 2024. CMS also noted the final NCD is expected to be similar to the proposed published July 12, 2023, and pharmacies should prepare not to ready for this transition. They are sharing as much information as possible before issuing the final NCD to avoid disruptions for beneficiaries.


Compliance Education Updates

May 2024: MLN006559: Medicare Preventive Services

This MLN educational tool was revised in May to update the applicable codes for Hepatitis C screening. This tool includes helpful information related to HCPCS & CPT codes, ICD-10 codes, what Medicare covers, the frequency of screening, what the patient pays and additional miscellaneous notes. You will also find applicable coverage requirements when one has been published for the preventive service (i.e., for bone mass measurement you will find a link to national coverage determination 150.3: Bone (Mineral) Density Studies.  


Beth Cobb

June 2024 Monthly MMP Wrap-Up
Published on Jun 26, 2024
 | Billing 
 | CERT 
 | COVID-19 

May 28, 2024: CMS Updates to Include Marriage and Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors for Hospice, Rural Health Clinics, and Federally Qualified Health Centers

In the memorandum summary sent to State Survey Agency Directors, CMS notes the CY 2024 PFS final rule updated the Hospice Conditions of Participation, the Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Conditions for Certification, and the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Conditions for Coverage to implement provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023.


For Hospices: The interdisciplinary team must now include at least one social worker, marriage and family therapist or mental health counselor as part of the team. The hospice personnel requirements were updated to add these disciplines.


For RHCs and FQHCs: Staffing and personnel requirements were updated to include marriage and family therapists and mental health counselors as part of the collaborative team approach to providing services. Also, definitions of several health care professionals who are already eligible to provide services at RHCs and FQHCs were updated, including the definition of “nurse practitioner,” to align with current standards of professional practice.


Comprehensive Error Rate Testing Program: Reduced Sample Size Starting Reporting Year (RY) 2025

The CERT selects a stratified random sample of Part A/B claims submitted to the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs). The sample size allows CMS to calculate a national improper payment rate and contractor-and-service-specific improper payment rates. The sample size is considered to reflect all claims processed by the Medicare FFS program in the report period. CMS recently announced that beginning with the RY 2025, the sample size will be permanently reduced from 50,000 to 37,500 claims annually. CMS notes on their CERT webpage that “it is important to note that the improper payment rate is not a “fraud rate,” but is a measurement of payments that did not meet Medicare requirements.”


June 7, 2024: FDA Approves Expanded Age Indication for GSK’s Arexvy

GSK noted in their announcement that “over 13 million US adults aged 50-59 have a medical condition that increased their risk of RSV outcomes.” Further, the US FDA has approved Arexvy (Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine, Adjuvanted) for the prevention of RSV lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD) in adults 50 through 59 years who are at increased risk for example, adults with COPD, asthma, heart failure and/or diabetes.


June 10, 2024: OIG Semiannual Report to Congress

OIG released their semiannual report for the 6-month period ending March 31, 2024. Inspector General Christi A. Grim notes that OIG used experts and authorities, highly developed data analysis techniques, and strong partnerships with other law enforcement and oversight entities, OIG identified $2.76 billion in expected recoveries and issued 195 recommendations and completed 60 audits and 18 evaluations in this reporting period. Inspector General Grim went on to indicate that OIG’s health care work consistently yields a positive return on investment of around $10 returned to every $1 invested.


June 11, 2024: Long COVID Defined

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) released a new definition for “Long COVID” – “that it is an infection-associated chronic condition that occurs after COVID-19 infection and is present for at least three months as a continuous, relapsing and remitting, or progressive disease state that affects one or more organ systems.”


June 20, 2024 MLN Connects: Watch out for Medicare Record Request Phishing Scam

CMS notes they have identified phishing scams for medical records. In the June 20th edition of MLN Connects they provide an example, signs of a scam to look for in a request.

Beth Cobb

Strengthening Program Safeguards for Short Inpatient Stays
Published on Jun 19, 2024
 | OIG 

On June 13, the OIG published the report CMS Could Strengthen Program Safeguards To Prevent and Detect Improper Medicare Payments for Short Inpatient Stays. This audit was initiated to assess program safeguards for ensuring that Medicare claims for short inpatient stays complied with Medicare Requirements.


Two-Midnight Rule

It is hard to believe that so much time has passed since the Two-Midnight Rule went into effect on October 1, 2013. In general, when a hospital stay does not span two midnights, inpatient status is not appropriate. There are caveats, for example, procedures designated as “inpatient only” are appropriate for inpatient billing regardless of the length of stay.


Post two-midnight rule implementation, the OIG concluded in a report that “hospitals were still billing for many short inpatient stays that were potentially inappropriate under the two-midnight rule, and Medicare paid almost $2.9 billion for these stays.” At that time, CMS agreed with the OIG recommendation that they improve oversight of hospital billing under the two-midnight rule.


About the June 13, 2024 13 OIG Report

The OIG focused on program safeguards for short inpatient stays for calendar years 2016 through 2020. Program safeguards used by CMS and it contractors include measuring improper payment rates through the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) Program, implementing claims processing edits, and conducting post payment review claims. The audit covered:

  • $19.7 billion in Medicare Part A claims, and
  • 2.5 million short inpatient stays at 3,340 acute-care hospitals.

    After the two-midnight rule went into effect, the CERT added a table to their supplemental improper payment data highlighting projected improper payments by length of stay. The first year this was reported the 0- or 1-day stays projected improper payment rate was 27.8% with a projected improper payment of $2.1B. In the December 2023 data, the 0- or 1-day stays improper payment rate remained high at 21.7% with a projected improper payment of $1.7B.


    Report Conclusion

    Three weaknesses in the established program safeguards for preventing and detecting improper payments for short inpatient stays and recovering payments. Specifically, the OIG concluded that CMS did not have:

  • Adequate information to identify short inpatient stays at risk for noncompliance with the two-midnight rule,
  • Prepayment edits for claims at risk for noncompliance with the two-midnight rule, and
  • Adequate policies and procedures to review claims at risk for noncompliance with the two-midnight rule and to recover payments.


Weaknesses occurred from CMS mostly relying on post payment reviews by BFCC-QIOs to ensure compliance with the two-midnight rule. Although thousands of claims were reviewed and denied $49.2 million in improper payments during the audit period, this represents only 0.6 percent of the $7.8 billion in improper payments estimated by CMS CERT reviews.


Recommendations to CMS

The OIG made the following four recommendations to CMS:

  • Add information to inpatient claims indicating any stay that did not span two or more midnights because of an unforeseen circumstance,
  • Develop a list of inpatient-only procedure codes associated with the outpatient procedure codes on the inpatient-only procedure list,
  • Implement prepayment edits for claims for short inpatient stays at risk for noncompliance with the two-midnight rule, and
  • Update policies and procedures for post payment reviews to focus on claims for short inpatient stays identified as at risk for noncompliance with the two-midnight rule and to focus on overpayment recoveries.

CMS Response to Recommendations

CMS neither agreed nor disagreed with the OIG recommendations, merely stating that they will take them into consideration as it determines appropriate next steps.


I would not get too excited about the recommendation to develop a list of inpatient-only procedure codes associated with outpatient procedure codes on the inpatient-only procedure list. MMP clients have often asked if there was such a list available as hospitals work to identify inpatient-only procedures. Currently, there is no such list. Also, I agree with CMS in that this task would be a challenge as “the ICD-10 and HCPCS code sets are intended to reflect and represent services in different healthcare settings that there would limitations in developing a one-to-one mapping.”


In the meantime, I encourage you to take the time to read this report in its entirety for additional information regarding the OIGs findings, the BFCC QIO 2 Midnight Claim Review Guideline that Livanta, the National Medicare Claim Review Contractor, utilizes in performing short stay audits nationwide, and CMS comments in response to the OIG’s recommendations. 

Beth Cobb

Potential Health Disparities for Patients Leaving a Hospital AMA
Published on Jun 19, 2024
 | Coding 
 | OIG 

The OIG’s updates its Work Plan on their website monthly and they have indicated that their “work planning process is dynamic, and adjustments are made throughout the year to meet priorities and to anticipate and respond to emerging issues with the resources available.”

For June 2024, the OIG has added eleven items to their Work Plan. One of the items of interest for hospitals is titled Medicare Enrollees Leaving Hospitals Against Medical Advice. The OIG notes that “according to some academic researchers, the AMA designation indicates a higher risk that a patient experienced poor quality health care. The researchers also note that hospital stays coded with the AMA designation may be associated with increased patient morbidity and mortality percentage rates. In addition, the researchers note that historically medically underserved groups of patients are more likely than other groups to receive the AMA designation. The percentage rates that hospitals have been designating that Medicare enrollees left AMA have increased over the past three decades. This data brief will analyze the percentage rates and outcomes for enrollees that hospitals designate as left AMA as well as provide CMS and other stakeholders with information that can be used to address health disparities and improve enrollee outcomes.”

The OIG is expected to issue a report in FY 2025. In the meantime, I turned to our sister company, RealTime Medicare Data (RTMD) to learn about this group of Medicare beneficiaries in CY 2023. The RTMD database includes paid claims data for all fifty states and Washington D.C.

The following insights were pulled from all Medicare Fee-For-Service paid claims in calendar year 2023 with a discharge disposition code of “07” which stands for “left against medical advice or discontinued care.” 

All Claims with Discharge Disposition “07”

Volume: 72,370

Total Payment: $779,351,684.25

Average Payment: $10,769.14

ALOS: 3.054 Days


Surgical Claims with Discharge Disposition 07

Surgical Volume: 5,021

Total Payment: $134,587,109.49

Average Payment: $26,810.18

ALOS: 6.089


Top 5 MDCs by Surgical Volume

MDC 5: Circulatory System: 1,335 claims

MDC 8: Musculoskeletal System & Connective Tissue: 828 claims

MDC 18: Infectious & Parasitic Disease: 517 claims

MDC 6: Digestive System: 411 claims

MDC 11: Kidney & Urinary Tract: 363 claims


Top Surgical MS-DRG Group: MS-DRGs 853 and 854: Infectious & Parasitic Diseases with O.R. Procedures with and without MCC: 465 claims


Top 5 Provider States by Surgical Volume

California: 734 claims

Florida: 575 claims

Texas: 372 claims

New York: 354 Claims

Pennsylvania: 188 claims


Medical Claims with Discharge Disposition 07

Medical Volume: 67,349

Total Payment: $644,764,574.76

Average Payment: $9,573.48

ALOS: 2.82


Top 5 MDCs by Medical Volume:

MDC 5: Circulatory System: 13,664 claims

MDC 4: Respiratory System: 7,808 claims

MDC 1: Nervous System: 5,976 claims

MDC 6: Digestive System: 5,860 claims

MDC 18: Infectious & Parasitic Diseases: 5,692 claims


Top MS-DRG Pair: MS-DRGs 871 and 872: Septicemia or Severe Sepsis without MV >96 hours with and without MCC respectively: 5,320 claims


Top 5 Provider States by Medical Volume

California: 9,962 claims

Florida: 8,334 claims

New York: 5,595 claims

Texas: 5,330 claims

Pennsylvania: 2,334 claims


Social Determinants of Health and Discharge Disposition 07

As mentioned previously, “researchers note that historically medically underserved groups of patients are more likely than other groups to receive the AMA designation.”


Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environment where people are born, live, learn, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. ¹ For this reason, I also looked for claims with a Social Determinant of Health (SDOH) Z code listed as a secondary diagnosis.


Out of this group of claims where the beneficiary left AMA, 3,519 Z-Codes were listed as a secondary diagnosis. Note, there were claims where more than one Z code had been coded so this number does not represent 3,519 individual Medicare beneficiaries. That said, there were 2,354 unique claims where one of the homelessness Z-codes was on the claim and 24 unique claims where one of the inadequate housing Z-codes were on the claim.



U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Health People 2030: Social Determinants of Health webpage:

Beth Cobb

FY 2025 ICD-10-PCS Official Guidelines for Coding & Reporting
Published on Jun 12, 2024
 | Coding 

Did You Know?

CMS published the FY 2025 ICD-10-PCS files on June 5, 2024. There were no changes made to the Official ICD-10-PCS Coding Guidelines for October 1, 2024.


For FY 2025 there are 371 new codes, no revised codes, and sixty-one deleted codes bringing the total number of ICD-10-PCS codes to 78,948.


Section X New Technology Codes

In FY 2016, a new section X New Technology was created to classify new technology procedures. In FY 2016 there were fourteen section X codes. For FY 2025 there are now 378 section X codes.


Beginning with FY 2024, CMS began posting the new technology applications publicly to increase transparency and enable increased stakeholder engagement. The NTAP Public Application Summaries are available on the Medicare Electronic Application Requests Information System (MEARIS).


Changes to the codes will be in effect for discharges occurring from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025.


Why it matters?

CMS notes, on the opening page of the 2025 ICD-10-PCS Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting, “These guidelines have been developed to assist both the healthcare provider and the coder in identifying those procedures that are to be reported. The importance of consistent, complete documentation in the medical record cannot be overemphasized. Without such documentation accurate coding cannot be achieved.”


What can I do?

Share this information with coding and clinical documentation professionals at your facility as you begin to prepare for the October 1, 2024, start of the CMS FY 2025. Even though there were no changes made to the Official ICD-10-PCS Coding Guidelines, I consider an annual review a worthwhile part of your summer reading.

Resource 2025 ICD-10-PCS webpage:

Beth Cobb

Underdosing for PRN Medications
Published on Jun 12, 2024
 | Coding 


Do we assign a code for underdosing of medication when the patient takes it on an “as needed” basis only?



Per Coding Clinic, First Quarter, 2021, pages 12-13, PRN medications are not classified as long-term drug therapy; therefore, a code for underdosing of a PRN medication should not be assigned when it is not being taken.  However, the ICD-10-CM Z code for Patient’s noncompliance with other medical treatment and regimen for other reason (Z91.198) can be assigned. This ICD-10-CM diagnosis code became effective October 1, 2023.



Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM/PCS, First Quarter 2021:  Pages 12-13

Susie James

New Cervical Fusion Local Coverage Determinations
Published on Jun 05, 2024

Did You Know?

In 2023, the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) came together for a multi-MAC collaboration to provide an evidence-based Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for cervical fusion.


Why it Matters?

Historically, there have been LCDs for back procedures for Cervical Disk Replacement (i.e., Palmetto GBA LCD L38033), Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement (i.e., Palmetto GBA LCD L37826), and Lumbar Spinal Fusion (i.e., Palmetto GBA LCD L37826).


Cervical Fusion is new to this group of back procedure LCDs, and the original effective date for this new LCD is July 7, 2024.


Per Palmetto’s LCD, cervical fusion surgery is considered medically reasonable and necessary when one of three covered indications:

  1. For decompression of symptomatic cervical nerve root impingement,
  2. For decompression of symptomatic cervical canal stenosis, or
  3. For decompression or stabilization of the cervical spine for one of four indications (traumatic injuries, spinal tumors, infection, deformities that include the cervical spine.)


In addition to meeting one of the above three indications, there are specific requirements for each that also must be met.  


What Can You Do?

Find your MAC specific LCD and related Billing and Coding Article on the Medicare Coverage Database (MCD) and share this information with key stakeholders at your facility. Below are the MAC specific policies and related articles listed on the MCD as of June 3rd.   


MAC Specific Cervical Fusion LCD and related Billing and Coding Article

CGS J14: L39741 / A59608 (A59738 – Response to Comments Article)

First Coast JN: DL39799

NGS J6/JK: DL39770 / DA59632

Noridian JE: L39758 / A59624 (A59796 – Response to Comments Article)

Noridian JF: L39762 / A59645 (A59797 – Response to Comments Article)

Novitas JH/JL: DL39793

Palmetto JJ/JM: L39773 / A59634 (A59736 – Response to Comments Article)

WPS J5/J8: L39788 / A59664 (A59800 – Response to Comments Article)

Beth Cobb

Cataract Awareness Month June 2024
Published on Jun 05, 2024

Did You Know?

June is cataract awareness month and according to the National Eye Institute (, most cataracts are age-related, there are no early symptoms of cataracts and later symptoms includes blurry vision, colors that seem faded, sensitivity to light, trouble seeing at night and double vision.


In addition to age, you may be at a higher risk of developing cataracts if you:

  • Have certain health problems like diabetes
  • Smoke
  • Drink too much alcohol
  • Have a family history of cataracts
  • Have had an eye injury, eye surgery, or radiation treatment on your upper body
  • Have spent a lot of time in the sun
  • Take steroids


A cataract is diagnosed by a dilated eye exam and the treatment is surgery. Cataract surgery is one of the most common operations in the United States. In fact, more than half of all Americans aged eighty or older either have cataracts or have had surgery to get rid of cataracts.


Why it Matters?

Being a high-volume surgery means scrutiny by CMS and Medicare Contractors to assure documentation in the medical record supports medical necessity of the procedure.


Recovery Audit Contractors

RAC Issue 0002 Cataract Removal has been an approved complex review for procedures performed in the outpatient hospital setting and ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) since February 1, 2017. RACs will review documentation to determine if cataract surgery meets Medicare coverage criteria, meets applicable coding guidelines, and/or is medically reasonable and necessary. Applicable National Coverage Determinations (NCDs), Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs), and Local Coverage Articles (LCAs) are included on this RAC issue webpage.


Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT)

In the 2023 CERT Medicare Fee-for-Service supplemental improper payment report, cataract removal and lens insertion is listed in Table G1: Improper Payment Rates by Service Type: Part B. The improper payment rate was 8.2% with the projected improper payment of $149,241,566.


Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)

JE and JF MAC: Noridian

Cataract surgery has been a review target for Noridian MAC jurisdictions for a few years. Their most recent review findings were published on April 15, 2024 for claims with dates of service from January 1, 2024 through March 31, 2024:  

  • Noridian JE error rate was 22% down from 48.67% in April 2023.
  • Noridian JF was 43.6% down from error rate 45.88% in April 2023.


Noridian’s review results articles include top denial reasons, educational resources, and education regarding the medical necessity for cataract surgery.


What Can You Do?

With so many entities focused on reviewing cataract surgery claims, moving forward providers should:

  • Respond to ADRs in a timely manner,
  • Become familiar with medical necessity indications and documentation requirements detailed in Medicare coverage documents (NCDs, LCDs, LCAs),
  • Be aware of who is performing cataract surgery reviews,
  • Read published review results to understand reasons for denials and ways to prevent future denials, and
  • Ensure physicians performing these procedures are also aware of Medicare coverage requirements.

Beth Cobb

May 2024 Medicare Transmittals and MLN Articles
Published on May 29, 2024

Medicare Transmittals & MLN Articles

April 25, 2024: MLN MM13449: Stay of Enrollment – Revised

This article provides information about a new provider enrollment status called a stay of enrollment and related updates to the Medicare Program Integrity Manual, Chapter 10. On April 25th, CMS reissued this article to revise the effective and implementation dates to May 30, 2024 and the web address of Change Request (CR) 13449.


May 3, 2024: MLN MM13487: Diabetes Screening & Definitions Update: CY 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule

CMS advises providers to make sure your billing staff knows about the revised regulatory definition of diabetes, the revised diabetes screening frequency limitations, and coverage of the Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) test for diabetes screening.


Prior to January 1, 2024 the HbA1C test (HCPCS code 83036) was covered for the purpose of diabetes management but not for diabetes screening. As of January 1, 2024, CMS now covers the HbA1c test for diabetes screening.


May 3, 2024: MLN MM13486: Annual Wellness Visit: Social Determinants of Health Risk Assessment

Make sure your billing staff knows that the social determinants of health (SDOH) risk assessment is now an optional annual wellness visit (AWV) element and what the eligibility and billing requirements are for completing the SDOH risk assessment as part of the AWV.


May 3, 2024: MLN MM13592: Updates for Split or Shared Evaluation & Management Visits

Information in this article for your billing staff include the definition of split or shared visit and substantive portion, and how to bill appropriately for split or shared evaluation and management (E/M) visits.


May 9, 2024: MLN MM13608: ESRD Prospective Payment System Quarterly Update

Make sure your billing staff knows about the Transitional Drug Add-On Payment Adjustment (TDAPA) for HCPCS code J0911 and the updated list of outlier services under the ESRD PPS.


May 16, 2024: MLN MM13617: Medicare Claims Processing Manual Update: Gap-Filling DMEPOS Fees

Make sure your billing staff knows about the revised Section 60.3 in the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 23 and updated factors for gap-filling purposes.


May 23, 2024: MLN MM13598: NCD 200.3 – Monoclonal Antibodies Directed Against Amyloid for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

This article includes information about FDA-approved monoclonal antibodies, the criteria for coverage, coding information, and claims processing instructions.


May 24, 2024: MLN MM13613: Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule & Laboratory Services Reasonable Charge Payment: Quarterly Update

This article was initially released on May 3rd, 2024 with guidance from CMS to make sure your billing staff know that the next private payor data reporting period of January 1, 2025 – March 31, 2025 and new and deleted HCPCS codes. No substantive changes were made in the May 24th revision other than to update the web address of the CR transmittal.

Beth Cobb

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