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Electrolyte Abnormalities Short Stay Reviews
Published on Feb 14, 2024

Did You Know?

Livanta, the National Medicare Claim Review Contractor, samples claims for review monthly for short stay reviews (SSRs) and higher weighted DRG (HWDRG) reviews. As part of their Provider Education efforts, they publish a monthly newsletter called The Livanta Claims Review Advisor.


The first Claims Review Advisor newsletter was published two years ago this month in February 2022. Livanta noted in that newsletter that it is meant “to share its review findings and provide guidance to healthcare organizations…each month’s content will highlight areas of interest for medical coders, billing professionals, clinical documentation improvement (CDI) professionals, physicians, and other practitioners.” Topics alternate between SSRs and HWDR reviews each month.


Why It Matters?

Livanta recently released the January 2024 edition of The Livanta Claims Review Advisor with a focus on SSRs for electrolyte abnormalities. You will find error rates by MS-DRG, example scenarios of specific electrolyte abnormalities (i.e., hyperglycemic emergencies), and guidance for documenting “the reasonableness of a two-midnight expectation at the time of inpatient admission: regardless of the MS-DRG.


Error Rates

Overall, Livanta completed 1,985 reviews for dates of service from October 2021 through December 2023 for the following MS-DRGs:

  • MS-DRG 637: Diabetes with MCC,
  • MS-DRG 638: Diabetes with CC,
  • MS-DRG 639: Diabetes without CC/MCC,
  • MS-DRG 640: Miscellaneous Disorders of Nutrition, Metabolism, Fluids and Electrolytes with MCC (error rate 10.20%), and
  • MS-DRG 641: Miscellaneous Disorders of Nutrition, Metabolism, Fluids and Electrolytes without MCC.


MS-DRG 641 had the highest reported error rate at 11.60%.


How Big is the Pool of Claims?

Based on claims data provided by our sister company RealTime Medicare Data (RTMD), in the CMS FY 2023 (October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023) for all fifty states and Washington D.C. combined, there were 73,497 claims that grouped to one of the above MS-DRGs. The total payment made to providers for this group of claims was $481,535,832.43.


Note, claims with a discharge disposition of expired (20), transfer to another acute care facility (02), transfer to a short-term general hospital with planned acute hospital inpatient readmission (82), left against medical advice (07), and hospice election (50 & 51) have been excluded from this data as CMS considers these to be “unforeseen circumstances.” I have included MS-DRG specific claims data in the table at the end of this article.


What Can You Do?



Change Request CR10080 and related MLN MM10080: Clarifying Medical Review of Hospital Claims for Part A Payment


Beth Cobb

FAQ: Coding Celiac Artery Stenosis
Published on Feb 07, 2024
 | Coding 


Documentation in the record revealed the patient had Celiac Artery Stenosis. The encoder assigned Celiac Artery Compression Syndrome (I77.4) which was not documented in the record. Is code I77.4 the correct code for Celiac Artery Stenosis?


No, because Celiac Artery Compression Syndrome is compression caused by a fibrous band of the diaphragm and is not the same as Celiac Artery Stenosis.  The appropriate code for Celiac Artery Stenosis is Stricture of an Artery (I77.1). Coding Clinic advises to search for the more appropriate code if the code title assigned from the Index does not correctly describe the condition.




National Library of Medicine

Coding Clinic, 3Q 2021, page 12

Anita Meyers

January 2024 Monthly Medicare Updates: MLN Articles
Published on Jan 31, 2024

Medicare Transmittals & MLN Articles


December 21, 2023: MLN MM13496: Billing Requirements for Intensive Outpatient Program Services under New Condition Code 92

Starting January 1, 2024, CMS requires the use of new condition code 92 on all Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) claims from hospitals and Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs). Make sure your billing staff knows about billing this new condition code and Medicare manual changes related to providing IOP services.


December 26, 2023: MLN MM13222: New Condition Code 92: Billing Requirements for Intensive Outpatient Program Services

CMS advises that you make sure your billing staff knows about this new code, that an OPPS provider will get paid per diem payments for this service, the intensity of services required for Medicare to cover and pay for this service, and the outpatient settings this billing requirement is applicable to.


January 3, 2024: MLN MM13481: Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System: January 2024 Update - Revised

This MLN article was revised to change the number of HCPCS codes in Tables 8 and 10 and update the web address of the Change Request (CR) transmittal.


January 9, 2024: MLN MM13503: Specimen Collection Fees and Travel Allowance: 2024 Update

This MLN article provides updated information about the specimen collection fees and travel allowances for 2024 and other policy updates and reminders.


January 10, 2024: MLN MM13488: Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System: January 2024 Update

Make sure your billing staff is aware of the system updates effective January 1, 2024, for example:  

  • COVID-19 vaccine and administration codes,
  • Covered devices for pass-through payments,
  • Inpatient-only list (IPO) updates, and
  • Services: Covered dental rehabilitation procedures, Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), and Mental health counselor (MHC),


January 16, 2024: MLN MM13264: Billing Requirements for Intensive Outpatient Program Services for Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics

Make sure your billing staff knows about the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) scope of benefits, certification and plan of care requirements, payment policies, and coding and billing requirements.


January 18, 2024: MLN MM13473: How to Use the Office and Outpatient Evaluation and Management Visit Complexity Add-on Code G2211

CMS advises that you make sure your billing staff knows about the correct use of HCPCS code G2211 and modifier 25, documentation requirements for G2211, and patient coinsurance and deductible.


Related MLN Matters article MM13272 was revised on December 21, 2023. CMS advises in this article that you make sure your billing staff knows about complexity add-on code G2211.


January 18, 2024: MLN MM13480: Refillable DMEPOS Documentation Requirements

Make sure your staff knows about the updated documentation requirements for refillable DMEPOS and the requirement to contact the patient before refilling DMEPOS.

Beth Cobb

January 2024 Medicare Compliance Education and Other Updates
Published on Jan 31, 2024

Compliance Education Updates


December 2023: MLN Booklet: Global Surgery

CMS has updated this MLN booklet to include the instructions for critical care visits that are unrelated to the surgical procedure and performed post-operatively, report modifier -FY.

Other Updates

January 18, 2024: CMS Adds Utilization Data on for the First Time

CMS noted in the Friday January 26 edition of CMS Roundup that they have “added utilization data, specifically procedure volume, for the first time on the compare tool’s profile pages for doctors and clinicians…this is the latest example of CMS’ transparency efforts to ensure the compare tool on provides patients and caregivers with information about services they may value as they search for clinicians.”


The dataset is currently published in the Provider Data Catalog. The initial list of procedures includes hip and knee replacement, spinal fusion, cataract surgery, colonoscopy, open hernia repair of the groin, minimally invasive hernia repair, mastectomy, CABG, pacemaker insertion or repair, coronary angioplasty and stenting, and prostate resection.


You can read more about this data release in a CMS Fact Sheet at


January 22, 2024: New EMTALA Resources

CMS announced in a Press Release that they are launching “a series of actions to educate the public about their rights to emergency medical care and to help support the efforts of hospitals to meet their obligations under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA).” One action CMS has taken is to publish new informational resources on their website at You can read the entire press release at


New Kepro Email Addresses

In the January 2024 edition of Case Review Connections, Kepro lets providers know that Kepro recently became a part of the Acentra health family, and you may notice some changes in email addresses, moving to They do not anticipate any other changes at this time and will provide guidance in the future of any potential required changes. You can sign up for this newsletter on the Kepro website at


January 24, 2024: HHS Releases Voluntary Cybersecurity Goals for the Health Sector & New Gateway Website

HHS announced the release of “voluntary health care specific cybersecurity performance goals (CPGs) and a new gateway website to help Health Care and Public Health (HPH) sector organizations implement these high-impact cybersecurity practices and ease access to the plethora of cybersecurity resources HHS and other federal partners offer.”

Beth Cobb

Inpatient FAQ: UTI and Indwelling Catheter/Device
Published on Jan 17, 2024
 | Coding 


A patient was transferred from a nursing home with a Foley and was found to have a UTI upon admission.  Should we always query to see if the UTI was caused by the Foley catheter?



Yes.  Patients that have an indwelling catheter are susceptible to bacteria in the urine and UTIs.  If the UTI was caused by the Foley, code T83.511A (Infection and inflammatory reaction due to indwelling urethral catheter, initial encounter) should be assigned as the principal diagnosis.  A code for the UTI should also be assigned as a secondary diagnosis.  A catheter-associated urinary tract infection is also called a (CAUTI).  Coding the CAUTI as the principal diagnosis may also affect the DRG assignment.


It’s good practice to review the chart for supporting evidence of the presence of a Foley catheter or another kind of urinary catheter/device, when a UTI is diagnosed. 



Merck Manual

AHA Coding Handbook


Susie James

A Pause in PEPPER and CBRs
Published on Jan 17, 2024

The Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report or PEPPER is one resource available to providers to help guide your selection of meaningful review targets for audits. According to the PEPPER User’s Guide for Short-Term Acute Care, this report “contains a single hospital’s claims data statistics for Medicare-Severity Diagnosis-Related Groups (MS-DRGs) and discharges at risk for improper payment due to billing, coding, and/or admission necessity issues…All of the data tables, graphs, and reports in PEPPER were designed to assist the hospital in identifying potential overpayments as well as potential underpayments.”

If you attempted to access the PEPPER Resources website in December 2023, you were directed to a blank page. This week I once again checked this website and the following notice has been posted:

“Updates to the Program for Comparative Billing Reports (CBRs) and Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report (PEPPERs) Coming Soon

There will be a temporary pause in distributing CBRs and PEPPERs as CMS works to improve and update the program and reporting system. This pause will remain in effect through the fall of 2024. We recognized the importance of these reports to your practice. Therefore, during this time, CMS will be working diligently to enhance the quality and accessibility of the reports. In fulfilling this commitment, your feedback is requested. In the near future, CMS will release a Request for Information (RFI) to obtain information from you, the provider community, about how the program can better serve you.

Please visit CBR and PEPPER website for periodic updates. If you have further questions please send them to”

About CBRs

In addition to PEPPERs, CMS has paused CBRs. According to the CMS webpage Data Analysis Support and Tracking, “a Comparative Billing Report (CBR) provides comparative billing data to an individual health care provider. CBR’s contain actual data-driven tables and graphs with an explanation of findings that compare provider’s billing and payment patterns to those of their peers on both a national and state level. Graphic presentations contained in these reports help to communicate a provider’s billing pattern more clearly. CBR study topic(s) are selected because they are prone to improper payments. For additional information and examples of CBRs, you can access the eGlobalTech website at” Note, this website currently can’t be reached.

Beth Cobb

Outpatient FAQ: Coding Urine Creatinine and Modifier 59
Published on Jan 10, 2024
 | Coding 


We have outpatient lab orders on patients that frequently have a host of lab tests performed including Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio and Urine Drug Screen, CPT® codes 82570, 82043, 80307. There are separate orders & results for all 3 tests.  All may have the same diagnoses or different diagnoses.


I have read the NCCI edit about specimen validity, but in this case, these tests appear to be ordered for specific diagnoses, they have separate orders and results. Would 59 be appropriate on 82570?



Yes, modifier 59 can be used when CPT® code 82570 (urine creatinine) is ordered and resulted separately, and when the urine creatinine is “not” performed for specimen validity testing.


To support this opinion, we used the NCCI policy statement you referenced above (NCCI Policy Manual, chapter X, section E.2, page X-7) Link



Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes, descriptions and other data only are copyright 2023 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.  CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.


Jeffery Gordon

Outpatient FAQ: Therapy Threshold Amounts for 2024
Published on Jan 10, 2024


Are there any updates for rehabilitative therapy services’ threshold amounts for the coming year?



Yes. Change Request (CR) 13371 issued September 14, 2023 and re-communicated November 6, 2023 updates the annual per-beneficiary incurred expenses amounts now called the KX modifier thresholds and related policy for CY 2024. These thresholds were previously known as “therapy caps.”


CY 2024 KX Modifier Threshold Amounts

  1. $2,330 for Physical Therapy (PT) and Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) services combined, and
  2. $2,330 for Occupational Therapy (OT) services.


Providers can track a patient’s year-to-date therapy amounts on Medicare eligibility screens. The KX modifier must be appended to therapy services’ line-items on the claim for medically necessary therapy services above the threshold amounts. The medical necessity of services beyond the threshold amount must be justified by appropriate documentation in the medical record. Services provided beyond the threshold that are not billed with the KX modifier will be denied with Claim Adjustment Reason Code 119 - Benefit maximum for this time period or occurrence has been reached.


There is also a therapy threshold related to the targeted medical review process, now known as the Medical Record (MR) threshold amount. This threshold remains at $3,000 for PT and SLP combined and a separate $3,000 for OT until CY 2028.



CR 13371:

Beth Cobb

December 2023 Monthly Medicare Updates
Published on Jan 03, 2024

Medicare Transmittals & MLN Articles


November 22, 2023: MLN MM13452: Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Summary: CY 2024

This article highlights changes in the CY 2024 Physician Fee Schedule final rule. For example, starting in CY 2024, telehealth services provided to people in their homes will be paid at the non-facility PFS rate.


November 30, 2023: Change Request (CR) 13312: Indian Health Services (IHS) Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) Provider Enrollment

Beginning January 1, 2024, a tribal or IHS operated hospital that converts to an REH (IHS-REH) that provides hospital outpatient services to a Medicare beneficiary may be paid under the outpatient hospital All-Inclusive rate that is established and published annually by the IHS, rather than the rate for REH services. This CR updates Chapter 10 of the CMS Publication 100-08 (Medicare Program Integrity Manual) to include provider enrollment guidance regarding IHS-REHs.


December 7, 2023: MLN MM13333: Medicare Program Integrity Manual: CY 2024 Home Health Prospective Payment System Updates

This article includes information about expanding the HHS 36-month rule, moving hospices into the high level of categorical risk-screening, and other updates to Chapter 10 of the Medicare Program Integrity Manual.


December 7, 2023: MLN SE19007: Activation of Validation Edits for Providers with Multiple Service Locations – Revised

The December 7th revision of this special edition MLN article adds information on how to verify and update service locations for Medicare enrollment and what claim modifier to use.


December 12, 2023: MLN MM13463: DMEPOS Fee Schedule: CY 2024 Update

Make sure your billing staff knows about CY 2024 fee schedule amounts for new and existing codes and payment policy changes. For example, the CY 2024 HH PPS final rule established a new benefit category for standard and custom fitted compression garments and additional lymphedema compression treatment items under Medicare Part B.


December 20, 2023: Change Request (CR) 13222: Enforcing Billing Requirements for Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Services with New Condition Code 92

Effective January 1, 2024, Section 4124 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 establishes Medicare coverage and payment for IOP services for individuals with mental health needs when furnished by hospital outpatient departments, Critical Access Hospital outpatient departments, and Community Mental Health Centers. The original Transmittal 12125 has been rescinded and replaced by Transmittal 12423 (CR 13222) dated December 20, 2023. The purpose of this CR is to implement the new condition code 92 for IOP services and enforce billing requirements ( Additional information about condition code 92 is available in a related MLN article 13496.


December 21, 2023: MLN MM13481: Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System: January 2024 Update

Make sure your billing staff knows about system updates for January, including new codes for covered devices for pass-through payments, biology-guided radiation therapy, dental services, surgical procedures, drugs and biologicals, and skin substitutes.


December 26, 2023: MLN SE19007: Activation of Validation Edits for Providers with Multiple Service Locations – REVISED

This article was originally published March 26, 2019. In this most recent revision CMS clarified that these instructions do not apply to separately enrolled provider-based rural health clinics and add information on the 09/23 version of the paper-based enrollment form.

Beth Cobb

2023 CERT Annual Report
Published on Jan 03, 2024
 | CERT 

Fiscal Year 2023 Supplemental Improper Payment Data

On December 7, 2023, the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) published the 2023 Medicare Fee-for-Service Supplemental Improper Payment Data (


This report supplements the FY 2023 HHS Agency Final Report for Fiscal Year 2023, highlights common causes of improper payments, and includes tables allowing you to drill down into the review findings.


Estimated Improper Payment Rates

Calculation for the FY 2023 Medicare FFS improper payment rate included claims submitted during the 12-month period from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. As compared to FY 2020 and 2021, the improper payment rate is trending up:


Improper Payment Rate

  • FY 2020: 6.27%
  • FY 2021: 6.26%
  • FY 2022: 7.46%
  • FY 2023: 7.38%

    Improper Payment Amount

  • FY 2020: $25.74 billion
  • FY 2021: $25.03 billion
  • FY 2022: $31.46 billion
  • FY 2023: $31.23 billion


    “It is important to note that the improper payment rate is not a “fraud rate,” but is a measurement of payments that did not meet Medicare requirements. Improper payments are attributed to one of five major error categories (no documentation, insufficient documentation, medical necessity, incorrect coding, or other).

    Unfortunately, “insufficient documentation” continues to be the main cause of improper payments. The CERT defines “insufficient documentation” as when the medical record documentation submitted is inadequate to support payment for the services billed. In other words, the CERT contractor reviewers could not conclude that the billed services were provided, were provided at the level billed, and/or were medically necessary. Claims are also placed into this category when a specific documentation element that is required as a condition of payment is missing, such as a physician signature on an order, or a form that is required to be completed in its entirety.

    While the CERT data reports on improper payments in various settings (i.e., skilled nursing facilities, hospital outpatient, hospice), this article focuses on Part A (Hospital IPPS) findings.

    “0 or 1 day” Length of Stay Claims

    A compare of improper payments rates for Part A hospital claims by length of stay (LOS) has been a part of this annual report since the October 1, 2013 implementation of the Two-Midnight Rule:


  • 2014: “0 or 1 Day” stay claims highest improper payment rate to date at 37.18%,
  • 2021: “0 or 1 Day” stay claims lowest improper payment rate to date at 16.8%.
  • 2022: The “0 or 1 Day” claims rate increased to 20.1% with projected improper payments of $1.5 billion.
  • 2023: The “0 or 1 Day” claims rate again increased to 21.7% with projected improper payments of $1.7 billion.


In addition, to the CERT’s focus on claims by length of stay, short stays (“0 of 1 Day” Stays) are also actively being reviewed by the OIG as part of their Work Plan ( and Livanta, the National Medicare Claim Review Contractor (, who is actively requesting short stay claims across the nation on a monthly bases.  


In early 2023, Livanta published their year one review results. Of the 18,672 short stay claims reviewed, 2,663 (14%) of the claims were denied. You can read more about their review results in a related MMP article (


Top 20 Service Types with Highest Improper Payments: Part A Hospital IPPS

Table D4 of this report includes the top 20 DRG types with the highest improper payment rate. The table also details the percentage of error by each of the CERT’s major error categories.


Overall, 52.9% of the errors in the top 20 service types were due to error category medical necessity. This is an increase from 44.4% in FY 2022. A claim is placed in this category when the CERT contractor reviewer receives adequate documentation from the medical records submitted to make an informed decision that the services billed were not medically necessary based upon Medicare coverage and payment policies. The following three DRG types had the highest percent of errors attributed to medical necessity:


  • DRG Pair 469 and 470: Major Hip and Knee Joint Replacement or Reattachment of Lower Extremity,
  • DRG Group 091, 092, and 093: Other Disorders of Nervous System, and
  • DRG Group 518, 519, and 520: Back and Neck procedures Except Spinal Fusion.


Beth Cobb

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