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Older Americans Month 2024

Published on 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Meaningful connections are not just about having someone to chat with, they’re about the transformative potential of community engagement in enhancing mental, physical, and emotional well-being. By recognizing and nurturing the role that connectedness plays, we can mitigate issues like loneliness, ultimately promoting healthy aging for more Americans.

According to the U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community:

  • Social isolation among older adults alone accounts for an estimated $6.7 billion in excess Medicare spending annually, largely due to increase hospital and nursing facility spending,
  • Loneliness and social isolation increase the risk for premature death by 26% to 29% respectively,
  • Poor or insufficient social connection is associated with increased risk of disease, including a 29% increased risk of heart disease and a 32% increased risk of stroke,
  • Loneliness is also associated with an increased risk for anxiety, depression, and dementia, and
  • The lack of social connection may increase susceptibility to viruses and respiratory illness.

How can community groups, businesses, and organizations mark OAM?

  • Spread the word about the mental, physical, and emotional health benefits of social connection through professional and personal networks.
  • Encourage social media followers to share their thoughts and stories of connection using hashtag #PoweredByConnection to inspire and uplift.
  • Promote opportunities to engage, like cultural activities, recreational programs, and interactive virtual events.
  • Connect older adults with local services, such as counseling, that can help them overcome obstacles to meaningful relationships and access to support systems.
  • Host connection-centric events or programs where older adults can serve as mentors to peers, younger adults, or youths.

What can individuals do to connect?

  • Invite more connection into your life by finding a new passion, joining a social club, taking a class, or trying new activities in your community. 
  • Stay engaged in your community by giving back through volunteering, working, teaching, or mentoring.
  • Invest time with people to build new relationships and discover deeper connections with your family, friends, colleagues, or neighbors.

For more information, visit the official OAM website and follow ACL on X, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #OlderAmericansMonth.

Article Author: Beth Cobb, RN, BSN, ACM, CCDS
Beth Cobb, RN, BSN, ACM, CCDS, is the Manager of Clinical Analytics at Medical Management Plus, Inc. Beth has over twenty-five years of experience in healthcare including eleven years in Case Management at a large multi-facility health system. In her current position, Beth is a principle writer for MMP’s Wednesday@One weekly e-newsletter, an active member of our HIPAA Compliance Committee, MMP’s Education Department Program Director and co-developer of MMP’s proprietary Compliance Protection Assessment Tool.

This material was compiled to share information.  MMP, Inc. is not offering legal advice. Every reasonable effort has been taken to ensure the information is accurate and useful.