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New / Revised ICD-10-CM Codes: Substance Use of Unspecified Severity in Remission

Published on 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

 | Coding 

Did You Know?

There are new ICD-10-CM codes for substance abuse or dependence as of October 1, 2022.  Assign the following substances to “in remission” when the previous severity of use is unknown (whether there was abuse or dependence), classifying the substance as unspecified.


Why It Matters?

Prior to October 1, 2022, identifying “in remission” was not possible for these substances.  Now, “in remission” can be reported, which will capture more specific information that can be used for data outcomes.

New Code



Alcohol use, unspecified, in remission


Opioid use, unspecified, in remission


Cannabis use, unspecified, in remission


Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use, unspecified, in remission


Cocaine use, unspecified, in remission


Other stimulant use, unspecified, in remission


Hallucinogen use, unspecified, in remission


Inhalant use, unspecified, in remission


Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified, in remission


There is also a new code for alcohol use when the pattern is unknown, but the alcohol usage is not complicated and is not associated with an alcohol-induced disorder, such as alcohol-induced mood disorder.


New Code



Alcohol use, unspecified, uncomplicated


What Can I Do?

Stay abreast of all new ICD-10-CM codes and new Coding Clinic references.


Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM/PCS, Fourth Quarter 2022, Page 16

Article Author: Susie James, RHIT, CCS
Susie James, RHIT, CCS, is the Manager of Inpatient Coding Services at MMP, Inc. Susie has worked in the coding field for over 30 years and has worked as a coder, coding supervisor, and corporate coding manager for a large multi-facility system in Birmingham. She also worked for Alabama Quality Assurance Foundation (AQAF) as a coding reviewer/auditor before joining the team at Medical Management Plus, Inc. Susie has previously served as the President of the Alabama Association of Health Information Management (AAHIM) on the Board of Directors and currently serves as the Education/Coding Roundtable Chair. She is also a member of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and has previously served as the Co-chair for AHIMA's Leadership Team. She also served as a facilitator at AHIMA's 85th National Convention in Atlanta Georgia.

This material was compiled to share information.  MMP, Inc. is not offering legal advice. Every reasonable effort has been taken to ensure the information is accurate and useful.