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Decoding Coding Dilemma

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

 | FAQ 


A patient is admitted through the ER with pleuritic chest type pain, SOB, dyspnea, productive cough, and fever of 100.7. Patient has a previous history of CVA with continuing residual of dysphagia, MI and COPD. CXR shows RLL infiltrate and is treated with IV antibiotics. Patient is also noted to have a positive swallowing study. Discharge diagnosis was community acquired pneumonia (CAP), history of MI, history of COPD, CVA with Dysphagia, and Aspiration Pneumonia. What code would be reported for the patient’s pneumonia?


Assign code J69.0 for the aspiration pneumonia only. Even though the physician documents both aspiration pneumonia and community acquired pneumonia, only one code would be reported. Given that CAP is not a type of pneumonia, there is not a code specifically for it like there is for a nosocomial type infection (Y95). When CAP is documented, this is just letting you know that the patient did not acquire the infection through some type of health care organization. 

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