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COVID-19 in the News April 10, 2020 - April 20, 2020

Published on 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Kaiser Health News and Guardian US Partner to Honor American Health Care Workers Lost on the Frontline of the COVID-19 Pandemic

In recent COVID-19 updates articles MMP has highlighted the Institute for Health Metrics and Education (IHME) COVID-10 Projection Models (link to Project:

) and the Johns Hopkin’s Coronavirus Resource Center where you will find world and U.S. specific numbers as well as critical trends.

This week I want to make our readers aware of the Lost on the Frontline Project that was officially launched on April 15th by KFF’s Kaiser Health News (KHN) and Guardian US. This special project aims to document the life of every health care worker in America who has died from COVID-19 during the pandemic. According to the KHN Announcement, “this includes medical professionals like doctors, nurses and paramedics, and others working at hospitals, nursing homes and other medical facilities, including aides, administrative employees and cleaning and maintenance staff.”

Note, when you go to the Lost on the Frontline website, you are encouraged to share the story of colleagues or loved ones that you know who have died from COVID-19.

KHN and The Guardian are inviting news organizations across the country to partner in the effort. The project will link to local news stories on health care worker deaths, and all content from the series will be available free to other news organizations to republish. The project will reflect the rich diversity of the U.S. health care workforce. The lead partners will translate selected stories into multiple languages and make them available for publication by ethnic media outlets to ensure they reach the many communities in America affected by the pandemic. 


April 10, 2020: AMA Announces Expedited Updates to CPT for COVID-19 Antibody Tests

The CPT Editorial Panel expedited the review of proposed changes and approved them on April 10th. In the Announcement AMA President Patrice A. Harris, M.D., M.A. said that “The expedited approval of new CPT codes for COVID-19 antibody tests is an important step that enhances the reporting of innovative tools now available to advance medicine's overarching goals of reducing the COVID-19 disease burden, improving health outcomes and reducing long-term care costs.”

  • Code 86328 has been established for antibody testing using a single step method immunoassay.
  • Code 86769 has been established for antibody testing using a multiple step method.

Prior to these two new Category I CPT codes approval, the CPT Editorial Panel approved a new code to report molecular testing to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus:

  • Code 87635 Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]), amplified probe technique

Note: All AMA COVID-19 Coding Guidance to date is available on the AMA’s COVID-19 Coding and Guidance webpage. 


April 13, 2020: CMS Provides COVID-19 Long-Term Care Transfer Scenarios

CMS released a Memorandum to State Survey Agency Directors. This memorandum provides supplemental information for transferring or discharging residents between facilities for the purpose of cohorting residents based on COVID-19 status (i.e., positive, negative, unknown/under observation). This guidance includes graphics explaining the various scenarios.


April 14, 2020: Novo Nordisk® Offering Free 90-Day Insulin Supply to People Experiencing Financial Hardship due to COVID-19

Novo Nordisk, Inc. announced on April 14th that diabetics using Novo Nordisk insulin who have lost health insurance coverage because of a change in job status due to the COVID-19 pandemic may now be eligible for enrollment in their Diabetes Patient Assistance Program and receive a 90 day supply of insulin free of charge.


April 15, 2020: Special Edition MLNConnects: IPPS Hospitals, LTCHS: Reprocessing Claims for CARES Act

Sections 3710 and 3711 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act implemented changes to increase payments to IPPS Hospitals and Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs). When you submit an IPPS claim for discharges on or after January 27, 2020, or an LTCH claim for admissions on or after January 27, 2020, and we receive it:

  • April 20, 2020, and earlier, Medicare will reprocess. You do not need to take any action.
  • On or after April 21, 2020, Medicare will process in accordance with the CARES Act.

For more information, see MLN Matters Special Edition Article SE20015.


April 15, 2020: CMS Increases Medicare Payment for High-Production Coronavirus Lab Tests

In a CMS Press Release CMS announced that Medicare will nearly double payments for certain lab tests that use high-throughput technologies to rapidly diagnose large numbers of COVID-19 cases. CMS Administrator Seema Verma said “this is an absolute game-changer for nursing homes, where the risk of Coronavirus infection is high among our most vulnerable.”


Key Facts from this Announcement

  • Medicare will pay the higher payment of $100 for COVID-19 clinical diagnostic lab tests making use of high-throughput technologies developed by the private sector.
  • High-throughput lab tests can process more than 200 specimens daily.
  • High-throughput lab tests use highly sophisticated equipment requiring specially trained technicians and more time-intensive processes to assure quality.
  • This increased payment rate became effective April 14, 2020, through the duration of the COVID-19 National Emergency.
  • Local Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) will continue to be responsible for other COVID-19 lab tests.
  • MACs are currently paying approximately $51 for those tests.

CMS reminds readers that for a complete and updated list of  CMS actions, and other information specific to CMS, please visit the Current Emergencies Website.

For more information on this payment announcement, please visit:


April 17, 2020:  MLN SE20016: New and Expanded Flexibilities for Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE)

Special Edition Article SE20016 highlights changes made to the RHC and FQHC requirements and payments for the duration of the PHE. Also included in this article is a link to the RHC/FQHC COVID-19 FAQs.


April 17, 2020: CDC’s Clinical Outreach & Communications Activity (COCA) Webinar: COVID-19 in the United States: Insights from Healthcare Systems

This past Friday the CDC provided a webinar focused on insights from healthcare care systems in response to the COVID-19 PHE. Specifically, David Reich, MD, President, and Chief Operating Officer of The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York and Amy Compton-Phillips, MD, Executive Vice President, Chief Clinical Office of Providence St. Joseph Health in Washington shared their healthcare systems experience. A replay of the webinar and the transcript and slide presentation are available on the CDC’s COCA Calls/Webinars - 2020

Drug Enforcement Administration: Diversion Control Divisions’ Response to COVID-19

The Diversion Control Division of the DEA has been working closely with “Federal partners, DEA registrants, and their representative association to assure that there is an adequate supply of controlled substances in the United States. The DEA will also work to assure that patients will have access to controlled substances.” All of their actions to date are available on their COVID-19 Information Page. Following is one Q&A available on this page regarding drug distribution to “pop-up” hospitals. 

Question: Distributors are being inundated with requests to deliver to what distributors are referring to as "pop-up" hospital/triage locations that are located in a variety of locations, including parking lots, hotels, and convention centers – essentially wherever additional space can be found to set up treatment centers. Distributors are concerned that these alternate locations do not comply with the CSA and the DEA regulations regarding the delivery of controlled drugs. How can distributors obtain expedited approval to deliver to an alternate address for their customers in the event that a pharmacy or healthcare facility is shut down for quarantine or cleaning?

Answer: Before addressing this question, we wish to emphasize that DEA is making every effort to expeditiously review any application for an emergency DEA registration number and intends to expedite the pre-registration process when warranted. The DEA registrant requesting to establish an alternate site should submit a request to DEA's national disaster email,, for an emergency DEA registration number for each designated alternate location. The email must include the following information for the alternate location: physical address; security measures; and, the name and complete contact information of the person who will be responsible for the controlled substances at this location.

Please also see the answer to the question and answer regarding what alternate delivery methods will be considered compliant with 21 CFR 1305.13(c) and 1305.22(f) during the COVID-19 public health emergency. In addition, to address the scenario in which, due to COVID-19 related considerations, the purchaser that has recently set up location for which the purchaser's DEA-222 forms do not yet reflect its new location, DEA is issuing an exception to the regulations. This exception is posted at DEA's COVID-19 guidance webpage


April 19, 2020: New Nursing Homes COVID-19 Transparency Efforts

CMS announced new regulatory requirements for nursing homes in a Sunday April 19th Press Release.

New Requirements:

  • Nursing homes will be required to inform residents, their families and representatives of COVID-19 cases in their facilities.
  • As part of President Trump’s Opening Up America, nursing home will now be required to report COVID-19 case directly to the CDC in accordance with existing privacy regulations and statute.
  • Nursing homes will be required to fully cooperate with CDC surveillance efforts around COVID-19 spread. The CDC will be providing a reporting tool to nursing homes that will support Federal efforts to collect nationwide data to assist in COVID-19 surveillance and response. CMS plans to make the data publicly available.


April 19, 2020: Guidelines for Opening Up America Again

In an April 19th Press Release, the CMS announced the issuance of new recommendations specifically targeted to communities that are in Phase 1 of the Guidelines for President Trump’s Opening Up America Again with low incidence or relatively low and stable incidence of COVID-19 cases. The recommendations update earlier guidance provided by CMS on limiting non-essential surgeries and medical procedures. The new CMS guidelines recommend a gradual transition and encourage health care providers to coordinate with local and state public health officials and to review the availability of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other supplies, workforce availability, facility readiness, and testing capacity when making the decision to re-start or increase in-person care.

The new recommendations can be found here:

The Guidelines for Opening Up America Again can be found here: 

Article Author: Beth Cobb, RN, BSN, ACM, CCDS
Beth Cobb, RN, BSN, ACM, CCDS, is the Manager of Clinical Analytics at Medical Management Plus, Inc. Beth has over twenty-five years of experience in healthcare including eleven years in Case Management at a large multi-facility health system. In her current position, Beth is a principle writer for MMP’s Wednesday@One weekly e-newsletter, an active member of our HIPAA Compliance Committee, MMP’s Education Department Program Director and co-developer of MMP’s proprietary Compliance Protection Assessment Tool.

This material was compiled to share information.  MMP, Inc. is not offering legal advice. Every reasonable effort has been taken to ensure the information is accurate and useful.