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Bilateral Indicators

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

 | FAQ 


CPT guidance indicates it is acceptable to report CPT code 31624, Bronchoscopy with bronchial alveolar lavage, with a bilateral modifier when this procedure is performed bilaterally. However, a comment on a recent MMP HIQUP report stated this was not appropriate. We are confused – could you please explain?


This is one of those examples where the CPT guidelines differ from Medicare guidelines. Very similar to the guidelines for billing modifier 50 for certain cystoscopy procedures, but Medicare says modifier 50 should not be used.

To our understanding, when Medicare processes a hospital claim, they apply the bilateral surgery indicators from the Physician fee schedule RVU file, and that is the basis for the edit you see in the HIQUP Report. For the code range 31623 – 31656, the bilateral surgery indicator is a zero, which means “Do not submit these procedures with modifier 50”. The RVU Explanation for Bilateral Indicator “0” states: “The bilateral adjustment is inappropriate for codes in this category (a) because of physiology or anatomy, or (b) because the code description specifically states that it is a unilateral procedure and there is an existing code for the bilateral procedure.”

The good news is - - if you submit modifier 50, Medicare ignores it and pays the code as quantity of 1, so this should not result in an overpayment. We think this is a very low risk for recoupment since overpayment does not occur, but it is “possible” RAC could cite inappropriate billing and try to recoup your correct payment. We say this based on other RAC targets where the correct code was billed, correct payment was received, but there was some other technicality cited as incorrect billing (wrong revenue code, modifier RT/LT).

And don’t try billing this code with modifiers RT and LT . . . since the MUE for these codes is 1 – that would result in no payment at all for the procedure due to exceeding the MUE. 

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